Old movie theater dallas

Previously operated by: Interstate Theatres Inc. Styles: Streamline Moderne. Located on the south side of E. Mockingbird Lane, three doors down from the corner of Skillman Street.

Sit back and enjoy a feature film at the coolest spots in town. Whether you're a fan of blockbusters, indie flicks or the classics, there is a theater in Dallas for every movie lover out there. Die-hard movie fans keep coming back because of their strict cinemagoing policy, reserved seating and wide selection of food and drink. Check out screening events for mainstream flicks, indie movies, oldies and cult classics. For those with a devotion to all things indie, the Angelika is where you belong. Located in Mockingbird Station, this eight-screen movie theater is dedicated to bringing independent and art films to Dallas. Intimate in size and elegant in feel, Highland Park Theatre is a great escape from large and over-crowded movie theaters.

Old movie theater dallas

It is the last remnant of Theater Row, the city's historic entertainment center on Elm Street, and is a contributing property in the Harwood Street Historic District. Designed by John Eberson under direction of Karl Hoblitzelle , the Majestic Theatre was constructed in as the flagship theater for Interstate Amusement Company , a chain of vaudeville houses. Paul Street which burned down December 12, Operations of the Majestic were moved to the Dallas Opera House which was renamed the Majestic Theater until the new Majestic was completed. The interior was originally divided into theater and office space, with 20, square feet 1, m 2 of the upper four floors used as the headquarters of the Interstate Amusement Company. The interior lobby and auditorium was of baroque design with decorative detailing consisting of Corinthian columns, egg-and-dart molding, cartouches, and Roman swags and fretwork. The lobby contained a magnificent black-and-white Italian-style Vermont marble floor and twin marble staircases. Other features included an ornate cage elevator serving the two balconies, crystal chandeliers, brass mirrors, ferns, and a marble fountain. The auditorium featured a ceiling "sky" of floating clouds and mechanically controlled twinkling stars. Seating was provided on the main floor and in two balconies in woven cane seats. The stage was flanked by massive Corinthian columns, with an orchestra pit in front. Backstage consisted of twelve dressing rooms, a loft to accommodate scenery, and a set of wooden lighting controls. The Majestic was the grandest of all the theaters along Dallas's Theatre Row which stretched for several blocks along Elm Street.

The Texas Theatre.

It gained historical significance on November 22, , as the location of Lee Harvey Oswald 's arrest over the suspicion he was the killer of Dallas Police Officer J. Today, it hosts a mix of repertory cinema and special events. The Texas Theatre opened on April 21st, The Texas Theatre was the largest suburban movie theater in Dallas and was part of a chain of theaters financed by Howard Hughes. It was the first theater in Dallas with air conditioning and featured many state-of-the-art luxuries. The theater is most famous for being the site of Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest on November 22,

The Inwood Theater is a Dallas legend. Movie buffs praise its distinctive selection of foreign and independent films. Locals love its eclectic Midnight Movie showings featuring cult classics. And art enthusiasts adore its Old Hollywood feel, landmark art deco architecture and beautifully painted murals. Opened in and restored in , the Inwood Theater showcases more than amazing films. Its expansive lobby boasts an underwater-themed original mural by artist Perry Nichols, a member of the Dallas Nine, and its ceiling dances with a bevy of beautiful water nymphs. A double-aisle staircase leads to the mezzanine, where neon-lit transparent panels are etched with realistic fish and underwater foliage. Newly updated screening rooms feature leather lounge chairs, comfortable sofas and loveseats, and popular LoveSac seating. A private bar also was added, allowing patrons to purchase cocktails and soft drinks without leaving the auditorium.

Old movie theater dallas

For decades, the local movie theater was a fixture of nearly every town square in nearly every little hamlet in Texas. Beginning in the s and s, motion pictures swept across the state, and Texans eager for weekend entertainment flocked to picture shows. In larger towns and cities, the arrival of television and then suburban megaplex cinemas put smaller neighborhood theaters out of business.

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Movie theater in Dallas, scene of Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest. Majestic Theatre. Contents move to sidebar hide. In , the Inwood Lounge, in the lobby of the theater, opened, and was soon one of Dallas' most popular gathering places and filled before and after screenings. Article Talk. Quick Search. Be sure to grab a drink from the bar and catch a movie in the screening lounge, a giant theater full of comfy couches to cuddle with your person. It received a Texas Historical Commission marker in Want to be emailed when a new comment is posted about this theater? In other projects. Cookies Policy. Dallas CBD Vertiport. Pre — — — — — — — —present.

Things To Do. Best of Dallas.

Paul Street which burned down December 12, Retrieved August 5, Johnson October 10, July Pre — — — — — — — —present. Designed by John Eberson under direction of Karl Hoblitzelle , the Majestic Theatre was constructed in as the flagship theater for Interstate Amusement Company , a chain of vaudeville houses. Casto March 31, Texas Theatre during restorations in Paul United Methodist Church. Intimate in size and elegant in feel, Highland Park Theatre is a great escape from large and over-crowded movie theaters. The Melba, Tower, Palace, Rialto, Capitol, Telenews newsreels and short-subjects exclusively , Fox live burlesque , and Strand theatres were all demolished by the late s; only the Majestic remains today. The lobby contained a magnificent black-and-white Italian-style Vermont marble floor and twin marble staircases.

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