

The course runs over eight days, and each day covers s different way of enhancing student learning in myUCA. Myuca course is delivered via short, webinar-based sessions, myuca, which you can either join in real-time or watch later on in the day. There will also be a TodaysMeet chat room open throughout the duration of the course so you can post questions and myuca. The links to the recordings will also be posted below as they become available, myuca.

New Permanent Staff — You will need a ucreative network account first which has to be requested by your line manager. New members of staff need to be given access to myUCA. This is normally done by HR informing the Learning Technologists to add them to the system. However, there may an exception to the rule — if this is the case and your ucreative username and password does not give you access to myUCA, please email mycoursehelp ucreative. All you need is a web browser and access to the Internet. Yes you can. Your Mac will need access to the Internet and you will need a web browser installed such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari.



Your web browser may remember your old password — especially if you told the myuca to remember it, myuca.


Download and install any authenticator app e. Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, or Authy on your phone. Open the authenticator app and scan the image below using your phone's camera or copy the key. Type the 6-digit temporary code generated with your authenticator application. We will now ask for a login code anytime you log in on a device we don't recognize. Welcome to the Blackboard e-Education platform—designed to enable educational innovations everywhere by connecting people and technology. If you are experiencing the issue of files not opening on Blackboard, this issue is known to be associated with the Edge browser update that was released on November Edge users can turn off the setting that allows files to open in the browser, or they can use another browser. To turn off the setting in Edge, please do the following: 1.


Course documentation, self-directed learning materials and resources are provided for students in their dedicated online course area. In addition, each unit of study has a separate area in which tutors and support staff provide teaching materials, reading lists, references and discipline-specific links to journals and databases. Tutors are able to create opportunities for students to check the academic integrity of their work using Turnitin and submit written or practice-based work via online submission. These interactive tools also enable tutors to provide formative and summative feedback electronically to students. The collaborative blog and wiki tools in myUCA support peer learning activities, providing a mechanism by which peer feedback can occur, and enable staff to assess each student's individual contribution in group tasks. The myUCA home page contains links to your course and unit areas as well as any announcements from your course team and support services. It also links to Resources and the Students Union.


If you cannot see any units or courses in myUCA, this will usually mean you are not enrolled on any. How can I be enrolled on a course or unit? Therefore, always ensure you use your current password to access myUCA Make sure you do not have CAPS lock selected and that you enter your username in lowercase It could also be that your password has expired You may have forgotten your password If you have forgotten your password or it has expired, please contact the Computer Helpdesk at: internal ext. This is normally done by HR informing the Learning Technologists to add them to the system. Email Required Name Required Website. Sign me up. Contact your Learning Technologist — mycoursehelp uca. Asking students to compress their images prior to uploading using 72ppi allows images to load much more quickly and can resolve the problem of images not appearing. Skip to content. Share this: Twitter Facebook.


The course area on myUCA is a central place where all students from all years or stages can access. Your Mac will need access to the Internet and you will need a web browser installed such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Then join us for the myUCA Masterclass. This enables you to specify the size of file that can be uploaded. Go to the Staff Self-Enrolment Form where you can select which courses and units you require access to. A further solution is to ask your Learning Technologist to add a maximum file-size limit to the unit. However, there may an exception to the rule — if this is the case and your ucreative username and password does not give you access to myUCA, please email mycoursehelp ucreative. How can I see who is enrolled on my unit, course or community? Alternatively, please contact mycoursehelp ucreative. Loading Comments

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