ratchet urban dictionary definition

Ratchet urban dictionary definition

Slang for terriblefailed, ghettoyou ratchet urban dictionary definition the picture. Jesus your science fair project is ratchet here take my less terrible potato clock shoves project into friends hand takes other project and runs away. I promise she don't want me to come down there with my ratchet ass

Ratchet is a slang term in American hip hop culture that, in its original sense, [1] was a derogatory term used to refer to an uncouth woman, and may be a Louisianan dialect form of the word "wretched". In the s—s, the word became loosely connotative of denoting confidence, defiance, fervidity , or otherwise being descriptive of actions displaying boisterous and unruly behavior similar to that of the male archetype " bad boy " when attributed to a person. It is primarily used in street slang and is popular among African American women. When attributed to an object, it may also be used to describe a handgun. Ever since the late 's, rappers from Shreveport, Louisiana have used the term in their songs.

Ratchet urban dictionary definition

A mispronunciation of "wretched" that grew to be it's own word and meaning. A diva, mostly from urban cities and ghettos, that has reason to believe she is every mans eye candy. Unfortunately, she's wrong. That, my comrades, is a prime notoriety of a ratchet. God help us all. The definition of ratchet has been misconstrued by dumb ass rappers in the year. Mistaken for "wretched". Ratchet means to be bad ass, real as fuck ,a goon or a ghetto person. The phrase started in So children, you need to catch up with your "urban vocab". The Ratchet is also a dance similar to The Jig. Lil Boosie: Ima a ratchet ass nigga Webbie : Hell yeah nigga you already know wohdy. Urban slang for " wretched ". That basic bitch is totally ratchet! A ratchet is a mechanical device that allows continuous linear or rotary motion in only one direction while preventing motion in the opposite direction.

German grammar.

On the Base Rack, however, each extruded aluminum cross-beam has a dovetail-shaped rail running along each side, which means accessories like ratchet straps, rollers, and spare tire straps can attach at any point in just about any orientation. Meanwhile, the pandemic has put a big fat pause on economic activity, squeezing investment banking fees and ratcheting up the risk of underperforming loans. Lawmaking by legislatures is also a one-way ratchet —Legislators get credit for passing laws, not pruning them. Every message, action and gesture seems calculated to ratchet up the anxiety of those who are listening. Sean Hannity versus Michael Savage—these two conservative radio hosts have recently ratchet up their rivalry.

Ratchet may have originated in Shreveport, Louisiana, lovingly nicknamed Ratchet City. Rappers from there were using ratchet in songs since the late s, based on a regional pronunciation of wretched. It was especially used for a woman considered promiscuous or trashy. Many in the media called the year of the ratchet. They also noted that the hip-hop slang developed positive connotations, like cool or fierce. It has since had over 45 million views. It can also be considered positive or ironic, especially when used by women of women. Ratchet , as noted, was and still sometimes is used to insult women.

Ratchet urban dictionary definition

A connoisseur of ratchet women, especially those pulled from nightclubs after last call. The ratcheteer's natural mating call is Rihanna's Talk That Talk which he requests from the DJ or sits in the parking lot banging from his car. The Ratcheteer has a specialized mating dance, similar to a body roll, used to signal ratchets that he is in heat. He is especially adept at disposing of evidence in parking lots.

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Keep the ratchet mechanism lubricated with oil. Quiz German confusables. The Root. No class whatsoever! Benny , give me that ratchet to dig up these beet roots. Think about it. Teaching Resources. We welcome feedback: report an example sentence to the Collins team. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. English Pronunciation.

The term "ratchet" has a few different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few possible definitions for the word:.

From the Cambridge English Corpus. No class whatsoever! See more. Dictionary of Contemporary Slang. Collins English Dictionary. Although increasing migration does slow the ratchet down, its speed is always higher in the structured population, for all values of m tested. RapReviews — Your source for trusted rap opinions. God help us all. What is the pronunciation of ratchet? The Words of the Week - Mar. I'm not saying these words have no meaning or can't ever be used. Cancel Submit.

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