snafu comics

Snafu comics

Follow SnafuComics on Twitter or like on Facebook. Have fun! We'd love to have you! Skulker is a bounty hunter from The Ghost Zonesnafu comics tiny ghost inside of a large mechanical suit.

The front page shows you recent updates, the ads are unobtrusive, the comic list is right at the top, the site's various links are directly below the comic list, and the color scheme isn't tacky. All together, it's not bad. I took a point off because the side bar is formatted to hug the side of all the comics, so if a comic has a low resolution, there will be this enormous blank space on the right of your screen. Just your run of the mill ramblings of manchildren and immature tweens who cream themselves when someone mentions the word "anime" in public. It's just like being at Hot Topic, complete with the awkward feeling that you'd rather not be seen visiting the place. There's only one interesting comic on the site. There's no real reason to read it since it went on hiatus at page 57 big surprise there , so it ended before it could get really interesting, but if you're just curious go ahead and check it out.

Snafu comics


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Follow SnafuComics on Twitter or like on Facebook. Have fun! We'd love to have you! Skulker is a bounty hunter from The Ghost Zone , a tiny ghost inside of a large mechanical suit. He looks across the Underworld to collect various species for his collection, including Chi one time, despite getting stopped. He also seems to be working alongside Clockwork on a secret mission in which he captures Nicolai Technus and runs into Walker and the police of the Ghost Zone. Hey Arnold! Create your own TV wiki! Snafu Comics Wiki Explore. On the Wiki.

Snafu comics

Snafu Comics is a webcomics site that holds multiple webcomics by multiple authors, from Bleedman to lesser known authors. The following comics are hosted by the site: Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi , a crossover comics between as many cartoons as Bleedman could think of, both classic and new. A comic with completely original characters and settings, also by Bleedman, where the only cameo is from himself and Ever After, another comic.

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Nevermind, by the time this was posted, the topic derailed and no resolution was reached. It's true in every sense of its words. That seems to be a common theme in Snafu Comics, doesn't it? Snafu Comics Wiki Explore. It's hilarious how awful it is. Well, it's trash, to say the least. It's not even worth your time to read through everything to see how bad it is, the most recent strip exhibits everything wrong with it. But, knowing what the author finds humorous, he'd probably take pride in this. Avoid at all costs, lest ye seek anguish and despair. This site is the webcomic scene's refrigerator full of expired food. Again, this one has been reviewed already. If you're looking for a good laugh, click the link and read all nine pages of this filth. It's drawn by another artist who seems to have an aversion to drawing people with noses. Red Riding Hood. Skulker is a bounty hunter from The Ghost Zone , a tiny ghost inside of a large mechanical suit.

David Stanworth's original series, Snafu Comics is a gaming comic that debuted on May 15, The strip has two main characters, Dave and Travis, and the two characters originally spent much of their time playing and commenting on video games, forming the basis of the humor in the strip.

The comic is disgusting for the sake of being disgusting, offensive for the sake of being offensive, tactless for the sake of being tactless, and more saddening than it is interesting. And what do you do with a refrigerator like that? It's a fan comic about Naruto. Start a Wiki. Not in the forums, not in the shop, not in the comics. Recently featured: Dr. That's this comic. It's the webcomic equivalent of Lake Karachay. This section is for internet role plays, none of which are original or interesting. The store It's about a bunch of fairy tale characters taken out of context. I suppose that if you find the failures of others to be hilarious, you'll have a blast looking at this site. It's full of fan fiction, shitty short stories, and creepypasta. His first comic was simply called Snafu , but it sucked hard then and it still sucks to this very day.

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