Ms pac man video gore

This is one of the most gruesome video uploaded on Gorebay. Prepare yourself before watching! A woman dismembered and her face got cut in half by her husband using a machete.

Surprise Attack Asia ver. Since then, Bandai-Namco has been in legal dispute with a company called AtGames. This story needs considerable context You could beat it by memorizing patterns. The ghosts, you see, weren't programmed for randomness. If you zigged and they zagged, they'd do the

Ms pac man video gore

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A tabletop version of Ms.

Pac-Man [a] is a maze arcade video game developed by General Computer Corporation and published by Midway. It is the first sequel to Pac-Man and the first entry in the series to not be made by Namco. Controlling the title character, Pac-Man 's wife, the player is tasked with eating all of the pellets in an enclosed maze while avoiding four colored ghosts. Eating the larger "power pellets" lets the player eat the ghosts, who turn blue and flee. Multiple names were considered for the game, including Miss Pac-Man and Mrs. Pac-Man , before the final name was chosen for being easier to pronounce.

You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. The Miss Pacman Video , also known as the Ms. Pac-Man Video , refers to a viral gore video showing a Guatemalan woman named Alejandra Ico Chub whose hand had been dismembered and whose face had been cut in half horizontally to her ears, resembling the video game character Ms. The video originally surfaced on the website Best Gore in In , the video was posted to the shock site SeeGore, [2] receiving over , views in five years censored screenshot shown below.

Ms pac man video gore


Professions wowhead

Ms pacman such a distasteful name though 2. They even slice his throat with a box cutter at some point. Pac-Man character. This is one of the most gruesome video uploaded on Gorebay. Shortly before release, Stan Jarocki of Midway stated that Ms. Reply to Colt. Reply to Two girl viciously stabbed by a gang member by Mr. Entertainment Weekly. Article Talk. Pac-Man was acclaimed by critics for its improvements to the original gameplay and for having a female protagonist; some have described it as superior to Pac-Man. She was still alive and aware of what was happening to her.


Thank you angrybirdsfacts for the heads up " Tweet. Atari, Inc. Al Kahawlick. Id hope … Read more ». Do not post anything illegal under US law. It also alleged false advertising, unfair competition, and copyright infringement. Reply to JustACuriousMan. Retrieved March 4, Pac-Man at the arcades, you'll love her here, too. Reply to CuntrySinger.

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