rdr2 blood meridian

Rdr2 blood meridian

However, you should have already played that game because it is one of the best games of the last console generation, rdr2 blood meridian. Let me get one thing clear first. But then I thought that maybe you could take some of the themes and characters from the story and make a different movie. If it could be rdr2 blood meridian off, it would certainly say something about stories being told solely as a video game as opposed to something that just as easily could have been put on film.

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Rdr2 blood meridian

It's an awesome book, but I needed had to google search all the wild west jargon just to get through it lol. What was the significance of the Judge being hairless? I didn't catch it. Where the unnamed manwas walking through the desert digging post holes. As you can tell, I really liked the book but some of it was over my head. Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

BarryFishFinger Member. Seems incredibly hard to capture what made Blood Meridian unique in a film, let alone a videogame.

The US novelist shaped the modern idea of the post-apocalypse. C ormac McCarthy, one of the most significant figures in modern American literature, died last week aged While the tributes have mostly come from within the literary world, he had a huge impact upon modern culture as a whole — including video games. Both endings are bleak, the horrors of the world swallowing characters up bodily and mentally. Shelves tipped over. A rather blunt reference to The Road can also be found in Fallout 4, another post-apocalyptic game series, when players come across a child named Charlie wandering the wasteland with Clinton, her father; she talks about the death of her mother and the possibility of getting a dog, her childlike questions juxtaposed with the harsh and unforgiving world around her. The mud and dust of the old west sticks to John Marston and Arthur Morgan like glue; players must clean their guns regularly to keep their weapons in good condition; the contents of every drawer are rendered believably.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is more than just a Western. Heck, it's more than just a video game. It's one giant, sprawling, gushing love letter to practically every piece of pop culture that came before it. It doesn't matter if you're a film aficionado, a TV junkie, a history buff, a gamer, a hip-hop-head, or just a dedicated fan of Rockstar itself. If you like it, you'll probably find a reference to it somewhere in Red Dead Redemption 2 's wide-open plains, thick forests, and rolling hills. But Red Dead Redemption 2 is a huge, huge game, and it's practically impossible for a single person to discover everything it has to see, hear, and do. That's why we're here to help. We guarantee that there are at least a couple that you haven't found.

Rdr2 blood meridian

Cormac McCarthy's epic novel, Blood Meridian , has been hailed as one of the greatest pieces of writing of the 20th century. Taking inspiration from the real-life Glanton Gang, a group of scalp hunters that operated in the US-Mexico Borderlands during the s, McCarthy sculpted a wonderfully intricate and disturbing world for his characters to breathe in. Judge Holden from Blood Meridian is widely regarded as one of the most frightening villains in modern literature. His creepy appearance, violent nature, and his belief in evil have rooted him deeply in the world of literature as a man to be feared. Indeed there was one character in the novel who was also taken from the real-life memoirs of the gang that stood out above the rest.

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Through gameplay mechanics, the game would get the same feeling of dread and violence by forcing the player to actually commit the atrocities like murdering innocent people and then scalping them. What was the significance of the Judge being hairless? It's a masterpiece of literature but…. PucePikmin Member. Yossarian The Fallen. The Judge can be seen as personifying war and battle and in a way being immortal. Ghord Dahm Sploicers. This will be controversial, but I don't think a creator should necessarily curate the experience to pacify their audience. ItWasMeantToBe19 said:. Throughout Blood Meridian and Red Dead Redemption 2, right up until their bloody conclusions, goals change, issues spring up and countless murders are committed — yet the gang never reach their goal. Log in. However, you should have already played that game because it is one of the best games of the last console generation. I can't think of any game creator that could find the right balance of taking the themes and subject matter seriously while maintaining a game that is actually fun to play without glorifying violence. DarrenM Member.

The judge smiled. It is not necessary, he said, that the principals here be in possession of the facts concerning their case, for their acts will ultimately accommodate history with or without their understanding. But it is consistent with notions of right principle that these facts…should find a repository in the witness of some third party.

Maybe games is where it can be. What I'm trying to say is violence has to be justified, but what does that say about the other elements that are justifying that level of violence Black Friday Sale. Latest threads. Is there anything from that novel you guys think could inspire a really dark and great video game narrative? So something you're describing is probably more likely to come from the indie sphere imo. LastNac Member. The stuff described in the book makes TLOU2 look tame and that extreme, feverish violence is ingrained in it, so not sure you could take parts of it for inspiration and leave that out. Saucycarpdog said:. Ser Ignatius said:. Oct 25, 25, UK. Topic Archived. Messofanego said:. Aka what's hanging from the trees The Last of Us is much more of a direct ripoff of Children of Men though obviously The Road influenced Children of Men The cinematography and art design and state of the world and plot are all very Children of Men.

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