Nautilus jgl

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Nautilus jgl

When equipped, it will reduce the gold you receive from killing minions and monsters. If there are multiples of this item within the party, only one of them can take effect at any given time. Spoils of War: Gains 1 charge s every 30 seconds up to 3 times. Your share of the bounty from the minion kill will be entirely given to nearby teammates. Quest: Earn gold with this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain. Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. If the shield breaks early, damage reduction will end. Locket Enchant Area of effect magic shield Locket Active : Grants a shield to yourself and nearby allied champions that each absorbs damage for 2. When you attack a champion, consume all Determination and heal yourself for the same amount. If you still have unconsumed Determination after 5 second s , automatically consume all Determination to heal yourself for half of the amount. Each individual ability has a 3 seconds cooldown on applying Chill stacks. Absorb: Taking ability damage from enemy champions grants 1 stack s of Steadfast for 7 seconds, max 6 stacks. Receiving damage from an enemy Champion will refresh the duration of the stacks.

Vi support off meta tank guide by Luknom Vi Player.

Attacks deal an additional 13 physical damage and root the target for 1 second. Nautilus is one of the best engage supports in the game. He has 4 different forms of crowd control in his kit and he is also a great front-line tank for his team. Nautilus is an easy champion to play and master since his kit is not that complicated and he is a strong champion at all stages of the game. Every first auto attack deals additional physical damage and roots the target for just under a second. This passive does have quite a long cooldown on the same target so auto attacks after the first one will just be normal. It's very important to use Staggering Blow on top of all your other crowd control effects.

Win Rate In patch , Aftershock Nautilus has In the secondary tree the most popular runes are Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery. Try and bait out dashes or escape tools prior to using your Q to engage with. Actively use your Ultimate R whenever it is up to get kills for yourself and your allies. Try and auto-attack before using your W.

Nautilus jgl

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Naut has some terrifying CC and damage, be very careful. Nuke Birb by m3nto8 Rakan Player. His E, CC. Try to disengage his ultimate with yours when enemy team are not very close to you. Early Items 10 min. Ban or dodge on sight. Not to mention his overall buffs in season 14 make him an absolute beast of a mage to work with. If he catches you or your ADC, its unlikely you'll both escape. Even people jumping all at you will find it hard pressed to focus you if your team's right behind, clearing them out as well. Nautilus counters well.

He can start ganking as soon as he hits level 2.

Items Inicio en la JG. Electrocute Burst Damage Within 3 seconds, hit the same enemy champion with 3 basick attacks or abilities to cause additional adaptive damage to the target. At lvl 6 he is highly oppressive, watch out! Mayor problem is that you must be ready block ur adc path too. Because again, ur full ap , not doing support. He probably wins most matchups. Strong Strong Against. How to play Nautilus Nautilus is one of the best engage supports in the game. Core Item Picks. Furthermore, if you want a more detailed breakdown, you should also check out Nautilus runes page. If he casts R on you, speed boost out and run like hell. Your shield will be the difference between life and death and most enemies don't expect a low-level Nautilus to be so tanky from the jungle. After level 6, he can just R you or your ADC and then do the same exact thing.

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