red rose blue wind

Red rose blue wind

Kingcandy17 Autistic Artistic. Profile Navigation Kingcandy

Cover art. It is first published on January 6, Eggman retakes the Space Colony Ark to use for his newfound goal of conquering a new world, and Sonic and the gang join forces yet again to thwart his plans. This plan was successful, and it transports everyone into said new world, Remnant. From there, he and his friends will be entangled in the ensuing battle between Salem and Ozpin, and the consequences that the Eggman Empire's intervention will entail. Much like other crossovers by the same author, it is an Intercontinuity Crossover that pits elements from Sonic's game and IDW comic continuity and other elements from the canonical RWBY, such as the video game Grimm Eclipse.

Red rose blue wind

Refer to their original series' character pages for other tropes not exclusive to A Red Rose in the Blue Wind. Team Sonic One of the protagonist groups in the story. They are a group of anthropomorphic animals who combat the forces of the mechanical Eggman Empire. They follow him into the world of Remnant, right as the empire launches its conquest. As a Whole. Age Lift : They're all about three to four years older than their canon counterparts, who are perpetually in their teens. Experienced Protagonists : The team has nearly twenty years' worth of games under their belt at this point in the story and it shows in how they easily deal with threats that RWBY and JNPR have trouble with early on. Foil : To the Inner Circle. The Mentor : Each of them are more than willing to mentor the students. In technique, skills, or style for bringing them to their best selves. New Transfer Student : Subverted. Despite their ages somewhat passing for new students, Sonic and the rest of the gang will not enroll as students in Beacon Academy. Rather, they treat it as their primary hideout as they wage their battle against Dr. Recurring Element : Sharing this role with Team DARK, they're the more experienced part of the protagonist team imparting wisdom and mentorship to the starting heroes. Sonic the Hedgehog "It's what I do.

This foreshadows Penny's Robotic Reveal early in Volume 2. Evil Genius : Befitting of Dr. She fights with a parasol named Hush that contains a retractable blade and a concealed rapier.


As is the case with all "Moments" pages, Spoilers Off applies!!! And all he asks for in return is where the nearest city is. Sonic is up front about his actions, giving Glynda and Ozpin a bit of a relief that he'd own up to his actions immediately. Chapter 2: Despite his unfortunate exit, Knuckles is the main man of Team Sonic who's sure he'd survive the landing. Chapter 3: As Team Sonic make their way through the forest, they end up doing some bonding with their future teammates. Sonic reunites with Ruby, meets up with Weiss, and starts building the bridge of respect that they'll need if they're going to become partners. Tails pops in with Janue and Pyrrha. And due to Pyrrha's own smarts, makes a connection with her as people of brains. Knuckles starts showing his prowess to bust heads alongside Yang and Blake. And Amy makes instant friends with Ren and Nora thanks to her enthusiasm and hammer.

Red rose blue wind

Cover art. It is first published on January 6, Eggman retakes the Space Colony Ark to use for his newfound goal of conquering a new world, and Sonic and the gang join forces yet again to thwart his plans. This plan was successful, and it transports everyone into said new world, Remnant. From there, he and his friends will be entangled in the ensuing battle between Salem and Ozpin, and the consequences that the Eggman Empire's intervention will entail. Much like other crossovers by the same author, it is an Intercontinuity Crossover that pits elements from Sonic's game and IDW comic continuity and other elements from the canonical RWBY, such as the video game Grimm Eclipse. Actually a Doombot : In Chapter 11 it briefly looks like the heroes have captured Eggman, but it's just another of his decoys. Adaptational Badass : Eggman upgrades Metal Sonic with technology from Remnant, including an arm mounted gun and sword , on top of a few forms of Dust.

Daisy keech leak

Walking Spoiler : No reader would have expected his arrival on the scene, assuming that only Team Sonic, Dark, and Doctor Eggman were the only ones known to have made the jump to Remnant. Foil : Is one to Glynda. Brick Joke : After Mimic manages to swipe her weapon in the Grimm Eclipse arc, Nora complains that she needs to put a bear trap on it. And while they don't know the details, Teams Sonic and Dark have pieced together that Ozpin is keeping things from them, so now are highly suspicious of him and his allies. Arbitrary Skepticism : For a man who knows that the gods have left the planet and has been fighting his former wife for thousands of years, Oz was oddly skeptical about the possibility of alien life until it showed up in his town one night. Sore Loser : Harriet doesn't take losing to Sonic well. His Semblance, Via Sun, lets him generate clones of light. Sore Loser : She has a very bitter attitude when she is completely beaten by Knuckles in a sparing match when he tries to show her how relying too much on her Semblance and purposely allowing herself to take hits is a bad idea. Villains Act, Heroes React : Played with. They are the closest and most loyal to their respective leaders seeing them as family and have had a hard time growing up due to their disabilities Tails with his twin tails and Qrow with his Misfortune semblance. Only this time, it does have three heads like its mythological namesake. Knuckles notices this, to the point of having a spar with her and reprimanding her that such behavior towards her Semblance will ultimately come to bite her in the future. Speaking of X , the entire set up is a nod to the first episode, down to including a flying vehicle with a spotlight trying to catch him; replace the Earth's police and the Speed team with the Ace-Ops. Due to his Dark and Troubled Past of needing to contain the Awful Truth about her, their past, and his mission, Ozpin will obsess over keeping all info about her away from them regardless of their ability, which in turn will cause them to distrust him. Of course, it's not like Sonic and the others really need Aura with their existing abilities.

Tropes for this chapter: Berserk Button : Shadow punches Qrow's through his alcoholism.

I left and wanted to become a Huntress. Despite their ages somewhat passing for new students, Sonic and the rest of the gang will not enroll as students in Beacon Academy. He persists in this mindset even as they begin to suspect he is hiding something from them, having already worked out the existence of something controlling the Grimm , starting to drive a wedge between himself and powerful allies with nothing to gain from it, to say nothing of the Beacon students they've bonded with. Adaptational Angst Upgrade : Losing to both Metal Sonic and Knuckles pretty much puts her in a more low-headed state similar to her canon self after she lost her arm. Bait-and-Switch : Mercury exchanges a glare match and trash talk with Metal Knuckles Not in This for Your Revolution : As Robotnik notes, Cinder only cares about gaining power for herself rather than any super dedication to Salem. As he builds robots mainly made of metal, she can pretty much manipulate those robots into malfunctioning or slightly breaking up. This also serves as a rephrase to his famous line from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Profile Navigation Kingcandy This plan was successful, and it transports everyone into said new world, Remnant. One of Cinder's two subordinates. Instant Expert : Discussed and averted. Actor Allusion : IronPrime once again works with a pair of closely related, robot-aided protagonists voiced by Kirk Thornton and Karen Strassman.

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