schanda handley video

Schanda handley video

Schanda Handley and her daughter Isabella Cumberland were at their home on a quiet street in Lafayette, Louisiana, schanda handley video, on Aug. At first glance they looked schanda handley video deliverymen, which was a welcome interruption, since Handley had been anxiously awaiting a clothes steamer she had ordered. Her joy was transformed into terror, when instead of dropping off a package, the two men held Handley at gunpoint, handcuffed her and threw her into the back of a van. She recounted the details of her near-death experience to Begnaud in "The Kidnapping of Schanda Handley.

As soon as Schanda Handley was rescued, she told police she believed her estranged husband was behind her kidnapping. See the evidence that convinced investigators he was responsible. On Aug. They seemed to be making a delivery, but instead forced their way in with guns. Schanda tried to reason with the intruders by offering them valuables and cash, but they were not interested.

Schanda handley video


Her joy was transformed into terror, when instead of dropping off a package, schanda handley video, the two men held Handley at gunpoint, schanda handley video her and threw her into the back of a van. Investigators began looking into Handley's estranged husband, Michael Handley, and discovered that in the months leading up to the cheap growtopia sets, Schanda had called the police numerous times on Michael, and had even been granted a restraining order. While investigating the case, authorities found evidence that they say pointed to Michael Handley as the mastermind behind the kidnapping.


Schanda Handley was at her home in the suburban neighborhood of Lafayette, Louisiana, with her daughter, Isabella, when the doorbell rang around p. Two men, posing as deliverymen, forced themselves in with guns. They hooded me as soon as I went into the van. It was a van that didn't have the windows in the back. And it was just a rubber mat without seats back there, and -- laid me on the floor," she said. Handley said one of the abductors was straddling her in the back of the vehicle, forcing pills into her mouth, and holding a gun to her head, while the other erratically drove them out of town. She recounted beginning to lose consciousness, as she says the men threatened to sexually assault and then kill her.

Schanda handley video

Schanda Handley and her daughter Isabella Cumberland were at their home on a quiet street in Lafayette, Louisiana, on Aug. At first glance they looked like deliverymen, which was a welcome interruption, since Handley had been anxiously awaiting a clothes steamer she had ordered. Her joy was transformed into terror, when instead of dropping off a package, the two men held Handley at gunpoint, handcuffed her and threw her into the back of a van. She recounted the details of her near-death experience to Begnaud in "The Kidnapping of Schanda Handley. Handley said one of the abductors was straddling her in the back of the van, forcing pills into her mouth, while the other erratically drove them out of town. She recounted beginning to lose consciousness, as she says the men threatened to sexually assault and then kill her. Her prayers were answered when Deputy Chad Martin with the Iberville Parish Sheriff's Office — who had just clocked out of work and was unaware of Handley's kidnapping nearly 60 miles away — spotted the van and attempted to make a traffic stop. The kidnappers exited the highway and tried to get away. After making a turn onto a dead-end road, they got stuck in the mud and continued to flee on foot. As Martin investigated the van, he discovered a barely conscious Handley in the back.

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Will new evidence free the Menendez brothers? While investigating the case, authorities found evidence that they say pointed to Michael Handley as the mastermind behind the kidnapping. In a video dated June 10, , Michael is recorded discussing his and Schanda's relationship with a friend. Her joy was transformed into terror, when instead of dropping off a package, the two men held Handley at gunpoint, handcuffed her and threw her into the back of a van. On June 4, , Michael had unwittingly recorded himself in a hotel room on the camera. Or are you the one that's gonna kill me? In a video clip from just two weeks before the abduction, Michael was caught on camera with one of the kidnappers, Sylvester Bracey, planning Schanda's abduction while they chatted in the living room of the Mississippi property, Hebert said. Should you lock in a mortgage rate before the Fed's March meeting? He can be heard talking to himself saying, "kill her … kill her. In this surveillance footage, Handley is seen purchasing handcuffs from a police supply store three days before Schanda's kidnapping. On top of the other physical evidence, Hebert said, they now had documented proof Michael had plotted Shanda's kidnapping — theorizing his ultimate plan was to have her killed. He was charged with multiple kidnapping counts, as well as conspiracy to commit second-degree murder. Martin assured Handley that she was safe. She recounted beginning to lose consciousness, as she says the men threatened to sexually assault and then kill her.

Schanda Handley was kidnapped at gunpoint from her own home in a plot officials say was orchestrated by her estranged husband. The two men hired by Lawrence Michael Handley to carry out the crime later drowned near Baton Rouge trying to evade police, according to court records. Schanda Handley's story, including her first TV interview, will be featured on true crime docuseries "48 Hours" on Saturday.

Investigators also learned that the day before the kidnapping, Michael had rented the van used in the kidnapping from an Enterprise Rent-A-Car in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Schanda says she started praying. More from CBS News. The final item on the list, "finish job," led investigators to believe Michael intended to kill Schanda. Another item investigators found in the motel room was this to-do list. Chrome Safari Continue. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. After a four-day manhunt, detectives found and arrested an oddly smiling Michael Handley at a Super 8 motel in Slidell, Louisiana. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Handley said one of the abductors was straddling her in the back of the van, forcing pills into her mouth, while the other erratically drove them out of town. Authorities would confirm that the handcuffs Michael Handley purchased were the same ones used to restrain Schanda. She recounted beginning to lose consciousness, as she says the men threatened to sexually assault and then kill her. A small relief to Schanda, who said she fears the day her now ex-husband will eventually walk out of prison. He can be heard talking to himself saying, "kill her … kill her.

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