queen chrysalis

Queen chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis is the former queen of the Changeling Empire and one of the most fearsome enemies to have ever threatened Equestria.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! She is the former queen of the Changelings who sought to feed her subjects' hunger for love and expand her rule across Equestria in the process.

Queen chrysalis

This day is going to be perfect. She makes her full physical debut in Part 2. The former Queen of the changelings, creatures that can transform into other ponies and feed on their love for sustenance. She masquerades as Princess Cadance during the Season 2 finale in a bid to conquer Equestria, but is discovered by Twilight and defeated by Cadance and Shining Armor. She returns in the Season 6 finale with a more ambitious plan, but her subjects turn on her and follow Thorax as their new leader, causing Chrysalis to flee swearing revenge. In the final season, she forms an alliance with Tirek and Cozy Glow to take down Twilight and her friends after being summoned by Grogar. She appears in IDW's comic books as the main antagonist through the first four-issue Story Arc , and makes several subsequent appearances. Once adored by her subjects, Chrysalis promptly becomes their enemy when King Thorax takes over. Abnormal Limb Rotation Range : She can turn her head degrees, both horizontally and vertically. The effect is very unsettling. All There in the Script : Her name isn't mentioned in her debut episode and was initially revealed by invoked Word of God. The comics and show have since used it.

The things that keep her from achieving peace queen chrysalis herself are: her sheer crueltyher extremely stubborn refusal to reformher greedqueen chrysalis, her tendency to underestimate her opponentsand her unwillingness to admit her mistakes. Queen Chrysalis: How dare you!

Queen Chrysalis is a female changeling and the main antagonist of the season two finale , the season six finale , the IDW comics ' first story arc , Budge Studios' mobile game Harmony Quest , and one of the main antagonists of the season nine finale. In the season six finale, Chrysalis is dethroned from her position as changeling queen. She is defeated by the Mane Six and their allies in the season nine finale, and turned to stone along with Tirek and Cozy. She is also referred to by name in subsequent episodes and in the second episode of PonyChat. After launching the entire comic franchise with her, she is near and dear to our hearts. I absolutely loved doing this book I think fans will enjoy it

Queen Chrysalis is a major antagonist in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series, being the main antagonist at the end of season two and at the end of the sixth season, as well as the main antagonist in the series "The mean Six" season eight and one of the major antagonists along with Tirek and Cozy Glow of the ninth and final season. She was the leader of the changelings and until now she is a vengeful character as before she used to be one of Twilight Sparkle's arch enemies and from then until the sixth season she became Starlight Glimmer's new arch enemy. Queen Chrysalis is a creature with the body of a horse but torn and has a long and crooked horn, in addition to that throughout its body there are holes in its skin. Queen Chrysalis makes her debut in the final two-part episode "A Wedding in Carterlot" where she disguises herself as Princess Cadance to attract Twilight Sparkle's attention, during the episode it is noted that she does bad things to her friends. Which leads Twilight to suspect her, on the wedding day, Twilight interrupts to tell them that she is evil which makes her brother Shinnig Armor argue with her and her friends leave him behind, however when Twilight apologizes to her, he realizes that she was not the original Cadance and drags her into an underground cavern.

Queen chrysalis

This day is going to be perfect. She makes her full physical debut in Part 2. The former Queen of the changelings, creatures that can transform into other ponies and feed on their love for sustenance. She masquerades as Princess Cadance during the Season 2 finale in a bid to conquer Equestria, but is discovered by Twilight and defeated by Cadance and Shining Armor. She returns in the Season 6 finale with a more ambitious plan, but her subjects turn on her and follow Thorax as their new leader, causing Chrysalis to flee swearing revenge. In the final season, she forms an alliance with Tirek and Cozy Glow to take down Twilight and her friends after being summoned by Grogar. She appears in IDW's comic books as the main antagonist through the first four-issue Story Arc , and makes several subsequent appearances.

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Start a Wiki. Villainous Breakdown : She gets one in the comics. Chrysalis: As if anything on this mountain is scarier than I! She tries to make good on this promise in Season 8 but fails, and once again seeks her vengeance before fleeing. I absolutely loved doing this book What if Queen Chrysalis somehow came back again? She first appeared in the Season 2 finale, "A Canterlot Wedding", where she attempted to invade and conquer Canterlot with her army by posing as Princess Cadence. While she ends up winning the ensuing battle thanks to the strength of Shining Armor's love, it's clear that she was worried about the matchup. Using these ingredients, Chrysalis magically creates artificial clones of the Mane Six in order to control the Elements of Harmony and make a new hive. Her Control Freak tendencies were what kept her now former subjects literally starving for love and unable to achieve their final Metamorphosis.

This is Thesecret

Chrysalis decides to let Discord go as she considers him not a threat without his magic, causing a chain of events that led to Twilight's friends escaping. Punch-Clock Villain : Played with. She doesn't expect Thorax giving her his love energy of his own free will to lead her Swarm into following suit, resulting in the destruction of her throne, freedom of her hostages, and costing her everything but her very life, including her revenge, which was the main reason for her return in the first place. Using these ingredients, she enacted a spell that created evil duplicates of them, hoping that they would be able to wield the Elements in her service. Then she desired one thing—revenge on the ponies who kept her from her ultimate prize—even as Twilight Sparkle tried to befriend her and show her how to lead her people with love. Control Freak : Seen mainly when she's disguised as Cadance, but given how her insectoid appearance and control of an insectoid pony army both strike similarity to that of a Bee Queen, this can be seen as thematically justified. Ironically, her duty comes back to bite her in the flank when she reveals she has been starving them on purpose for her own schemes. Oh, how will I ever prevent this daring rescue? Her modus operandi is to replace and impersonate individuals, draining their loved ones to increase her own power and put them under Mind Control , before leading her minions in a full scale invasion so they can feed as well and drain everyone. By the time they reach her, she's near her breaking point. In Part 2 , Chrysalis struggles to get along with Tirek and Cozy Glow, only submitting to Grogar's command when he shows them Sombra's destruction at the hands of the Mane Six. She and her comrades succeeded in retrieving a book about the bell, while also noting the ease with which they had been able to cause division between the ponies.

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