sas round function

Sas round function

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Rounds the first argument to the nearest multiple of the second argument, or to the nearest integer when the second argument is omitted. Overview of DS2 Functions. General Function Syntax. Using Functions. DS2 Function Examples. Function Categories.

Sas round function

Our tutorials reference a dataset called "sample" in many examples. If you'd like to download the sample dataset to work through the examples, choose one of the files below:. Creating a new variable in a dataset occurs within a data step. The general format is like an equation, with the name of the new variable on the left, and the "formula" for creating that new variable on the right. This "formula" approach to creating variables gives you some flexibility. For example, all of the following are valid ways of computing new variables in SAS:. It can sometimes be useful to have a variable with a "constant" value; that is, the value of that variable is identical for every row in the dataset. You can create constant variables in a SAS dataset that are string or numeric or any other type. This example code creates two new variables: a character variable named test1 and a numeric variable named test2. Note the use of quotations for a character variable. Notice how SAS does not need to be told explicitly the names and types of the new variables; it is able to infer that test1 is a character variable because of the quotation marks , and that test2 is a numeric variable because of the unquoted numeric value.

HMS Function.

Rounds the first argument to the nearest multiple of the second argument, or to the nearest integer when the second argument is omitted. The ROUND function rounds the first argument to a value that is very close to a multiple of the second argument. The result might not be an exact multiple of the second argument. Computers use binary arithmetic with finite precision. If you work with numbers that do not have an exact binary representation, computers often produce results that differ slightly from the results that are produced with decimal arithmetic. For example, the decimal values 0. As the following example shows, if you write these two values in SAS, they appear the same.

SAS has several ways to round a number to an integer. You can round a number up, round it down, or round it to the nearest integer. If your data contain both positive and negative values, you can also round numbers toward zero, or away from zero. The following statements evaluate each function on a vector of numbers so that you can observe the different rounding behaviors:. The following statements round a number to the nearest hundred, the nearest ten, the nearest unit the default , the nearest tenth, and the nearest hundredth:. Although it is not usually done, you can also round a number to any unit you want.

Sas round function

I was expecting as my answer. How can i get ? ROUND rounds to the nearest interval - where you can specify what interval you want, with the default being 1.

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SAS functions generally follow the form function-name argument1, Generally this is not a problem for standard numeric variables, but it might be an issue with character variables. As the following example shows, if a is a float and b is a REAL, there is a difference between the two values. Computing Results in Special Cases The ROUND function computes the result by multiplying an integer by the rounding unit when all of the following conditions are true: The rounding unit is not an integer. Optional Argument rounding-unit is a positive, numeric constant, variable, or expression that specifies the rounding unit. Computing a new "constant" variable It can sometimes be useful to have a variable with a "constant" value; that is, the value of that variable is identical for every row in the dataset. INTZ Function. For example, the decimal values 0. In binary arithmetic, 0. LEFT Function. GCD Function. Differences between Binary and Decimal Arithmetic Computers use binary arithmetic with finite precision.

Most people use the round function to round to the nearest decimal. There are other great ways to use the round function. You can use it to round to something other than the nearest decimal, such as to the nearest dollar value or to round times.

However, if you use the variable Y instead of the constant 0. PUT Function. Is in a set of given values You can also use parentheses to group or distribute the effects of an operator. HMS Function. BETA Function. The ROUND function returns the value that is based on decimal arithmetic, even though this value is sometimes not the exact, mathematically correct result. YEAR Function. Arguments are always separated by a comma and contained within parentheses. CATS Function. CMPT Function. Here we are showing how to include the number of digits to which you want to round up or down. BYTE Function. RMS Function. INT Function.

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