severus snape meme

Severus snape meme

Sometimes in life you have a professor that really inspires you, makes you feel safe, and presents new ways of thinking. Other times you have one like Severus Snape - unbearably droll, hentaitv, and frankly a bit frightening, severus snape meme. The Half-Blood Prince often walked the line between good and evil, and truth be told we really weren't sure of his intentions until he met his untimely death.

The funniest Severus Snape memes capture what the Harry Potter fandom loves and hates about the Hogwarts potions teacher. He started out as a one-note bully of a professor, whose only pleasure in life seemed to be docking points from Gryffindor and making Harry's life hell. However, he grew in complexity when it was revealed that he was Dumbledore's double agent who infiltrated Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. Snape's childhood love for Harry's mother Lily also further complicated the character, and it is an ever-growing debate in the fandom whether Snape's bravery redeems his abusiveness. With his signature stringy black hair and his droning voice, provided by the late Alan Rickman brought Severus Snape to life in the Harry Potter movies. The actor perfectly exemplified all of Snape's defining personality traits, particularly his resentment of Harry, and Rickman and Daniel Radcliffe had crackling on-screen chemistry, showing that Harry and Snape had much in common. Though Snape's treatment of Lily is problematic, Rickman brought real pathos to the character in the scene where Snape sobbed over her dead body.

Severus snape meme

You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. This page contains spoilers for the Harry Potter books and movies. Serverus Snape [1] [2] is a fictional character from the book series, Harry Potter. He is played by Alan Rickman [3] in the movies and depicted with a dry and sarcastic voice, a disdain for the main character, Harry Potter, a preference for the house of Slytherin and being thought of as a villain but having several character reveals that show him as a hero. He is at first thought to be the main villain but later revealed to be a protagonist. Snape took a lesser role in the books until Half-Blood in which he in the book's latter kills Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, this is later revealed to have been planned by Dumbledore to prevent the main villain, Voldemort, from claiming the Elder Wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows. This is cited as the sole reason Snape protects Harry through his years and acts as a spy against Voldemort for Dumbledore. Snape dies late in the book being attacked by Voldemort's serpent, Nagini because Voldemort believes him to be the master of the Elder Wand and thus must be killed for the mastership to be transferred. Some of his better-known lines that are quoted, altered, or taken out of context include:. This quote comes from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. After receiving an extensive essay assignment concerning werewolves, Harry protests that there is an upcoming Quidditch game. His unrequited love for Lily has become the basis for many fanfics and fan art.

This unfortunately-worded FaceBook quiz, for instance. Slytherin Memes.

Even the biggest fans of a franchise, however, tend to have misgivings. When a beloved series is adapted for a movie, lots of us will go in there with our judgmental hats on. We go into it already prepared to disapprove; with one hand already typing out a disapproving forum post as we sit down in the theater. As for me, I went into the film adaptions with an open mind, and was truly impressed. The biggest thing about the Potter movies, for me, was how they completely altered my perception of a key character: slimy old Severus Snape.

In the Harry Potter universe, Severus Snape is one of the most despised, beloved and easy to rip on characters. He is literally the most bullied adult in the series, having been the subject of the Marauders' mean mirth for years, yet he becomes one of the biggest bullies as an adult. His inability to move on after that, not to mention after decades of being obsessed with Lily Potter, makes him easy to ridicule, especially when we consider all of the talents he wasted on years of bitterness. The Internet has turned some of Snape's darkest tendencies into hilarious memes. While it's not kind to ridicule someone who has endured so much pain, he is also someone who has caused much of it, which makes us feel a bit less guilty for laughing at these. Snape is an example of the old adage, "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach. It makes no sense that Snape would become a double agent and spend his days teaching at Hogwarts for decades in order to maintain the facade just in case Voldemort returns. At some point, he should have moved on with his life and done something he actually enjoyed. Not only is the Snapes on a Plane meme one of the most popular of all the hilarious Snape memes, but it employs two of the Internet's best jokes: ripping on Snakes on a Plane and employing the ever-popular meaning of the word Slytherin without venturing into some of the more risque territory the joke tends to take sometimes. While it's not a real movie, and we lament that because it, too, would be downright hysterical, it does make us spit out our pumpkin juice as we picture the lines that might be said, particularly Neville Longbottom screaming, "Merlin's beard, why are there so many wizard-cursing Snapes on this wizard-cursing plane?

Severus snape meme

The funniest Severus Snape memes capture what the Harry Potter fandom loves and hates about the Hogwarts potions teacher. He started out as a one-note bully of a professor, whose only pleasure in life seemed to be docking points from Gryffindor and making Harry's life hell. However, he grew in complexity when it was revealed that he was Dumbledore's double agent who infiltrated Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. Snape's childhood love for Harry's mother Lily also further complicated the character, and it is an ever-growing debate in the fandom whether Snape's bravery redeems his abusiveness. With his signature stringy black hair and his droning voice, provided by the late Alan Rickman brought Severus Snape to life in the Harry Potter movies.

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His unrequited love for Lily has become the basis for many fanfics and fan art. UNO Harry Potter. It playfully mocks the character's cruelty towards Harry and shows how silly Snape's entire vendetta was against a child who was only 11 years old at the time and had no clue about Snape's history with his mother. The phrase has spread to other contexts and is now a general means of expressing approval or disapproval. When you get too used to playing the part of a d-bag, you start to enjoy it. This unfortunately-worded FaceBook quiz, for instance. Via: Imgur page The Resemblance Is Uncanny. It was a bittersweet moment. This page contains spoilers for the Harry Potter books and movies. Snape Memes. Memes About the Marauders. He is super cool and popular suddenly.

Very few Harry Potter characters spawned as many memes as Snape, and the best Snape memes showcase why the Potions Master and master spy is a source of endless humor. Brought to life by the late and inimitable Alan Rickman in all 8 Harry Potter movies, Snape is a perpetual thorn in Harry's academic career. Of course, it emerges that Snape is actually a hero through and through, and makes greater sacrifices than almost anyone in the Harry Potter novels — a plot point that's central to many of the best Snape memes.

Severus Snape Uploaded by Victor George. However, he grew in complexity when it was revealed that he was Dumbledore's double agent who infiltrated Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. Like 1. You must login or signup first! Epic Tea Time w. Rowling's own insistence that they were a big clue in the books. While it's not a real movie, and we lament that because it, too, would be downright hysterical, it does make us spit out our pumpkin juice as we picture the lines that might be said, particularly Neville Longbottom screaming, "Merlin's beard, why are there so many wizard-cursing Snapes on this wizard-cursing plane? Some of his better-known lines that are quoted, altered, or taken out of context include:. In this shot from the first movie, Slytherin are about to be awarded the house cup, before… well, we know what happened there. No Post on Sundays. It playfully mocks the character's cruelty towards Harry and shows how silly Snape's entire vendetta was against a child who was only 11 years old at the time and had no clue about Snape's history with his mother. This is no time for cheap snarky jokes about cheap snarky romcoms. Perhaps it's a nod to his lack of self-care in his guilt following the loss of Lily, or maybe it's a magical condition, much like the way Harry's hair can't stay straight. Via: smosh. Even at the end of the road, when Snape gave his life still secretly carrying out the Headmaster's wishes, fans still debate about whether he was good or evil, particularly when it came to his guilt and motives surrounding Lily Potter.

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