Sebulba star wars

Sebulba was a male Dug hailing from the Mid Rim planet Malastare. He was a former slave who had bought his freedom with his incredible skills at piloting a high-speed Podracerand the well-known archrival of a young Human Podracer named Anakin Skywalker. Before long, Sebulba became the star racer of the Galactic Podracing Circuitsebulba star wars, based not only on his formidable racing skills but also his survey synonym for violence. Many fellow Podracers were killed or injured by Sebulba's reckless steering or out-and-out cheating, but Sebulba was far too popular sebulba star wars be blamed or penalized.

Whether roaming the streets of Mos Espa or piloting his massive orange Podracer, Sebulba was aggressive and arrogant. He was not above cheating to win a race, and would even resort to illegal weapons in an attempt to defeat his opponents. Sebulba was Mos Espa's reigning Podrace champion until he entered the Boonta Eve Classic, where he was defeated by young Anakin Skywalker, much to the Dug's frustration. The reigning champion of the Outer Rim podracing circuit, Sebulba was a Dug from Malastare with a long list of podracing victories and a short temper. Between races, he could be found in Mos Espa , holding court with his cronies and race fans.

Sebulba star wars

Despite his diminutive size, Sebulba left a prodigious impression on those who crossed his path. Known primarily as a quarrelsome podracer around Mos Espa, the Dug had a rich life before and after his fateful encounter with Anakin Skywalker. Sebulba is first introduced in the race that caused Anakin to crash in Watto's podracer only mentioned in the film. His volatile encounter with Anakin and the party of outlanders, including Qui-Gon Jinn and Jar Jar Binks, made him an intimidating secondary villain to shadowy figures like Darth Maul and Darth Sidious. He became a fan favorite, and his background was greatly expanded upon in comics, video games, and animated series. Dugs on Malastare were subordinate to the Grand Colonists, with all resources diverted to the much taller and much more plentiful beings who colonized the planet. Sebulba was a slave under their regime, the planet lying enough outside of Republic jurisdiction to freely to operate slaving bays and trading outposts. The only freedom he found was by joining in the most exciting de-regulated sport in the Outer Rim, pod-racing. Malastare is the homeworld of the Dug, and many of them find their wiry and agile build perfectly suited to racing pods. Sebulba got his start pod-racing in the Vista Harvest Classic, one of the most dangerous tracks in the galaxy, and hosted by the Grand Colonists. Known as "three-eyed cows" to Dug, they felt unjustly governed by the bipedal species, who had colonized Malastare in BBY and forced the Dug to congregate in the town of Pixelito. By the time Sebulba got to the big leagues on Tatooine and entered into the Boonta Eve Classic, he was beginning to make a name for himself. To further propel his reputation as a pod-racing star, he made sure to flaunt the lifestyle. He spent his money readily at the Mos Espa cantinas in delicacies, and he frequented many pleasure dens in search of female companionship. He bought the Twi'lek slave girls Anne and Tan Gella to be his personal attendants at his races, further showcasing where he put all his race winnings.

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Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Sebulba was a male Dug who hailed from the planet of Malastare. A vicious podracer pilot who flew a massive orange podracer with a split-x configuration, Sebulba would often bump and smash his way through the competition. A skilled pilot in his own right, he nonetheless opted to install various illegal weapons on his podracer, such as a flamethrower built into the left engine , to ensure his victories on the track. The crowd favorite of a course known as the Boonta Eve Classic , located on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine , Sebulba maintained a strong rivalry with one of podracing's few human participants, a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. A short while after the Invasion of Naboo , Sebulba and Skywalker competed in a Boonta race together.

Despite his diminutive size, Sebulba left a prodigious impression on those who crossed his path. Known primarily as a quarrelsome podracer around Mos Espa, the Dug had a rich life before and after his fateful encounter with Anakin Skywalker. Sebulba is first introduced in the race that caused Anakin to crash in Watto's podracer only mentioned in the film. His volatile encounter with Anakin and the party of outlanders, including Qui-Gon Jinn and Jar Jar Binks, made him an intimidating secondary villain to shadowy figures like Darth Maul and Darth Sidious. He became a fan favorite, and his background was greatly expanded upon in comics, video games, and animated series. Dugs on Malastare were subordinate to the Grand Colonists, with all resources diverted to the much taller and much more plentiful beings who colonized the planet. Sebulba was a slave under their regime, the planet lying enough outside of Republic jurisdiction to freely to operate slaving bays and trading outposts. The only freedom he found was by joining in the most exciting de-regulated sport in the Outer Rim, pod-racing.

Sebulba star wars

The Scottish actor has a prolific profile, with over acting credits. Most of those roles are voiceover parts in cartoons and video games, including other Star Wars properties. Star Wars only factors into a small fraction of MacLeod's filmography.

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Sebulba was a Dug from the city of Pixelito [4] on the planet Malastare. The curious appearance of the Dug came from an amalgamation of a camel and a spider, with an outfit meant to resemble a medieval suit of armor. However, when it became clear that he would have to face the Rebel hero alone, the Dug came to his senses and agreed to talk. Cancel Save. Skywalker's pod was pulled up near Sebulba's pit, where the Dug gleefully showed off his Twi'lek twin slaves Ann and Tann Gella while resting in an old trophy. Graphics and handling are also improved, and there are new pilots and tracks. Its Split-X turbojet chem-based engine made it one of the fastest of its class. However, by this point the other competitors had caught up to the lead pair. In the video game Episode I Racer he is a track favorite three times, yet the only way of unlocking this racer and his pod is to complete the galactic circuit with first place on each race of the tournament. Many fellow Podracers were killed or injured by Sebulba's reckless steering or out-and-out cheating, but Sebulba was far too popular to be blamed or penalized.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Sebulba was a male Dug who hailed from the planet of Malastare.

His most prized possessions included a pair of Twi'lek sisters, named Ann and Tann Gella , who were skilled masseuses. Initially, Sebulba refused, and tried to convince the other racers to band with him against Calrissian, invoking honor among thieves. Sebulba got his start pod-racing in the Vista Harvest Classic, one of the most dangerous tracks in the galaxy, and hosted by the Grand Colonists. It hit a rock, went spinning, and then burst into three flaming pieces. Administrators' noticeboard Discord. After losing the Boonta Eve Classic, Sebulba took Anakin's podracer and returned to his homeworld of Malastare, where he entered in the Vista Harvest Classic once again and triumphed. Other Dugs appearing in the film include Rednax. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. Current Wiki. Finding the boy's podracer, he broke a piece of machinery off of one of Skywalker's engines before encountering the Human at his cockpit. Choking on the smoke, Sebulba realized his chance to take the lead again and moved on ahead. The Dug, while a skilled pilot, chose this point to reveal that he wasn't above finding other ways to win races. After watching the exchange take place, Sebulba began further preparations for the race. After a few attempts to ram his Podracer into Anakin's to knock him off course, their pods tangled with each other. Going into the third lap, Sebulba still managed to hold the lead, as narrow as it was.

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