Reinhardt guide

Overwatch 2 has now released worldwide, and Blizzard's latest entry into the series has improved in all aspects compared to it's original release, reinhardt guide. Competitiveis all reinhardt guide choosing the right heroes to find the perfect fit for your playstyle, and one of the heroes you should check out is Reinhardt.

Overwatch 2 brings buffs, nerfs, and structural changes to Blizzard Entertainment's classic hero shooter gameplay. Teams may now only have five Heroes instead of six, but Overwatch 2 players will still find themselves working together as Tanks, Supports, and DPS'. The Tank is the solid core of any game of Overwatch 2 , protecting their allies and pushing objectives with their massive health pools and defensive abilities. And when it comes to Overwatch Tanks , there's none more quintessential than Reinhardt, the burly German knight with a big heart and an even bigger hammer. Updated on October 7, As Overwatch 2 players finally make their way into the servers after the nasty DDoS attacks that Blizzard has been dealing with, they'll want to know as much as they can about each Hero. This Overwatch 2 Reinhardt guide has been updated to include some handy combos and some characters that work well against Reinhardt and Heroes that Reinhardt is strong against.

Reinhardt guide


With a swing rate of 1 per second, reinhardt guide Rocket Hammer deals 85 damage to all targets within a 5-meter coneallowing it to quickly devastate closely-packed groups.


Forgot your password? Reinhardt, for the first time, is no longer the prime choice to fill the tank role in every situation. With dive compositions becoming so incredibly potent in the current meta and Orisa being given a number of buffs, Reinhardt simply does not have a role on as many teams. On the attacking side, Winston has become a replacement for Reinhardt, comboing perfectly with either D. Va or Zarya to ensure priority targets die quickly. You will still see Reinhardt picked to counter certain defence compositions that require a mobile shield to push with. For defence, Reinhardt still holds a strong possible position, but this has been challenged by Orisa in the recent patch changes.

Reinhardt guide

Overwatch 2 brings buffs, nerfs, and structural changes to Blizzard Entertainment's classic hero shooter gameplay. Teams may now only have five Heroes instead of six, but Overwatch 2 players will still find themselves working together as Tanks, Supports, and DPS'. The Tank is the solid core of any game of Overwatch 2 , protecting their allies and pushing objectives with their massive health pools and defensive abilities. And when it comes to Overwatch Tanks , there's none more quintessential than Reinhardt, the burly German knight with a big heart and an even bigger hammer. Updated on October 7, As Overwatch 2 players finally make their way into the servers after the nasty DDoS attacks that Blizzard has been dealing with, they'll want to know as much as they can about each Hero. This Overwatch 2 Reinhardt guide has been updated to include some handy combos and some characters that work well against Reinhardt and Heroes that Reinhardt is strong against. Although Reinhardt has seen some of the most extensive changes in Overwatch 2 , particularly among the original Overwatch launch Heroes, his playstyle has remained largely the same. He still relies on advancing slowly with his Barrier Field raised, providing a safe haven for his teammates, even if the Barrier Field is now less sturdy than it once was. However, a second charge for Fire Strike and improvements to Charge means that Reinhardt can now take an offensive stance more often rather than just being a mobile wall. In particular, the greater turning speed on a Charge means that less-experienced players will be able to feel more confident in dropping their Barrier Field to attack, with a greater chance of pinning an enemy Hero.

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Although the Barrier Field's total capacity and regeneration rate have been nerfed in Overwatch 2 , it remains one of the toughest barriers in the game. Enemy Heroes that think they're safe from Reinhardt's charge are vulnerable to an Ice Wall appearing in just the right place to pin them. Alongside Sigma, Reinhardt possess the only true shield within the game at the moment, while yes Sigma's can be controlled to where you want it, nothing beats Rein's classic shield. Here's how you'll be able to master one of the best tanks within the game in Reinhardt! Driver Software. General Tips, Tricks, and Best Heroes. The Barrier Field is Reinhardt's signature Ability, projecting a large barrier in front of him that blocks almost all bullets, projectiles, and explosives and quickly regenerates while it's lowered. Reinhardt works well with the new Overwatch 2 Hero Sojourn , giving her the space and protection to build up the charge on her Railgun. In return, the damage of the projectile has been lowered from to Lucio is almost a perfect pick for combo-ing with Reinhardt in Overwatch 2. Updated on October 7, As Overwatch 2 players finally make their way into the servers after the nasty DDoS attacks that Blizzard has been dealing with, they'll want to know as much as they can about each Hero. General Tips and Tricks Reinhardt didn't get that much of a rework as compared to other tanks such as Orisa and Doomfist, however, he still offers one of the best kits out of the heroes. Any pinned Heroes will then take damage if he collides with a solid object, although this damage has been reduced by almost a third in Overwatch 2. Sign In.

Forgot your password? On this page, you will find a detailed overview of the abilities that Reinhardt has access to. We also explain how to best use these abilities.

Enter your email to register to receive a notification when this item comes back in stock. While Reinhardt's Barrier Field is his strongest defense against long-range Heroes, it can become a weakness against those who prefer to fight in close quarters. Heroes Reinhardt Counters. As Reinhardt's only ranged option, the barrier-piercing projectile hurled by Fire Strike is most often used to catch multiple enemy Heroes in choke points or finish off wounded Heroes that are fleeing. Hero Guides. Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer remains untouched in Overwatch 2 and still provides a significant amount of damage across a 5-meter cone in melee range. Although Earthshatter can be blocked by barriers and is ineffective against Heroes outside of Reinhardt's line of sight, it remains an extremely powerful Ultimate that can turn a team fight in an instant. While the Barrier Field is useful for keeping Reinhardt alive, its main purpose is to give his teammates a place of safety to attack, heal, and hide behind. Their relationship isn't one-side, however, as Sojourn's Disruptor Shot can combo well with a variety of Reinhardt's Abilities, whether it's chipping away at Heroes downed by an Earthshatter or slowing those pinned by a Charge from escaping. Earthshatter's damage is only really significant for targets at very close range, but the stun it creates lasts several seconds, and Reinhardt players should always try to catch as many Heroes as possible in the cone. With a swing rate of 1 per second, the Rocket Hammer deals 85 damage to all targets within a 5-meter cone , allowing it to quickly devastate closely-packed groups.

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