
On that forum is a discussion board called ApplyingToCollege, r/a2c. There is a bit of an… ahem… rivalry between our sites and r/a2c tone and culture of the sites seem very different.

A In General. Except as exempted by Rule 26 a 1 B or as otherwise stipulated or ordered by the court, a party must, without awaiting a discovery request, provide to the other parties:. B Proceedings Exempt from Initial Disclosure. The following proceedings are exempt from initial disclosure:. In ruling on the objection, the court must determine what disclosures, if any, are to be made and must set the time for disclosure.


I leave the real world, where the average American high schooler has a 3. Very little of it is the large population of people who apply to college. The A2C census is not a random sample, nor does it represent the majority of the almost one million A2C users. It can, however, begin to sketch a rough picture of daily active A2C users. The A2C alternate reality stops being a joke and starts looking like fact. Which Ivy League college should you go to? Tesfa, a high school senior who used A2C over the summer, agrees with Shreyasi in that he mostly saw talk about Ivy Leagues and other highly selective colleges on the subreddit, but he also admits that he was biased towards looking at posts about those schools because they were the ones he was applying to. When her junior year started, she began paying more attention to discussion of specific colleges, applicant statistics, and application results, and by the time senior year rolled around, she was actively posting and commenting. A2C introduced her to extracurricular opportunities and students with similar applicant profiles to her, which she appreciated because she struggled to find people with the same academic and career interests as her in her high school. When she began the actual application process, the essay writing tips and lists of similar colleges on A2C proved to be useful, and other students sharing her stress and excitement comforted her. Is there anything that can be done to reduce the level of toxicity on A2C or is the subreddit destined to fall prey to harmful rhetoric? Add in familial pressure and academic stress and you end up with a lot of overworked kids who rely on A2C as a space for support but inevitably also a space to release their stress. Shreyasi has had a similar experience. Had I not encountered A2C, I would probably have never learned about Ivies or prestigious institutions, in general, let alone considered applying to them. She acknowledges that much of the criticism leveled at A2C is valid, but she also points out that a lot of the problems associated with the subreddit are unavoidable.

The amendment is limited r/a2c insurance coverage, r/a2c, which should be distinguished from any other facts concerning defendant's financial status 1 because insurance is an asset created r/a2c to satisfy the claim; 2 because the insurance company ordinarily controls the litigation; 3 because information about coverage is available only from defendant or his insurer; and 4 because disclosure does not involve a significant invasion of privacy, r/a2c.


Our Fall student loan negotiation group is live. Join us for free before April 30th. Start now. Read here to learn about 10 essential tips from the applying to college a2c reddit community to help ease the process! We read and sifted through all these applying to college reddit posts and compiled a list of 10 best tips that everyone should know to help ease the college application process. Read below to learn all about letters of recommendation, financial aid, how to prioritize your mental health, and more. The college admissions process can be difficult and confusing. The post details steps you can take for each season over your junior and senior years, including information on standardized tests, letters of recommendation, the common application, and more.


I leave the real world, where the average American high schooler has a 3. Very little of it is the large population of people who apply to college. The A2C census is not a random sample, nor does it represent the majority of the almost one million A2C users. It can, however, begin to sketch a rough picture of daily active A2C users. The A2C alternate reality stops being a joke and starts looking like fact. Which Ivy League college should you go to? Tesfa, a high school senior who used A2C over the summer, agrees with Shreyasi in that he mostly saw talk about Ivy Leagues and other highly selective colleges on the subreddit, but he also admits that he was biased towards looking at posts about those schools because they were the ones he was applying to.

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But, subject to Rule 26 b 4 , those materials may be discovered if:. To prevent the proliferation of the sanction procedure and to avoid multiple hearings, discovery in any sanction proceeding normally should be permitted only when it is clearly required by the interests of justice. It is entirely appropriate to consider a limitation on the frequency of use of discovery at a discovery conference under Rule 26 f or at any other pretrial conference authorized by these rules. If information produced in discovery is subject to a claim of privilege or of protection as trial-preparation material, the party making the claim may notify any party that received the information of the claim and the basis for it. The procedure established in subsection b 4 A holds the risk to a minimum. The cases favoring disclosure rely heavily on the practical significance of insurance in the decisions lawyers make about settlement and trial preparation. As expected, the device has been used only sparingly in most courts, and judicial controls over the discovery process have ordinarily been imposed through scheduling orders under Rule 16 b or through rulings on discovery motions. Engl v. Ohio , aff'd. Such an expert should be treated as an ordinary witness. Past judicial restrictions on discovery of an adversary's expert, particularly as to his opinions, reflect the fear that one side will benefit unduly from the other's better preparation.

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Related changes are made in Rules 26 d and f. Pan-American Bus Lines, Inc. Discovery can begin earlier if authorized under Rule 30 a 2 C deposition of person about to leave the country or by local rule, order, or stipulation. As the functional equivalent of court-ordered interrogatories, this paragraph requires early disclosure, without need for any request, of four types of information that have been customarily secured early in litigation through formal discovery. I will add that A2C is but one subreddit that shares information a la CC. Is there anything that can be done to reduce the level of toxicity on A2C or is the subreddit destined to fall prey to harmful rhetoric? The court may specify conditions for the discovery. See e. Although the party signs the answers, it is his lawyer who understands their significance and bears the responsibility to bring answers up to date. Food Stores, Inc. Subdivision b 3 reflects the trend of the cases by requiring a special showing, not merely as to materials prepared by an attorney, but also as to materials prepared in anticipation of litigation or preparation for trial by or for a party or any representative acting on his behalf.

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