pecs communication cards

Pecs communication cards

The first thing you need is the pictures.

Many individuals who have expressive communication limitations also have difficulty understanding how communication works. Because of this, they may not be interested in trying to communicate with others. Even if these individuals can speak some words, they may not use verbal words in meaningful communication exchanges with others. A big challenge in teaching independent expressive communication to some students is finding a way to motivate them to participate and learn. You must introduce and teach picture communication in a fun and motivating way for the student to want to participate in the session and to learn structured expressive communication skills. To make the communicative messages more understandable it can be beneficial to use matching picture symbols that exactly represent the activity. Communicating with pictures and identifying symbolic representations may be difficult for some individuals.

Pecs communication cards


Alternatively get long strips and cut it as you need it. If you are likely to need lots of cards I would recommend having a stock of symbols, pecs communication cards.


Many individuals who have expressive communication limitations also have difficulty understanding how communication works. Because of this, they may not be interested in trying to communicate with others. Even if these individuals can speak some words, they may not use verbal words in meaningful communication exchanges with others. A big challenge in teaching independent expressive communication to some students is finding a way to motivate them to participate and learn. You must introduce and teach picture communication in a fun and motivating way for the student to want to participate in the session and to learn structured expressive communication skills. To make the communicative messages more understandable it can be beneficial to use matching picture symbols that exactly represent the activity. Communicating with pictures and identifying symbolic representations may be difficult for some individuals. An experienced Speech Language Pathologist SLP can lend needed guidance to those trying to implement picture communication.

Pecs communication cards

The Picture Exchange Communication System PECS is an innovative method that enables individuals with communication challenges, particularly those with autism, to communicate using visual aids. The Picture Exchange Communication System PECS is a communication approach designed to support individuals who have difficulty with speech or expressive language. PECS uses visual communication to help individuals initiate and engage in communication by exchanging pictures or symbols. This system provides a structured and effective way for individuals to express their wants, needs, and ideas. The foundation of PECS is based on the concept of functional communication. Through the use of PECS communication cards, individuals are encouraged to initiate communication by selecting and handing a specific picture to a communicative partner. This simple act of picture exchange serves as a powerful tool for communication and enables individuals to engage with others more effectively. PECS follows a structured teaching process that involves several phases. In the initial stages, individuals are taught to exchange a single picture to request desired items or activities.

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Storage boxes — when we got more and more cards I needed an easy way to store them, I purchased a screw holder from the local DIY store and it works perfectly. Talk About Emotions Kit. Personally I try to do my PECs cards in bulk one evening so I can sit cutting them out in front of the telly, it always takes longer than I think it will. My Building Attention eBook might be of interest. This is better if you are making up activity boards or schedules. Just use the normal Velcro, no need for the heavy duty. If you want the quick and easy option you can buy the little circles that are already cut so just go straight on the cards. Because of this, they may not be interested in trying to communicate with others. PECS works well in the home or in the classroom. Ok so you will need lots and lots of Velcro when making PECs cards. Picture Schedule Kit.

The first thing you need is the pictures. It is better if you use symbols as this makes generalisation easier.

By doing so, the person is able to initiate communication. Make sure you buy both hook and loop part of the fastener as you need both to make it stick together, generally they come together but keep an eye on what you are buying as some sell them separately. For example, an individual may cry because they are thirsty. Alternatively get long strips and cut it as you need it. Visual Support Starter Set. You can make your own make sure you include a sentence strip on the folder , I have really got on with the one available from PECs:. The first thing you need is the pictures. My son loves his and happily carries it to Pre-School. The front page is used as an activity board so is left blank. I tend to put the hook side rough pointy side onto the board or book where I store the cards and the loop side soft onto the back of the cards. People using PECS are taught to approach another person and give them a picture of a desired item in exchange for that item. At one time many people opposed the use of PECS and sign language to teach children with autism to communicate. It is designed to support young children that struggle with attention and communication.

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