Reksai combo
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Her un-burrowed Q on towers enables fast split pushing and tower destruction. With Hullbreaker it enables her to apply immense pressure to side lanes and controlling map objectives. Black Cleaver: This item complements her abilities and synergizes well with Conqueror, shredding armor and providing extra health. Maw of Malmortius: Against heavy magic damage teams, Maw boosts her magic resistance and grants a lifeline shield, giving her a chance to turn the fight around in close situations. Guardian Angel: As a cherry on top, Guardian Angel offers a second chance, reviving upon death and allowing her to continue running the enemy team down. Force of Nature is a solid choice against heavy magic damage teams. Titanic Hydra adds damage, tankiness and clear speed.
Reksai combo
Home Blog Rek'sai Guide. My name is Corso and I am a multi-season Challenger Jungle main. I have been actively boosting for 7 seasons, and coaching for over 4 years. She has always been considered a strong and proactive early-game champion that falls off horribly in the mid-game and late game. With the correct understanding of your role, effective build pathing, and a creative mind for finding picks and fights, Rek'sai can stay more than relevant throughout the course of the match. That is assuming you are unable to end the game pre minutes which in almost every case is the goal. The general lack of vision means that you need to maintain an insanely good understanding of who the potential threats around you are. Keeping a mental note of all enemy champions who are visible on your map, to narrow down the potential targets who you are tracking in close proximity. Your spacing and distancing from opponents while burrowed can mean life or death, as a single well placed skillshot can result in you being picked off and killed. That being said, make those engagements correctly and you will be dominating your opponents at every turn with this relentless Void Monster. To ensure that during a standard knock-up combo you could guarantee getting a full Fury bar to maximize your E damage. If played correctly, through the utilization of an auto-attack reset on your unburrowed Q, a full Fury bar can be obtained without Hail of Blades, leaving the Precision Tree and Conqueror to be the better option. Similarly, before the change to the current Rune system, the most common means to getting a full Fury bar during the combo was through the pre-updated Tiamat but that is a trick from seasons past that no longer works.
While the rune does provide some healing, the healing can be mostly disregarded.
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Olaf wins this match up pre-six. You can win after six if you haven't fallen behind, but you need to knock him up before he gets his ult off.
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Olaf wins this match up pre-six. You can win after six if you haven't fallen behind, but you need to knock him up before he gets his ult off. Rek'sai loses this match up at all points in the game.
Reksai combo
This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. You can just blow her up early, and most Camille players are cocky so they'll engage onto you.
Resistance Boots are currently meta. Relentless Hunter. Her Q will add extra AD damage to your auto attacks. As this is essentially just Conqueror with attack speed, you might as well play Conqueror. Fine atm thanks to Olaf being ok at best. July 17, This is a long ranged ability that fires a projectile at a high rate of speed, the first target hit will be marked granting vision on the target as well as allowing you to cast your ultimate if they are in range. Subscribe now to keep reading and get access to the full archive. Good Items. Kha'Zix can easily kite around you and dodge most of your damage by going invisible. Inside of this AOE, every moving object gets revealed by a small ping every 1. Giving them an early lead will always translate well. I will happily give up CS in the early game if it means accumulating a lead for my laners, you can operate on low income and will inevitably scale worse than most of your laners. Be careful not to get juked by ward jumps! He also gets insane amounts of armor from his grit passive.
Learn more about Rek'Sai's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Rek'Sai we've got you covered.
Invading him on his first clear at Krugs is usually a decent idea. I would suggest purchasing Maw even as a second item if facing multiple significant AP threats. Best choice against AP heavy teams and enemy junglers. Dodge her Human E at all costs or you will get one-shot. If you are ready to take the next step to improving the jungle, check out my discord. Saving Your Tunnels While Clearing: Due to the extremely long cooldown of your E, utilizing them to maximize clear speed and Jungle movement can be a tricky balance. None Low Ok Strong Ideal. If she goes Goredrinker, try and get an Executioners to counter her. With that in mind, I wholeheartedly feel that Blue Smite is nothing but a crutch for poor gameplay. This however does two things which can ultimately hurt you harder than it can help you. Like this: Like Loading…. Usually easier to play for newer players. This match up can be difficult, and it usually goes to whoever the aggressor is. Why not Hail of Blades? Keeping a mental note of all enemy champions who are visible on your map, to narrow down the potential targets who you are tracking in close proximity.
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