scp apollyon list

Scp apollyon list

What are Apollyon SCPs? Apollyon is a containment class denoting a specific subset of SCPs, namely those who are impossible to contain or who will break irrevocably break containment.

All anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena requiring Special Containment Procedures are assigned an Object Class. An Object Class is a part of the standard SCP template and serves as a rough indicator for how difficult an object is to contain. In universe, Object Classes are for the purposes of identifying containment needs, research priority, budgeting, and other considerations. An SCP's Object Class is determined by a number of factors, but the most important factors are the difficulty and the purpose of its containment. Safe-class SCPs are anomalies that are easily and safely contained. This is often due to the fact that the Foundation has researched the SCP well enough that containment does not require significant resources or that the anomalies require a specific and conscious activation or trigger.

Scp apollyon list


As a note, any SCP that's autonomous or sapient is generally classified as Euclid, due to the scp apollyon list unpredictability of an object that can act or think on its own.


All anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena requiring Special Containment Procedures are assigned an Object Class. An Object Class is a part of the standard SCP template and serves as a rough indicator for how difficult an object is to contain. In universe, Object Classes are for the purposes of identifying containment needs, research priority, budgeting, and other considerations. An SCP's Object Class is determined by a number of factors, but the most important factors are the difficulty and the purpose of its containment. Safe-class SCPs are anomalies that are easily and safely contained. This is often due to the fact that the Foundation has researched the SCP well enough that containment does not require significant resources or that the anomalies require a specific and conscious activation or trigger. Classifying an SCP as Safe, however, does not mean that handling or activating it does not pose a threat.

Scp apollyon list

Canon: Ad Astra Per Aspera. SCP — Death and Rebirth. SCP designates the remnants of a halted K-Class event K that occurred on the exoplanet Luyten b at an unknown time in the recent past. The exact details of the event are unclear, though it is known to have resulted in the extinction of all life on Luyten b, including its native sapient civilization hereafter "Luytenians".

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Main Forum. Once you read the article, you will surely come to understand why it has this dual nature. Shortest Top Rated. Euclid-class SCPs are anomalies that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn't always reliable. As the Foundation usually tries to contain rather than neutralize anomalous objects, this object class is only used when it is not possible to fully contain an anomaly, or when excessive expenditure of resources is required to keep an anomaly in containment. Apollyon is a containment class denoting a specific subset of SCPs, namely those who are impossible to contain or who will break irrevocably break containment. Currently, an esoteric object class must be used in 25 SCP articles before it can be given its own tag and be defined in this guide. To truly understand it, however, you might need multiple read-throughs or check the related declassified thread on Reddit. Create account or Sign in. This is used to indicate that the Foundation is actively researching the anomaly, but doesn't have enough information yet to give it an object class. Archon-class SCPs are anomalies that could theoretically be contained but are best left uncontained for some reason. For a complete list of Archon-class articles on the site, click here.

Object Class: Apollyon Neutralized. Special Containment Procedures: Besides neutralization, containment is impossible. The resulting knowledge was permanent and would persist through death.

Guide Hub » Object Classes. To truly understand it, however, you might need multiple read-throughs or check the related declassified thread on Reddit. Once you read the article, you will surely come to understand why it has this dual nature. Currently, an esoteric object class must be used in 25 SCP articles before it can be given its own tag and be defined in this guide. Euclid-class SCPs are anomalies that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn't always reliable. Even the mere existence of Thaumiel-class objects is classified at the highest levels of the Foundation, and their locations, functions, and current status are known to few Foundation personnel outside of the O5 Council. Explained SCPs are commonly articles about anomalies that are completely and fully understood to the point where their effects are now explainable by mainstream science or phenomena that have been debunked or falsely mistaken as an anomaly. They are generally created to further the narrative in a particular SCP and only used once, although some have been used consistently in multiple articles. Safe, Euclid, and Keter have been standard classes since the inception of the website; all others became standard due to widespread usage. If the explanation is not to your satisfaction, then feel free to express your opinion on the matter and vote accordingly on the page. This involved rewriting the article to describe the SCP object's "decomissioning", generally involving author avatars destroying the object in an over-the-top manner. Such anomalies are usually associated with world-ending threats or a K-Class Scenario of some kind and require a massive effort from the Foundation to deal with. Append content without editing the whole page source.

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