roman mythology family tree

Roman mythology family tree

First off, I wrote a book! Illustrated it, too.

According to ancient Roman mythology there were 12 major gods and goddesses who are collectively called the 'Dei Consentes' who sat on the Council of Gods and their names are the most famous. Find out what the relationships were between all of the principle Roman gods and goddess who are referred to as the 'Dei Consentes'. Gods and Deities Roman Gods and Goddesses Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses Interesting Facts about Roman gods family tree and Genealogy The ancient Roman gods family tree provides an instant overview of the genealogy of the ancient Roman gods and goddesses - a 'who's who' of the family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main characters who feature in the legends and mythology of the ancient Romans. Our Roman Gods Charts provide full details and descriptions of all of the Roman gods. The Roman Gods Family Tree and genealogy provides a brief overview of the main Roman gods and deities.

Roman mythology family tree


Jupiter got Latona pregnant, too, and then Juno roman mythology family tree her by preventing her from giving birth anywhere on the mainland, or an island, or anywhere under the sun. Saturn worship seems to go way, way back — he appears in some of the earliest Roman references. The mother of Proserpina by Jupiter Vulcan: Vulcan was the name of the god of fire and metal-working.


Roman mythology is part of Classical mythology alongside Greek mythos. It was the backbone of the ancient Roman polytheistic religion. Being composed of rich legends, Roman mythology tackles anything from the founding of Rome, to why gods have certain epithets, and why their local geography is the way that it is. While learning about Roman mythology, it is vital to keep in mind that Roman myth exemplifies Roman culture. Although many religious facets notably myths were later adopted from Greek territories and neighbors, their interpretations and practices were distinctly Roman.

Roman mythology family tree

You might have heard that Jupiter was the king of all gods, but what about his family tree and who else made up this pantheon? Get ready for a journey into mythology as you uncover fascinating stories on the divine beings who were worshiped by millions at one point in history. The Roman gods were often depicted as a family, with Jupiter also known as Jove being the father of all gods and goddesses. His wife was Juno , who was also his sister — incest was not uncommon in ancient mythologies. Together, they had many children who would go on to become major deities in their own right. The children of Jupiter and Juno included Mars the god of war , Venus the goddess of love , Vulcan the god of fire and blacksmiths , Minerva the goddess of wisdom and Apollo the god of music, prophecy and healing. The ancient Romans were a polytheistic society, meaning that they believed in multiple gods and goddesses. These divine beings played an important role in Roman daily life, with each one being associated with different aspects of nature and human life.

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I think she deserves better. Vesta was the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family, and she was depicted as a fire more often than as a human. The brother of Vesta, Pluto, Neptune and Ceres. In some myths, Cupid has a brother named Himerus who represents unrequited love. He was the son of Maia and Jupiter Venus: Venus was the goddess of love and beauty. Oh, and Neptune is also a planet. For a whole week around the winter solstice, business stopped, anti-gambling laws were suspended, everyone ate and drank and gave each other gag gifts, and at least one Roman source claims masters served their slaves. Theia is also the name of a hypothetical planet that some astronomers think might have crashed into Earth 4. Well, less marriage than violent kidnapping. Privacy Statement. At his yearly festival, the Vulcanalia, Romans would celebrate him by throwing animals into bonfires. By Linda Alchin. I just wrote a book about gods and heroes , and the article on Poseidon had to go through tons of edits to try to make it PG — and even then, barely made it through. Sylvia is also the name of an asteroid which has two littler asteroids orbiting it named Romulus and Remus.

According to ancient Roman mythology there were 12 major gods and goddesses who are collectively called the 'Dei Consentes' who sat on the Council of Gods and their names are the most famous. Find out what the relationships were between all of the principle Roman gods and goddess who are referred to as the 'Dei Consentes'. Gods and Deities Roman Gods and Goddesses Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses Interesting Facts about Roman gods family tree and Genealogy The ancient Roman gods family tree provides an instant overview of the genealogy of the ancient Roman gods and goddesses - a 'who's who' of the family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main characters who feature in the legends and mythology of the ancient Romans.

She birthed Caelus, and then slept with him to make a bunch of monsters not pictured , including fifty-headed, hundred-armed giants, and cyclopses. One time he loaned the cup to Hercules. But Moneta was also a title given to Juno, another Roman goddess. At his yearly festival, the Vulcanalia, Romans would celebrate him by throwing animals into bonfires. The brother of Vesta, Pluto, Neptune and Ceres. Well, immortality with a catch — other people had to willingly give him their lifespans, and it ended up being his wife who died to save him. Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. The Roman Gods Family Tree and genealogy provides a brief overview of the main Roman gods and deities. First off, I wrote a book! Saturn worship seems to go way, way back — he appears in some of the earliest Roman references. I Wrote a Book! His yearly festival, the Bacchanalia, would get so out of hand that the Roman senate passed laws to contain it, on pain of death. Pluto presides over the Roman underworld and the spirits of the dead who live there well, not live, but you know what I mean. The son of Jupiter and Juno Ceres: Ceres was the goddess of agriculture.

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