Oakwood mall eau claire movies

Micon Cinemas also confirmed the announcement on their Facebook Page. The movie theater in the Oakwood Mall has operated under different names and ownerships since

Select a showtime below to purchase tickets online Matinee Showtimes Regular Showtimes. The story of how reggae icon Bob Marley overcame adversity, and the journey behind his revolutionary music. View Trailer. Paul Atreides unites with Chani and the Fremen while seeking revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family. After Po is tapped to become the Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace, he needs to find and train a new Dragon Warrior, while a wicked sorceress plans to re-summon all the master villains whom Po has vanquished to the spirit realm. An adventure racer adopts a stray dog named Arthur to join him in an epic endurance race.

Oakwood mall eau claire movies


Auditoriums 1, 5. Showtimes PM PM. Dismiss Weather Alerts Alerts Bar.


Micon Cinemas co-owner and vice president Connie Olson said they signed the lease last Friday. While she doesn't have a date for when they hope to re-open, her goal is to have movies showing by the end of the month. There are a few obstacles to get it back open. Olson was making calls Thursday, trying to track down a new popcorn machine, as the popper in the former AMC Classic is outdated. For me, I'm in the process of talking with our booker to find out what we need to do to get more films. AMC Classic Oakwood 12, which took over the theater in , closed suddenly the first weekend of October. Olson said they wound up hiring several of the AMC's employees, and that should help, as they know the building. However, they now need to also hire more staffing to operate all four locations. Connie's husband, Mike Olson, actually helped open the Oakwood Mall theater in and served as general manager there, before they opened their own business and first location in Chippewa Falls Stadium Eight in

Oakwood mall eau claire movies

Select a showtime below to purchase tickets online Matinee Showtimes Regular Showtimes. A s-set story centered on the University of Washington's rowing team, from their Depression-era beginnings to winning gold at the Berlin Olympics. View Trailer.

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View Trailer Auditorium 3. WEAU Careers. Friday is Senior Day. Arthur the King PG 1hr 40min An adventure racer adopts a stray dog named Arthur to join him in an epic endurance race. The story of how reggae icon Bob Marley overcame adversity, and the journey behind his revolutionary music. After Po is tapped to become the Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace, he needs to find and train a new Dragon Warrior, while a wicked sorceress plans to re-summon all the master villains whom Po has vanquished to the spirit realm. Auditorium 3. Please enter a quantity above to add ticket to cart. Latest Newscasts. Share on X formerly Twitter. Skip to content. View Trailer Auditorium 2. Showtimes PM PM. First Alert SkyCam Network. SportScene

Select a showtime below to purchase tickets online Matinee Showtimes Regular Showtimes.

Community First. First Alert Forecast. Wheelchair Access. Holiday Vacations. WEAU Careers. Names released in fatal Monroe Co. Sunshine Award. Email This Link. Share on Facebook. Mondovi school district acquires 5 electric buses.

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