professional tickle therapy

Professional tickle therapy

Worldwide Tickle Therapy!

Knismesis tickle therapy refers to a therapeutic approach that incorporates tickling as a means of promoting relaxation and emotional well-being. It is based on the concept that tickling can release endorphins, which are natural chemicals in the body that induce feelings of pleasure and reduce stress. The therapy typically involves a trained practitioner using gentle and controlled tickling techniques on specific areas of the body, such as the feet, hands, or back, to elicit a ticklish response. The aim is to create a pleasant and soothing experience for the individual undergoing the therapy. Advocates of knismesis tickle therapy suggest that it can help in relieving stress, anxiety, and muscle tension, while also promoting a sense of joy and relaxation. The theory is that tickling stimulates the release of endorphins, which can elevate mood and induce a state of calmness.

Professional tickle therapy

A tickling session involves a 'tickler' person tickling and a 'ticklee' person being tickled. The therapy is not random, every person is unique and will have their preferences, e. There may be a certain way a person enjoys being tickled, whether in movement of the hands, or a specific tool e. The areas of the body most people enjoy being tickled are the feet, their back and sides, arms, legs knee height and neck. With the Gargalesis tickle, there will be areas of the body that encourages involuntary laughter when touched or tickled. Laughter truly is a powerful medicine. Tickle therapy involv es a complete focus on the customer, our priority is to ensure you are completely comfortable, relaxed and in complete control during the session. As well as enjoying either form of therapy, reaping the health benefits are an added bonus. About us: We are a group of dedicated practitioners who dwell in having a chance to give a service we enjoy, in order to make people feel better about and within themselves. We want you to feel totally comfortable and relaxed during your session, it is our number one prerogative. We like to be known for being approachable, trusting and reliable. How we work: Once an appointment has been made, an introductory visit will be arranged beforehand. Introductory Visit: This involves learning about your requirements, answering some security questions, understanding how we work and signing an agreement. This is for the safety and security of both parties, which I am sure you will appreciate matter greatly.

About us: We are a group of dedicated practitioners who dwell in having a chance to give a service we enjoy, in order to make people feel better professional tickle therapy and within themselves.


My name is Craig Sinnott. I am part of the population who enjoys a good relaxing foot and back tickle. I have many family members who also enjoy the pampering, my mother, enjoyed her feet and legs being tickled with a knitting needle, in which I use to earn a fair amount of pocket money from this, and from my Aunt to. Unfortunately, there are much fewer people who actually enjoy the practice of tickling. Many partners don't enjoy tickling their beloved and can take a lot of begging just to get a five-minute tickle, and let us be honest, if their heart is not into it, it just isn't bliss. People will pay for anything that gives pleasure, self-confidence, excitement or a better look, in which tickling covers them all, yet is unheard of.

Professional tickle therapy

A new study from the University of Leeds suggests that tickling could be the secret to slowing down aging. This tickling is not the kind of tickling that results in spastic body movements and laughter. It's a different kind: Ear tickling. Researchers 'tickled' participants' ears with a tiny electric current to influence the nervous system and slow down some of the effects of aging, the university said in a release published Tuesday.

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It has to be taken by surprise. As well as discouraging stress and tension related illnesses, tickle therapy is very useful before a challenging situation e. We believe a strict code of practice has to be followed. Professional tickle and sensory therapy session tailored to an individuals needs. The bristles are typically used to lightly stroke or graze the skin. Suppose I am not enjoying the session? First, there is the Knismesis method. Endorphins will:. Feeling comfortable communicating is essential here. Leave a Reply. Our Approach.

Posted April 23, Reviewed by Davia Sills. For one person, tickling can represent play, while it can be the source of a sexual response for another, and for some, it has a negative connotation associated with everything from discomfort to a response to past trauma. In all cases, as one cannot tickle themselves, tickling, even the threat of tickling, is a social occurrence exemplifying complex social relationships involving the tickler and the person being tickled.

Does your immune system need a hand? Tickle Chat and Virtual Sessions. For the introductory visit, and the first session, it must take place in the clients home on the ground floor. Here are some examples of individuals who might not be inclined to enjoy or benefit from this type of therapy: People who are uncomfortable with tickling sensations: While some individuals find tickling pleasurable, others may have an aversion to it. Endorphins will:. Individual Tickle Therapy. First, there is the Knismesis method. The vibration or rolling motion of the massager can add to the overall relaxation effect. This is for the safety and security of both parties, which I am sure you will appreciate matter greatly. Norman Cousins published a book 'Anatomy of an Illness', explaining how laughter helped him manage two hours of pain free sleep.

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