sailing videos on you tube

Sailing videos on you tube

You may not actually be sailing or boating right sailing videos on you tube but these videos and clips are sure to entertain your nautical side. There is no doubt that the introduction of drones for onboard reporters in the last edition of the Volvo Ocean Race changed the viewing dynamic of the race forever. Suddenly you could follow the crews beyond the marina and spectator boats right out into the middle of the ocean. Drones enabled us to capture never-before-seen aerial footage that moved audiences from spectators to feeling like members of the crew.

If you have a passion for adventure, travel, and the vast ocean, exploring the best sailing YouTube channels is an absolute must. These captivating channels offer a window into the extraordinary world of sailing, providing viewers with a virtual voyage filled with breathtaking scenery, thrilling challenges, and unique cultural experiences. From tranquil moments of serenity to heart-pounding adventures, discovering the best sailing channels on YouTube opens up a world of possibilities and invites you to set sail on a remarkable digital odyssey. So… here are the best sailing channels to watch on YouTube. With 1. This channel follows the adventures of an Australian couple along with their two kids as they sail around the world on their yacht.

Sailing videos on you tube

Contact Us Terms Privacy. If you've been planning to join the Big Blue for a sailing escapade, then you've probably watched and drawn inspiration from numerous sailing YouTube channels that are available on the web. But which are the best sailing YouTube channels? Well, let's find out. There are a lot of pessimistic individuals out there who are probably trying to dismiss sailing YouTubers and the massive audiences as another ascendancy of what might be referred to as the "couch-potato" society. Whatever your opinion on this matter, we strongly believe that sailing YouTube channels is an excellent and modern way of exposing our beloved sport not just to sailors but to other people as well. And unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard or even watched several sailing YouTube channels. But which ones are the best of the bunch? You probably do not have much time to go about research for the best sailing YouTube channels. For this reason, we've made it our duty to ravage through, do thorough research, and present you with the 10 best sailing YouTube channels. This means that you can now easily watch the glorious sailing lives that these YouTube sailors share with millions of viewers.

Obviously, I massively cringe every time I watch an old video, and weirdly, my favorite episodes have been some of the least watched!

Keeping a written diary seemed quite daunting when we left everything. So we decided to film chapters of the adventure instead. Not only for our own memories but to bring others on the adventure with us. Let us know what you think, we love hearing from you! This season, with the rest of the world, we are reminded about what is truly important. Travelling from the Eastern periphery of Europe we fulfilled our aim of getting Caladh and crew back across the Aegean to be better positioned for impending Schengen shuffling. Our aim was to get there, whilst getting the rig safely replaced in Athens on the way.

There are many great sailing channels on YouTube. Some people do it to share their love of sailing with the world, while others do it to document their sailing mishaps, and other channels are keen to show the boat building and repairs. Whatever the reason, there are some great sailing vlogs out there that offer a wealth of information and entertainment. Fed up of watching other people live your dream? Grab a copy of the best liveaboard sailing guide out there and make your dreams a reality. But maybe you should! There is no doubt that sailing is a thrilling experience. However, it can be tough to figure out how to get started sailing on your own. These sailing vlogs will give you all the tips and advice you need to hit the open waters. These are some of the most popular YouTube sailing channels out there, with huge numbers of subscribers, Patreons, and views.

Sailing videos on you tube

Are you dreaming of setting sail around the world? Have no fear! So here are the best YouTube sailing channels and vlogs for inspiration to toss conventional living out the window and start planning your life on the open seas.

Honeybee only fans

The channel also features videos on sustainable seafood recipes and other ocean-related topics. Keith Binley. Drones enabled us to capture never-before-seen aerial footage that moved audiences from spectators to feeling like members of the crew. We are a young Canadian couple who sold everything and took a c Suddenly you could follow the crews beyond the marina and spectator boats right out into the middle of the ocean. Incredibly easy to use. I produce some of my own music, and give you a real-life feel for what I'm going through. We think even the most adrenaline-fuelled individuals would take their hats off to this particular stunt…. My life turned into a wild rollercoaster of challenges that pushed me way beyond my comfort zone and moments of unknown bliss and inner peace. Learn about how we help independent creators to grow their business. While many couples cannot even contemplate taking such an action, it's exactly what Matt and Jessica Johnson did as soon as they realized that their life had become boring as a result of spending a lot of time in front of the TV. Our goal is to achieve a more sustainable and adventurous lifestyle, Canada Canadian nomad sailing full time with my dog Champ. It provides educational videos about various topics related to the ocean and its ecology, from the basics of oceanography to conservation efforts.

Contact Us Terms Privacy. If you've been planning to join the Big Blue for a sailing escapade, then you've probably watched and drawn inspiration from numerous sailing YouTube channels that are available on the web.

Reading the depth on a nautical chart depth can be challenging for a beginner boater. Read more articles by this author Buy Me a Coffee. From the islands of the Bahamas, healthy lifestyle, and sailing life, her goal is to hopefully inspire others while maintaining a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. We are Craig and Janice. Can a Novice Sail Around the World? US We want to share honestly what we are experiencing on this adventure and how we are evolving as a family. In this video Bonita goes up the mast for the first time to take measurements for a new headsail, Yosh gets handy with some fiberglass work and the crew gets creative in the sail loft. We are now sailing around the globe, filming our adventures, and making some sweet videos. Travel Must-Haves Expand child menu. He was good-looking, had a flourishing career as a corporate pilot, flying the rich and famous around the world. This channel revolves around the incredible life of Johan Hammarlund and Malin Lof, an adventurous Swedish couple who were looking for a different and unique lifestyle.

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