Patches dark souls

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Patches , also known as Trusty Patches , is a character in Dark Souls. He is an opportunistic trickster with a strong animosity towards clerics. He is the only character in Dark Souls who previously appeared in Demon's Souls , though the nature of this connection is unclear, and could ostensibly be coincidental within their respective fictions. Patches or some apparent double of him has appeared in other From Software games before and since Dark Souls , each time with a different title such as "Patches the Spider" or "Patches the Untethered. Knight Lautrec expresses misgivings about Patches before the player first encounters him, giving players new to the series a hint that Patches is not trustworthy.

Patches dark souls

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! He is a con-artist and an opportunistic trickster. Patches is a con artist with a lack of value for human life, tricking wayward people. He is notably a scavenger, he usually tricks others into pits with the promise of treasure, usually stealing their possessions after they have either died from the landing or starved to death in where-ever they are imprisoned. He notably has a strong hatred of clerics and other religious folk, either voicing his contempt for their faith or just straight-up attacking them, calling them "lousy" and "self-righteous. Little to nothing is known about Patches and his background. When the player first meets Patches, he will ask "are you a cleric?

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He's a thief, preying on unsuspecting victims by kicking them down into a pit. He still hates clerics. The Catacombs He stands next to the lever of the second spiked bridge. He only appears in the Catacombs only if Rhea of Thorolund and her company has not gone there and before you kill Pinwheel. After either of those occur, he moves to the Tomb. He may try to flip the bridge the first time you walk across it.

Patches , also known as Trusty Patches , is a character in Dark Souls. He is an opportunistic trickster with a strong animosity towards clerics. He is the only character in Dark Souls who previously appeared in Demon's Souls , though the nature of this connection is unclear, and could ostensibly be coincidental within their respective fictions. Patches or some apparent double of him has appeared in other From Software games before and since Dark Souls , each time with a different title such as "Patches the Spider" or "Patches the Untethered. Knight Lautrec expresses misgivings about Patches before the player first encounters him, giving players new to the series a hint that Patches is not trustworthy. If meeting Patches before Reah has left for the Catacombs , he will appear in the first area next to a bridge lever. Although seemingly neutral, his intentions are less than friendly. Upon the player's attempt to cross the bridge, Patches will attempt to kill the player by flipping it. The player may survive either by running back before the animation starts or by rolling off the bridge onto the conveniently placed ledge to the right of its center.

Patches dark souls

Have you heard of Trusty Patches? If ever a man has rubbed me up the wrong way! If he ever comes around again, I swear, I'll have his hide! He is quite notable for having a strong distaste for clerics, and his counterpart in Demon's Souls had felt the same way about priests. The Catacombs If you venture down to the Catacombs before Reah and her company, Patches will appear in front of the lever for the second spiked bridge, close to the hidden bonfire. He will also be in the Catacombs if you have attacked or killed Petrus , or any of Reah's companions. When you cross the bridge he'll pull the lever, making it impossible for you to cross the bridge again, or you'll fall off if you haven't fully crossed it. He only does this once so you don't have to kill him in order to proceed.

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Black Marches Roll20 Pathfinder. So, who knows, maybe this version of Patches will be the most unforgivable when all is said and done. I found it first, but…well, we're friends now. I have a confession to make What happens if you just immediately kill him, without speaking to him. This is to make sure you you follow along with Siegwards quest while he's in the well so you can buy the armor and save him. I am a knight of Catarina. Where's the old giant? It's right over there, across that narrow part. Fantasy Horror Sci-fi. Welcome to Trusty Patches' Trove of Treasures.

Patches appears in The Catacombs , he is located later on in the level, when the player has turned the third lever that reverses the walk-ways and makes them available to walk on. Later on the player will come across Patches in the Tomb of the Giants , he will ask the player if they are a Cleric, if you say Yes, he will kick you down, if you say No, he will talk to you about treasure, and then kick you down anyway if you investigate the edge of the pit.

Nobody likes a tightwad, you hear me? Ah, oh! If that wasn't enough, he takes things a step further in the Ringed City expansion and takes on the role of a completely different, kind-hearted person named Lapp translates to Patch in Swedish and Norwegian. You damn clerics, you're worse than maggots! Wiki is wrong, you do get suriised dialogue if you killed the giants first, but afterward he does still appear before Rosaria pretending poorly to not be the same guy. Crescent Axe. Mask of the Child. Is it just better to kill him in the cathedral? Then he kicked me in Ringed City, so I went back to the Cathedral, got rid of my weapon and shield and punched him to death :D. Black Marches Roll20 Pathfinder. If he ever comes around again, I swear, I'll have his hide! The normally cowardly Patches goes so far as to disguise himself in his stolen Catarina armor set to rescue Greirat, if the Unkindled One tells Patchs where he went. Answering in the negative will prompt Patches to give the player one Twin Humanities.

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