restaurantes gay barcelona

Restaurantes gay barcelona

Food Creative, Signature cuisine, Mediterranean.

Casa Camper Hotel Barcelona. They serve authentic Catalan and Spanish cuisine. Foreigners and visitors of all ages are welcome. Weekday: Mon-Tue: 8am-4pm; Wed-Thurs: 8am-4pm, 8pmam. Weekend: Fri: 9am-4pm,9. El Berro is a gay-owned restaurant located in the gay neighbourhood of Eixample in Barcelona.

Restaurantes gay barcelona

Well done metal design In the Castro restaurant: hot and cosy place due to his exquisite lighting, sensual for his surrounding and agreeable music. You'll find fresh market and of Mediterranean' cuisine, with original plates like sirloin of Australian kangaroo. If you are looking for the queerest and funniest dinner-show in Barcelona you must try dDivine. Placed in el Rebost de Balmes. Drag queen Divine will make you have a great time, and a quite good dinner. Better booking for weekend. Located in the Gayxample Eterna is a diaphanous space and with an impeccable decoration. Serious coocking and nice staff. Iurantia is a pizzeria in the Gayxample. Italian-based cuisine includes dishes that combine creativity with a touch of fun. Little Italy opened in with the aim of capturing the essence of the italian district in New York, they couldn't have chosen a better place than El Born: Barcelona's answer to Soho.

POPair La barba es la clave de esta fiesta liderada por todo un personaje de la noche barcelonesa, el robusto Albertoto Dj.

These are the best gay-owned and gay friendly restaurants in Barcelona for yummy food with a welcoming atmosphere. Barcelona is a cosmopolitan and exciting city, with a vibrant gay scene. We love coming here to party, celebrate Barcelona Pride , relax and stuff our faces! With such a great mix of people and culture, it makes sense that Barcelona also has a thriving foodie scene. The unique blend of Spanish, Catalan and Meditteranean cuisine, along with Barcelona's seaside location, make this a wonderful spot for a gastronomic holiday.

Barcelona is a culinary paradise, offering a plethora of dining options to satisfy every palate. Located in the heart of Barcelona, Tapas 24 is a bustling tapas bar that offers a modern twist on traditional Spanish cuisine. Teresa Carles is a vegetarian and vegan-friendly restaurant that celebrates healthy and flavorful cuisine. Indulge in their signature salads, delicious vegan burgers, and refreshing cold-pressed juices. Take a guided tour to learn about the history and symbolism behind this iconic building.

Restaurantes gay barcelona

This is a great place to meet people. Their garden terrace is a great place to relax while you enjoy the classic Not surprising, considering this was the first restaurant in Barcelona to specialize in paella and rice - two staples Reopened after it closed in , this restaurant was very much missed by the locals. It reopened in with local A little bit of Asia is right in the heart of Barcelona.

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Xino Mandarino. La Balsa. You can also come for lunch here and just enjoy the loud, campy and super fun atmosphere. Time Out Worldwide. Gelida Un bar y restaurante de los que ya no quedan, con platos para presupuestos ajustados y buenos paladares. It's been going strong for over 35 years. The friendly approachable staff are part of what makes El Berro one of the best gay restaurants in Barcelona. Be the first to comment this page! On Today. Obviously, this is a very out and proud gay spot, rainbow flags flying proudly, literally telling us to be gay!

Well done metal design In the Castro restaurant: hot and cosy place due to his exquisite lighting, sensual for his surrounding and agreeable music. You'll find fresh market and of Mediterranean' cuisine, with original plates like sirloin of Australian kangaroo.

The menu is quite limited, but it's still very yummy, especially the salmon burgers, savoury crepes and the penne with prawns. But this place is so good that it can turn the most stubborn of meat-eaters into grass-skirt-wearing, flower-weaving, coconut oil-obsessing vegan warriors! Great value lunch and dinner. They serve authentic Catalan and Spanish cuisine. Los vinos y los postres no desentonan y superan el nivel. During our visits to Barcelona, we've managed to experience lots of excellent gay owned restaurants, as well as those with a mostly gay clientele, which serve up the most delicious dishes. With a selection of brekkies from all around the world, including pancakes, bagels, eggs benedict, and stacks more, this busy place serves a superb breakfast in Barcelona and will set you up for a full day of pounding the streets. Restaurantes Cocina creativa. Barcelona is a cosmopolitan and exciting city, with a vibrant gay scene. Subscribe now! Food Tapas, Traditional. An extraordinary and economic way to make the first connection with main tourist attractions. This city has traditionally been openly welcoming of gay travelers, and certain areas, such as Eixample, are brimming with vibrant bars, nightclubs and restaurants. See more. Nineteen Hotel Olivia Plaza.

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