opera synopsis

Opera synopsis

The stage is in two parts.

It is one of the names of a natural spring located in the hills above the Spanish city of Granada. Xirgu fled Spain at the beginning of the Civil War but Lorca refused to leave. His liberal beliefs and open homosexuality subsequently led to his death at the hands of the Falange, the fascist party founded by the son of former Spanish dictator General Primo de Rivera. As the opera begins, Margarita Xirgu prepares once again to go on stage as Mariana Pineda as a group of young actresses sing the opening ballad. She remembers the brilliance of Lorca to her young student Nuria, recalling her meeting with Lorca in a bar in Madrid where he describes his play to her for the first time. Lorca idolised Pineda, whose statue could be seen from his window at the Lorca family home in Granada. The flashback is interrupted by the Falangist Ramon Ruiz Alonso, broadcasting over the state radio that his party will stamp out the beginnings of the revolution.

Opera synopsis

ACT I Turandot, daughter of Emperor Altoum, has decreed that she will only marry if a suitor of noble blood can answer three riddles. If he cannot, the price shall be his head. They are aided by Calaf, who recognizes the man as his long-lost father, Timur, the banished ruler of his land. Calaf, like his father, is running from enemies and concealing his identity, and is known only as the Unknown Prince. The people impatiently await the beheading. As the Prince of Persia enters, the crowd is suddenly moved and pleads with the Princess to pardon him. Calaf immediately is entranced by her beauty. The three ministers of the Imperial Household, Ping, Pang, and Pong, warn him of his folly, to no avail. They discuss their misery since Turandot reached marriageable age, numbering the many noble suitors who have met a deadly fate and reminiscing about life in their native provinces. Their hopes are guarded. A crowd assembles for the Trial of the Three Enigmas.

Despite achieving success as editor of a popular fashion magazine, Liza Elliott high mezzo-soprano feels at odds with male-dominated and success-orientated society.


The opera takes place in Rome in , during the month of June. Inside the church of Sant'Andrea della Valle, an escaped Roman prisoner, Cesare Angelotti, bursts through the doors seeking refuge. After he finds a place to hide within the private Attavanti chapel, an old sacristan appears followed by the painter, Mario Cavaradossi. Mario picks up where he left off the day before and resumes painting a picture of Mary Magdalene. With blonde locks of hair, Mario's painting is based on Angelotti's sister, Marchesa Attavanti. Mario has never met Marchesa, but he has seen her about town. As he paints, he takes a small statue of Floria Tosca, a singer and his lover, from his pocket to compare her beauty to that of his painting. After the sacristan mutters disapproval of the painting, he leaves. The escaped prisoner, Angelotti, emerges from his hiding place to speak with Mario. The two have been friends for quite some time and share similar political beliefs.

Opera synopsis

Don Carlo , ACT 1. France and Spain are at war. Don Carlo, son of the King of Spain, but not heir to the throne, has secretly come to France. By happenstance, he meets with Elisabeth, his betrothed and whom he has never met, and the two instantly fall in love. They become even happier when they reveal their identities. In the distance, a cannon sounds signaling the end of the war.

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She consults her psychiatrist, and at each of four sessions relives a dream. Dates before common era BC E. Moreover, she is unable to decide between the rival attractions of the three men in her life, her business colleague Charlie Johnson baritone , her publisher and current lover Kendall Nesbitt, and glamorous film star Randy Curtis baritone. Highlight search term Save Search. Opera in three acts, op. When the Mother lyric soprano wishes intensely for a baby, she becomes pregnant but dies in childbirth. During the robbery Absalom shoots a white man in panic. As the Prince of Persia enters, the crowd is suddenly moved and pleads with the Princess to pardon him. Life event Dates before common era BC E. Sun, Oct 2 p. He tells her of the large bright star and she replies that he is a chronic liar and complains of their poverty. Availability Free. Filter cannot be applied, please check and try again. Calaf expresses his conviction that he alone will reveal the secret.

Giuseppe Verdi.

Four memory scenes follow. Chat with Guest Services. Caterina is unable to prevent him from entering the room where Neipperg is hidden. Paquiro invites her to a dance at a tavern that evening. His name is Napoleon Bonaparte. Gianni Schicchi. Don't have an account? He gives some to Amahl. She consults her psychiatrist, and at each of four sessions relives a dream. As the Prince of Persia enters, the crowd is suddenly moved and pleads with the Princess to pardon him. Trumpets announce the arrival of dawn and the assembly of the court. Caterina dispatches one of her girls with a bundle of clothes to an impoverished officer, telling her not to demand payment. Sign in via your Institution. United States The Stepmother mezzo-soprano , pathologically jealous of the Son, sees his dead mother every time she looks at him.

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