sekiro doctor quest

Sekiro doctor quest

The story of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is all about shades of gray, but one of the few definitively dark characters is Doujun. While the most notable is his kidnapping of Kuro at the start of the game, he had diversified his immortality portfolio even before Wolf sekiro doctor quest Kuro appeared on the scene. Part of that was working with a number of other groups in and around Ashina territory, sekiro doctor quest.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. Hi, i didn't send anyone to this NPC, i finished the monk and the samurai quest lines different, one to the merchant and the other a little before the miniboss with the music instrument , did i miss the chance to complete Doujun questline?

Sekiro doctor quest

He is the last disciple of the master surgeon Dosaku, while the others have left him for Dogen. Should Wolf accept to collaborate with him, Doujun will first request a samurai or a taro troop soldier to test the Rejuvenating Waters on and then the eyes of the Red-Eyed Carp of Mibu Village to finish the procedure. Subjugated by the split personality of his master, he himself will imbibe the Waters and join the other misfortunate soul in his Red-Eyed madness. Since Doujun's Red-Eyed subject Yamahito , the mountain hermit that was previously captured in the Abandoned Dungeon , failed to defeat Hanbei , he makes a new plan with Takamine to lure the samurai to Ashina Castle by kidnapping Suzu. The surgeon explains that Hanbei 's superior type of immortality derives from the centipede in his body: this insect was imbibed in and adapted to the Rejuvenating Waters, giving him the power to regenerate the flesh of his host, no matter how severe his wounds are. In Ashina Castle Hanbei and Shoukichi find themselves face to face with Takamine , who admits he sent those "brigands" to kidnap villagers for Doujun's experiments, under the orders of Genichiro. The samurai is victorious at last, but his friend was gravely injured during the fight and Doujun offers to save him, if Hanbei is willing to follow him into the Abandoned Dungeon. As the doctor is tending to Shoukichi , Hanbei is confronted yet again by Kodou Takamine , who Doujun healed from the Undying 's fatal blow with his Rejuvenating Sediment. On the brink of defeat, Hanbei is rescued by Shoukichi , but he's promptly cut down by Kodou. In the end, Hanbei manages to throw Kodou down a bottomless chasm, but when he finds a mind-deprived Suzu in a cell of the dungeon, he rather put her out of that misery at once. As the undying samurai is about to leave the dungeon, Doujun sets the entire place on fire, before experiencing a mental breakdown due to the bad karma he accumulated through his gruesome research.

You have performed your role most admirably. Turns out he doesn't react at all to sekiro doctor quest resurrecting right in front of him, which is a bit disappointing. There are a manga about Hanbei the undying, you will understand more about red eyes reading that.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

Jinzaemon Kumano is a noble warrior dedicated to protecting and patrolling the moat. Didn't even know this guy existed till I ran across him and he yells at me about music and tries to beat me up. Completely missed this guy on three different playthroughs. Didn't know he existed till I saw a picture of him. I still received the Jizo Statue despite not talking to him before killing O'Rin. I activated the idol but just didnt talk to him until after O'Rin's fight.

Sekiro doctor quest

Directly opposite her is a grapple point that leads you to another area. Follow this path to reach the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance. Your task here is to kidnap a healthy man and bring him back here. At this point, you have two options in Sekiro. You can either send the samurai at Ashina Reservoir, or the fat man crying at Senpou Temple. Now, head back to the Abandoned Dungeon and talk to Doujun.

Yellow suzuki samurai

Guides Characters Locations Lore. Why don't I pick up gold or loot after killing enemies? What do you need help on? If you give the ogre the white pinwheel he thanks you and asks for you to kill him. You will know it from its red eyes, which are said to never rot. The man sent to Doujun will now be found hostile and Red-Eyed on the small island where three Ashina Soldiers used to be, just past the Sculptor's Idol : he'll drop an unique Red Lump upon death. As the doctor is tending to Shoukichi , Hanbei is confronted yet again by Kodou Takamine , who Doujun healed from the Undying 's fatal blow with his Rejuvenating Sediment. Speaking again after accepting his request. Was already in surgeons workplace after diving through that entrance and opened up his celldoor. The only reward is the red lumps unfortunately. Start a Wiki. Same item, but different name and description. Hi, i didn't send anyone to this NPC, i finished the monk and the samurai quest lines different, one to the merchant and the other a little before the miniboss with the music instrument , did i miss the chance to complete Doujun questline? What do you have planned next, Dosaku?!

He is a secretive, no-nonsense physician in the service of a mysterious man named Dosaku, who has tasked Doujun with delivering him a tough, strong warrior for some nefarious purpose.

Install Steam. But perhaps you can keep the torch lit. Raxias24 4 years ago 3 Sorugue posted Sorugue Moderator 4 years ago 2. Eventually, Doujun left. Don't even bother talking to him. Store Page. I'm ninja you can't see me. Leaping Kicks : runs forwards and does two spinning kicks, follows by an overhead kick. So he knew I was there, but never saw me as I got a stealth deathblow on him.

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