Nicki positano

We certainly hope nicki positano since Live in Italy Magazine wants to get you off the beaten path and immerse yourself in the real Italy.

At the beginning of I decided to take some time out from London and spend a few months in Italy to learn the language. I never meant to stay for good but when you choose somewhere as beautiful as the Amalfi Coast it can be hard to leave. I now live with my partner, our daughter and a bunch of animals in a lovely homemade house tucked into a valley above Positano. We grow our own vegetable and fruit and keep fit with the steps from the road to the front door! Life here was too good to keep all to myself so I decided to share it the best way I could.

Nicki positano


It is so refreshing to see someone real like Nicki in this social media saturated world.


We certainly hope not since Live in Italy Magazine wants to get you off the beaten path and immerse yourself in the real Italy. Nicki Storey, creator of the Positano Diaries, set out to do that unknowingly over a decade ago. Pause in Positano with Nicki and have a real look at those hidden gems and get to know the people who live there. Searching for a simpler life too? Nicki can show you the way…. I was born in Wimbledon where the tennis championships are.

Nicki positano

At the beginning of I decided to take some time out from London and spend a few months in Italy to learn the language. I never meant to stay for good but when you choose somewhere as beautiful as the Amalfi Coast it can be hard to leave. I now live with my partner, our daughter and a bunch of animals in a lovely homemade house tucked into a valley above Positano. We grow our own vegetable and fruit and keep fit with the steps from the road to the front door! Life here was too good to keep all to myself so I decided to share it the best way I could. In I started blogging about everyday life in Positano. Although that blog is no longer online the most useful blog posts and some of my favourites are now on the blog right here! With Instagram I share photos of everyday life and use Stories to show you more real life as it happens. We do sneaky hotel tours, kayaking with Holly the dog, hiking in the mountains and lots of sunset watching and step climbing! In the last couple years, I have started making Youtube videos to give a more in depth look at life in Positano with some tips and recommendations thrown in.

Rottweiler pictures

Hello Miriam! We think so too! With Instagram I share photos of everyday life and use Stories to show you more real life as it happens. I never meant to stay for good but when you choose somewhere as beautiful as the Amalfi Coast it can be hard to leave. Love that I found Nicki Positano.. No one has offered anything that looks serious. While we were painting, sanding and doing all of the renovations, Carlo went up to the road to get something. When Carlo first started preparing videos, we tried to get him to speak English and I quickly realized that he was uncomfortable doing so. Life in the US is not the same. If I go into a big town or into London and wander around the shops, I found it incredibly overwhelming because there are so many things to choose from. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.

I have decided to lay down my makeup brushes for now and concentrate on other creative passions.

In I started blogging about everyday life in Positano. Here you step outside and know everybody. I am also very grateful for all of the comments and people telling me how the videos make them feel or, for example, helped them through a bad patch—like chemotherapy or a family member dying. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. It brings back so many memories of the time that I spent in Italy and the Amalfi Coast…. I always documented what I was doing and I never knew what I was doing it for. I think it was naturally part of me to do something that was connected to this industry in some way. During lockdown, we had video calls every day. Most of my friends have since moved away. I watch Nicki on a regular basis and have re-watched a lot of her videos because they are so uplifting emotionally — she is so down to earth — She and Carlo are a great couple and it is so much fun to watch them enjoy life together.

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