scp 096 picture

Scp 096 picture

The website is full of hundreds of crowd-sourced entries about objects and strange entities that violate natural law.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP's presence inside the cell. Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP's likeness are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. Description: SCP is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition.

Scp 096 picture

The gathered senior researchers looked on in a mixture of shock and dismay at what Clef had hung on his office wall; a framed four-foot by five-foot photograph of SCP , its face plainly visible for all to see. Kondraki hung his head in disappointment, and considered how only the fact that he was now in a relationship with Clef was stopping him from making the man a quadriplegic for a second time. Cimmerian shook his head in exasperation, questioning his recent decision to cut back on his drinking. Shaw cocked his head in bemusement, wondering if would only kill him once or each time he took a new body. Kain lowered his head with his right paw over his snout, which just came across as adorable no matter what he was actually trying to express. Gears alone remained implacably unmoved by the masterpiece, which is perhaps why he was the first to speak. He's dead , or neutralized, whatever. It's official! It's real! It's, it's canon, if you will. We can look at his ugly mug all we want!

Maybe it wants to disappear because it doesn't want to hurt anybody?


SCP , also known as " The Shy Guy ", is a humanoid creature that becomes extremely hostile when any part of their face is seen. Dan Daniels. Due to killing anyone who ever saw his face, a test was performed deep in the Tonga Trench where D , a former tattoo artist, was ordered to draw his face. Though successfully done, eventually reached his position, killed the Class D, then ate him. This artist's impression has been used ever since for a safe view of what has guarded so much. Due to a lack of communication and bad luck, ZuluA was annihilated by after it turned around while placing a bag on its head. Dan, where he recounted the events leading up to his team's massacre. Dan Daniels and his assistant Dr. Oleksei attempted to petition to reclassify SCP as a Keter and receive authorization to terminate it, in which both were denied. Upon hearing of this, Dan and Oleksei conspired to put together a containment breach to prove how dangerous is to humanity.

Scp 096 picture

Dan in The titular subject of SCP also known by its nickname "The Shy Guy" is a tall, thin, pale humanoid monster that remains docile and passive until someone has seen its face either in person or indirectly, via photo or video. SCP then becomes enraged and will instinctively hunt down whoever had the misfortune of seeing its face, relentlessly pursuing the target before mauling them to death. Many termination attempts have failed on this SCP; these include acid, fire, drowning, suffocating and extreme pressure. It was never reported that made any noise when docile - it would instead would start crying and babbling loudly after someone saw his face. Death is unavoidable. SCP inexplicably remains docile when a photo or its face is viewed in total darkness. However, the tiniest intrusion of light upon its visage will cause SCP to enrage. The 4th Vertebrae was broken and the SCP's regeneration system was shut down for a few hours.

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SCP's jaw can open to four 4 times the norm of an average human. Therefore, regardless of whether you're inside and out, SCP will still come straight to you to exact your horrible fate. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair. Would it smash the mirrors or try to rip itself to pieces? Now, it's time for you to school us — let's look at some of your favorite theories about the Shy Guy. Let's move on to the main event: Hypotheticals. While we can't know for sure how a meeting between and would go, we can use her encounter with as a potential template. When it was first found, it was lurking in icy mountains and a Foundation agent commented on the fact it wasn't even shivering, despite the incredibly low temperatures. Exposure would grow exponentially until the bastard slaughtered most of civilization. God, he was screaming for our help… fuckin 'A… anyway, we were blowing chunks out of the target, round after round. But who knows if there's a temperature out there that's too low even for the Shy Guy? Did the same thing to the target. We're free!

The SCP Wiki operates in a similar way to Wikipedia and contains elements from various genres, including horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy. The SCP universe has served as inspiration for many fan-made adaptations across different media formats, such as books, comics, video games, and live-action and animated short films. This Euclid-class humanoid is held captive by the Foundation and has the ability to detect if anyone looks at its face.

Not animal roaring though, sounded exactly like a person. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Therefore, regardless of whether you're inside and out, SCP will still come straight to you to exact your horrible fate. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page if possible. How did they do it? When it was first found, it was lurking in icy mountains and a Foundation agent commented on the fact it wasn't even shivering, despite the incredibly low temperatures. Shaw cocked his head in bemusement, wondering if would only kill him once or each time he took a new body. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP's presence inside the cell. How his containment site didn't have a break room or coffee, and that Daniels somehow neglected to take that into account in his alibi," Kondraki said. Create account or Sign in. Find out what you can do. The problem is, if the Mask was placed on , and it was somehow effective, the result may be even more dangerous than — An intelligent monster with an indestructible and highly dangerous body.

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