Ray stevenson nude

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Keywords: Great Nudity! With rugged good looks, the muscular stunner made a career out of playing memorable characters. A shirtless turn as Blackbeard on the pirate saga Black Sails followed. Ray then exposed his torso and tush on the crime drama Rellik and the sci-fi flick Cold Skin Even though Ray was raised in England, the Irish eyeful has Celtic roots.

Ray stevenson nude

Welcome to Random Roles , wherein we talk to actors about the characters who defined their careers. The actor: Ray Stevenson followed his dream of becoming an actor a little later than many of his peers, taking his first proper acting class when he was in his 20s. Growing up, there was a distance between father and son through his work and being away all the time. So in this story these two men are bonding with each other and getting to know each other. In the middle of it, the Transporter gets embroiled in the revenge acts of some sort of femme fatale against some Russian crime lords, and his father gets embroiled in it as well. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it, playing opposite Ed, and working with everybody. The A. Club: Had you been a fan of the Transporter franchise before coming into the film? RS: Oh, yeah. I was a fan from the very first one, which I thought was a tremendous and fresh piece of work, a fresh movie with a fresh premise, and I thoroughly enjoyed all three with Jason Statham at the helm. I was delighted when hearing about this one, when they were saying that they were refreshing it, and that there was a place for me to potentially play this character. So it was a thrill. AVC: As a fan of the original films, do you think other fans would find it relatively easy to step into Refueled , given the changes at hand? And this is a reimagining, a refreshed sort of look at the whole premise of the Transporter character and the world in which he operates.

Has it come out officially?


He is a film, TV and stage actor. He moved with his family to Lemington, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England in at the age of eight, and later to Cramlington, Northumberland, where he was raised. The second of three sons of a Royal Air Force pilot father and an Irish mother, As a child he dreamed to become an actor, but he also thought that dream was impossible. So he pursued his other love, art, and went to art school instead. He was an interior designer with an architectural firm in London when he at 25 decided to try out acting. At the beginning of 90s, he began his career on films. After a few more TV films, Stevenson's popularity stared to rise by each film.

Ray stevenson nude

Welcome to Random Roles , wherein we talk to actors about the characters who defined their careers. The actor: Ray Stevenson followed his dream of becoming an actor a little later than many of his peers, taking his first proper acting class when he was in his 20s. Growing up, there was a distance between father and son through his work and being away all the time. So in this story these two men are bonding with each other and getting to know each other. In the middle of it, the Transporter gets embroiled in the revenge acts of some sort of femme fatale against some Russian crime lords, and his father gets embroiled in it as well. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it, playing opposite Ed, and working with everybody. The A. Club: Had you been a fan of the Transporter franchise before coming into the film? RS: Oh, yeah. I was a fan from the very first one, which I thought was a tremendous and fresh piece of work, a fresh movie with a fresh premise, and I thoroughly enjoyed all three with Jason Statham at the helm.

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Just a wholly beautiful man. Yeah, we had a great time on that. Black Sails - as Blackbeard. It was hilarious. Sign up now Contact Customer Service. It was too much. Click to expand That was all filmed up in Leeds. And those eyes? I mean, again, when I was offered the role, apart from the part being Blackbeard, what sold me was watching the making of Black Sails and seeing the production values there. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates and special offers By signing up you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. View Verification. Man Affiliates Mr.

Who was the first episode of Ahsoka dedicated to in the end credits? His character is giving everyone major daddy vibes, so we're celebrating his two-episode appearance on one of the biggest shows of with a look back at Ray Stevenson nude in his best roles. While Ray Stevenson might be just short of a household name, he enjoyed an incredible acting career, appearing in some of the biggest projects of his lifetime.

AVC: The answer here is probably a spoiler no matter what, but are you in a position to do further Transporter films in the future? So it was a thrill. Did you feel any pressure on that front? Off English. AVC: There was to have been another season, but the story is that HBO pulled the plug on it, but with enough warning to at least sort of offer a conclusion. Reactions: qwerty , Brasifalus , Agualbo and 2 others. And I think one of his grandchildren was one of the signers of the Declaration Of Independence. RS: [Laughs. This guy opened a pub. RS: [Hesitates.

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