racq cheap movies

Racq cheap movies

Sunday to Wednesday excl. Standard cinema V-Max cinema Gold Class cinema. Can't watch a film without a snack? Save even more with our Small Combo eVoucher.

RACQ Member Benefits is focused on helping members make everyday life easier and more affordable with discounts and offers across fuel, movies, eGift cards, shopping and more. Show your card at participating retailers or access benefits online to save. View more benefits. Clicking links to access discounts and benefits may take you to a third-party site, which will be subject to the terms of use and conditions of the third party separate to RACQ. By providing information via that third-party site, you will be providing information directly to that third party. We recommend that you read the privacy statement of the third-party site if you are clicking through or redirected.

Racq cheap movies


Medium Combo eVoucher Valid for one medium popcorn and one medium soft drink only.


RACQ Member Benefits is focused on helping members make everyday life easier and more affordable with discounts and offers across fuel, movies, eGift cards, shopping and more. Show your card at participating retailers or access benefits online to save. View more benefits. Clicking links to access discounts and benefits may take you to a third-party site, which will be subject to the terms of use and conditions of the third party separate to RACQ. By providing information via that third-party site, you will be providing information directly to that third party. We recommend that you read the privacy statement of the third-party site if you are clicking through or redirected. Terms and conditions apply to all offers. View the individual offer for full details. Retail partners, offers and discounts may change at any time without notice. Easy to access Show your card at participating retailers or access benefits online to save.

Racq cheap movies

Sunday to Wednesday excl. Standard cinema V-Max cinema Gold Class cinema. Can't watch a film without a snack? Save even more with our Small Combo eVoucher. Not valid for use after 5pm on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays or public holidays. Valid for one medium popcorn and one medium soft drink only.

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Based on your choices, we recommend the Gold Class Off Peak movie voucher. Off Peak eSaver Valid at standard sessions only. Booking fees apply. Event Cinemas and BCC reserves the right to cancel any eVoucher, or the eVoucher scheme, for any reason at any time without notice. By providing information via that third-party site, you will be providing information directly to that third party. This eVoucher is valid for 1x standard Gold Class admission to a movie of your choice. View the individual offer for full details. Take a printed copy of the emailed eVoucher to, or display emailed eVoucher on your smart phone, at cinema box office. In participating in the prize activity, the winners agree to participate and cooperate as required in all editorial activities relating to this promotion, including but not limited to being interviewed, video-recorded and photographed. This eVoucher cannot be transferred or sold without the prior written permission of the Greater Union Organisation Pty Limited. This eVoucher is not valid for use on Public Holidays. Not valid for use after 5pm on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays or public holidays. Based on your choices, we recommend the Movie eSaver movie voucher. Don't miss out on the latest member offers!

Unwind in fully reclining seats and indulge in luxury with delicious food delivered to your seat.

Off Peak eSaver Valid at standard sessions only. Based on your choices, we recommend the Gold Class movie voucher. Valid for use in Queensland only. Retail partners, offers and discounts may change at any time without notice. Terms and Conditions 1. This eVoucher is not valid for use on Saturdays from 5pm. Help centre. Find a store. Based on your choices, we recommend the Off Peak eSaver movie voucher. This eVoucher is not valid for use on Public Holidays. By entering this competition entrants consent to the use of their contact details for the purposes described in this clause. Subscribe now. Event Cinemas and BCC reserves the right to cancel any eVoucher, or the eVoucher scheme, for any reason at any time without notice.

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