simpson memes

Simpson memes

Few television shows have kept their finger s on the pulse of our culture quite as well inveigled meaning as long as The Simpsons. Despite its rudimentary cartoonish simpson memes, the long-running series offers some extremely high-brow satirical parodies and allegorical political gags. See: Donald Trump becoming President of the United States, simpson memes, three-eyed fish, and other horrific natural phenomena. Here are some of the greatest Simpsons memes in history.

Despite his many character mistakes and the fact he doesn't always treat his family or friends the best, Homer Simpson is still one of the most popular The Simpsons characters. For over 30 years now, audiences have enjoyed watching Homer's escapades and adventures with his family as well as in his work in The Simpsons. Homer Simpson isn't a typical hero, but perhaps that's what makes him so refreshing and original. Even though he often does more harm than good, he cares about his loved ones and has a sense of humor. As such, the fans have made many hilarious memes about Homer that will never get old. While Homer damages or totals his own car several times in the series, he usually isn't the one fixing the car and goes to a mechanic instead. Even though there are plenty of decent mechanics out there, the meme makes fun of those who overcharge people for their services.

Simpson memes

With the help of the experts at Know Your Meme , we have scientifically determined the 50 greatest memes from The Simpsons. Click right here to get the best of Cracked sent to your inbox. Meme Origin: I guess everything is coming up Milhouse. So I was an expert in what types of old crap, like empty frames, might be up there, so this joke came to mind pretty quickly. It was simply an attempt to have the most boring and pedestrian line possible while Willy was burning to death, and I believe that what we now know about Kirk we retroactively project onto that scene, making it even funnier. Years later, he personally thanked us for using it on the show. They appreciate the honor and the steady stream of royalty checks it brings in. I will repeat my annual plea that if anyone out there has one of these 7-Eleven Frostilicusses, I will trade you a good piece of Simpsons memorabilia for it. As for the object labeling, the girls will usually be labeled as something tempting, and Smithers as someone trying to avoid it. That half-blink adds something really funny.

One of them is the fact that Tuesday means it's one day closer to the weekend and freedom from work.

The Simpsons is one of the most iconic shows in the world, displaying an incredible amount of comedy, satire, social commentary, and self awareness that keep people hooked. One of the best developments in recent years are memes, giving Internet users the ability to laugh and make jokes about everything, using shows and real life situations as their ammo. Everything can become a meme. Even though Lisa is probably the most meme-able character of all time, we made sure to include most of the Simpsons family members and friends on this list, and we ended up with memes that are all hilarious and easy to use on a day to day basis. These images are a guaranteed way of cheering yourself up or bringing a smile out of anyone, and prompting a rewatch of your favorite episodes. Lisa understands, making this meme hold a special and iconic place shared by all young people. Still, hungry Lisa FTW.

The latest episode of The Simpsons premiered earlier this year, giving fans even more hilarious moments from fan-favorite characters who have remained mostly the same over the decades. The long-running sitcom has unsurprisingly become the subject of several memes shared on platforms like Reddit, with some perfectly capturing what makes the show so legendary. There are a lot of controversial moments in the show that made it a topic of discussion during its earlier years, as it often depicted questionable parenting and jokes meant for adults. A hilarious meme reminds viewers that the show has been releasing episodes for decades now — over thirty years at this point. Those who have been watching from the very start may be feeling a bit like Lisa in the image, much older than she feels and generally tired. The town will often vote for the wrong thing when faced with a major decision or even a spur-of-the-moment one. Burns offering to give them love, Lenny leads the community against the strange creature not because it looks dangerous, but because of the good thing it wants to provide. His son has a tendency to offend or prank others, even if it seriously harms them. Homer often strangles Bart in a brutal way after pranks or insults , which has inspired numerous memes about him harming his own son. Other characters who have been removed from the series include Apu and Edna Krabappel, who are still deeply missed by fans.

Simpson memes

The Simpsons is one of the most iconic shows in the world, displaying an incredible amount of comedy, satire, social commentary, and self awareness that keep people hooked. One of the best developments in recent years are memes, giving Internet users the ability to laugh and make jokes about everything, using shows and real life situations as their ammo. Everything can become a meme. Even though Lisa is probably the most meme-able character of all time, we made sure to include most of the Simpsons family members and friends on this list, and we ended up with memes that are all hilarious and easy to use on a day to day basis. These images are a guaranteed way of cheering yourself up or bringing a smile out of anyone, and prompting a rewatch of your favorite episodes. Lisa understands, making this meme hold a special and iconic place shared by all young people.

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It's spooky season, which means it's about time to rewatch all of the Treehouse of Horror Simpsons episodes and try not to cry about the ever declining quality of our favorite cartoon. Facebook is the place where people feel like they can vent out their frustrations, and speak their minds. I remember this was so much easier to write than it was to stage because the scene required Grampa to make a degree? As a result, Homer is the ideal subject for this meme that shows how tempting and easy it is not to do anything when people have a lot of things on their plate. Via GIFSec. Created by xVioLyn. Who didn't feel themselves starting to question all the deeper aspects of life while watching this show as a kid? Especially if the loved ones aren't so happy about what their family members or friends are constantly discussing. Time to bring up this meme. Maybe you give too much credit to yourself and think you can be nice to someone that has awful points of view online, so you try to engage with them and end up having a huge and pointless argument. Episode Origin: The Simpsons Movie Despite his many character mistakes and the fact he doesn't always treat his family or friends the best, Homer Simpson is still one of the most popular The Simpsons characters. Nothing is the safest course. Procrastination is a real struggle as having too many duties and tasks can actually freeze a person and stop them from doing anything at all simply because they don't know what to do first. Apologizing for the mistakes people make or when they accidentally insult someone is a good thing but too many apologies can actually be harmful.

The Simpsons is the longest-running show ever.

I don't know if audiences would've given shows like Family Guy , South Park , or King of the Hill a chance if they hadn't been introduced to Homer and his family about a decade earlier. One of the lessons that many The Simpsons viewers could learn from Homer is to just enjoy all the simple joys of life. Via Imgur. Years later, he personally thanked us for using it on the show. Ralph giggling on a school bus while watching his bus driver be strangled pretty accurately captures how many of us have felt laughing into the void as our world crumbles. Don't make me do this again. You did something wrong? Disappearing Homer is a huge meme that when used in Gif form can be used to express any and all sorts of emotion. Because we know by now that it's the best way to contribute. Despite its rudimentary cartoonish appearance, the long-running series offers some extremely high-brow satirical parodies and allegorical political gags. The Simpsons might be a comedy show, but they never shy away from the more philosophical or smart topics such as God, religion, and the condition of man. It's ok guys, you do you. You may want to avoid problems by hiding on a bush, but they'll still be there once you get out. Episode Origin: The Simpsons Movie

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