rw adult

Rw adult

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A continuing problem in speech research is the comparison of phonetically similar but acoustically distinct sounds such as the comparison between adult speech and child speech. This problem is especially important in the remediation of speech disorders. In this study, we focus on this problem as manifested in the disordered production of [r] sounds. Stimuli which varied in F2 and F3 onset frequencies were synthesized to span continua from [r] to [w] for adult, child, and scaled adult formants 1. These stimuli were presented to 18 naive adults for identification as "R"or "W" at three listening sessions to test for stability of category boundaries. Significant shifts in category boundaries were found for all three continua between sessions one and two but not between sessions two and three. Category boundaries in terms of formant frequencies showed significant differences between the adult and childlike continua.

Rw adult


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Adult brain plasticity, although possible, remains more restricted in scope than during development. Here, we address conditions under which circuit rewiring may be facilitated in the mature brain. At a cellular and molecular level, adult plasticity is actively limited. Some of these "brakes" are structural, such as perineuronal nets or myelin, which inhibit neurite outgrowth. Others are functional, acting directly upon excitatory-inhibitory balance within local circuits. Plasticity in adulthood can be induced either by lifting these brakes through invasive interventions or by exploiting endogenous permissive factors, such as neuromodulators. Using the amblyopic visual system as a model, we discuss genetic, pharmacological, and environmental removal of brakes to enable recovery of vision in adult rodents. Although these mechanisms remain largely uncharted in the human, we consider how they may provide a biological foundation for the remarkable increase in plasticity after action video game play by amblyopic subjects. Abstract Adult brain plasticity, although possible, remains more restricted in scope than during development. Publication types Research Support, N.

Rw adult

Posted June 24, Reviewed by Abigail Fagan. Although men and women mature physically and become more capable in their practical lives, rarely do they achieve emotional maturity. In my view, the primary barriers to maturity are unresolved childhood trauma , the defenses the child forms to ward off emotional pain and existential dread. Rationality: Adults experience their emotions, but when it comes to their actions, they make rational decisions on the basis of self-interest and moral concerns. Formulating and Implementing Goals: Adults formulate goals and take the appropriate actions to achieve them. In this respect, they establish their priorities in life. Because adults tend to pursue their goals and priorities honestly, their actions are more likely to correspond to their words. Active versus Passive: Adults are proactive and self- assertive , rather than passive and dependent. Instead, they face their problems or challenges directly and work out solutions rather than depending on others for direction.


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It has been hypothesized that a decrease in the synthesis of new neurons in the adult hippocampus might be linked to major depressive disorder MDD. This hypothesis arose after it was discovered that antidepressant medications increased the synthesis of new neurons in the brain, and it was noted that the therapeutic effects of antidepressants occurred over a time span that approximates the time taken for the new neurons to become functional. Like antidepressants, exercise also increases the synthesis of new neurons in the adult brain: a fold increase in hippocampal neurogenesis has been observed in rats with regular access to a running wheel when they are compared with control animals.

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