Quotes on silver jubilee of religious life

Sister Editha Benmy mentor for all things Filipino, led me to this phrase when I asked for an appropriate cultural greeting for Evelyn. Come alive!

The events that I have attended to mark my Diamond Jubilee have been a humbling experience. It has touched me deeply to see so many thousands of families, neighbors and friends celebrating together in such a happy atmosphere. Life is one long jubilee. I am concerned because even in the past two years that were the jubilee years, I have seen evident signs which show that the people are still in great difficulties, and there are things that still need to be remedied and looked after in many areas. It's an absolute honor to be taking part in the pageant for the Diamond Jubilee. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and will be a moment in history that will always be remembered.

Quotes on silver jubilee of religious life

Jubilarians, today you have arrived at a graced moment in your own journey. And though I doubt that you actually have been inside a stage coach as it filled up with water as Mother Theodore was, I do imagine there have been times in the past 50 or 25 years where the challenge to stay the course was just that — a challenge. I join your loved ones gathered with us today to give thanks for your arrival 50 or 25 years ago to begin the journey called religious life. We are grateful for your faithfulness amid the challenges, enabling you to receive that future with hope promised in Providence. As Sister Nancy Nolan already mentioned in her welcome, , the year our golden jubilarians entered religious life, could not have been more tumultuous. The image on the cover of the worship program — depicting God in the chaos and the whirlwind as well as in beauty is perfect for when the church and the world seemed upside down. For the two silver jubilarians, by comparison was a less tumultuous time in the world, but the choice to enter religious life in was no longer something many Catholic women were doing. Why would Pat Linehan, after a year career as a Navy Nurse, seek religious life? Why would Kathleen Bernadette Smith, an accomplished musician and a pastoral presence in her own African American community, seek life in a predominately white Providence community? But today, I would like to suggest that the reason why our golden jubilarians have remained; the reason why our silver jubilarians came — is obedience — obedience to the living, loving God who calls us. It is the kind of obedience that put our Saint Mother Theodore in that stagecoach on her way to an unknown future in the midst of a forest. It is the kind of obedience that all of us Sisters, Providence Associates, former band members, family and friends are called to: to trust in the invitation from a magnanimous householder of the Gospel. As Sisters of Providence, we have been reflecting together on the vow of obedience during this past year and in a few minutes our jubilarians will renew the vows of poverty, chastity AND obedience. The world needs us for this.

Share this:. What are unique themes for church anniversary sermons? May your marriage be filled with peace, love, and laughter.

Anniversaries are a big deal for anyone, and churches are no exception Churches are the cornerstones of many towns and cities. Charitable works, free meals for the community and so much more. Writing a speech for the big day can feel overwhelming. So, feel the warmth of His light and celebrate with the congregation through these inspirational church anniversary messages and Bible verses. Pastor Anniversary Messages.

Twenty-five years of devotion to God and to the church is not an easy task. It is worthy of congratulations, celebration and most importantly, thanksgiving to God. If you know a priest or nun who is celebrating their silver jubilee, the least you can do for them is to send them a congratulatory message, wish or prayer. Ask the good Lord to bless them and fill them up with his power and grace to continue in faithful service. In this article, you will find silver jubilee wishes, messages and prayers to send to a priest or nun that is celebrating 25 years of commited service to God, the church and the works of the Lord.

Quotes on silver jubilee of religious life

How come you got chosen? Can you guess how I answered? That conversation took place in mid-August, I had entered the Society of Jesus about two years earlier. I had been tried and tested and probed and provoked—and decided to make that offering to the Lord.

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And I can tell by the way you're searching For something you can't even name That you haven't been able to come to the table Simply glad that you came And when you feel like this try to imagine That we're all like frail boats on the sea Just scanning the night for that great guiding light Announcing the Jubilee Mary Chapin Carpenter. Share one of these messages:. Thinking , Names , Realizing. The best sources of inspiration for your big events come from the Bible. I've heard that the best thing to hold onto in life is each other, and you two are proof! I pray for the Lord to give you many more blissful years together. If it's your anniversary, you can thank your partner for their lasting devotion. Gratitude Aplenty: Free Thanksgiving Videos for Church Services To help you make your Thanksgiving service powerful and meaningful, Vanco experts have assembled six Thanksgiving videos for church that reflect the …. Big congratulations to the church and a happy anniversary. It is the kind of obedience that put our Saint Mother Theodore in that stagecoach on her way to an unknown future in the midst of a forest. When one has nothing more to lose, the heart is inaccessible to fear. I feel God's light shining upon our marriage.

Jubilarians, today you have arrived at a graced moment in your own journey. And though I doubt that you actually have been inside a stage coach as it filled up with water as Mother Theodore was, I do imagine there have been times in the past 50 or 25 years where the challenge to stay the course was just that — a challenge.

You probably think I have heard the call of the pole. I realize Jubilee is a bit of a stripper name. Psalm Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens. Ebenezer Erskine Father , Rome , Order. We love you. It is my privilege, on behalf of the jubilarians, to invite all Sisters of Providence and our jubilarians to stand and renew their vows of poverty, chastity AND obedience. Leave the things you value to the people and purposes you value most. You May Also Like…. Hartley Coleridge, Derwent Coleridge Proverbs - House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord. Thank you for your life, a loving commitment to God and people. Source: classic.

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