Monstrous nightmare

The Monstrous Nightmare is a Stoker Class dragon that is one of the most featured dragons.

No dragon is more ferocious, or feared than the Monstrous Nightmare. This gigantic dragon has a long, snake-like neck and tail, and is covered in red scales and long sharp spines. The Nightmare's gigantic head and mouth can swallow Vikings whole. It is highly aggressive, and will never run from a fight. Its fire is thick and sticky, clinging to walls and running down hills like a flaming river. The Nightmare also has a nasty habit of setting itself on fire.

Monstrous nightmare

The nightmare has advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Keen Smell. The nightmare has advantage on Wisdom Perception checks that rely on smell. At the start of its turn, the nightmare can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn. Relentless Recharges after a Short or Long Rest. If the nightmare takes 14 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points , it is reduced to 1 hit point instead. Wounded Fury. While it has 7 2d6 hit points or fewer, the nightmare has advantage on attack rolls. Instead of dealing damage, the nightmare may grapple a target, if it is Huge or smaller. Fire Burst Recharge The nightmare exhales fire in a foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw , taking 42 12d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The nightmare beats its wings. The nightmare makes one bite attack against a Medium or smaller target it is grappling.

Hookfangblaze 10 0. The duo then joined the Auxiliary Riders and helped defend the Edge in that episode.

Described to be the very embodiment of the typical 'western dragon' of the film, the Nightmare is said to be the most 'classic'. It is compared to being 'half lizard and half bat', since it could walk on its wings. Nightmares also have snake-like attributes in their behavior. Character Designer Nico Marlet created an 'intimidating flame motif into its shape patterns' and made sure to give it plenty of teeth--ninety seven, in fact. Nico's original concept of the Nightmare, titled Monstrous , features an even more stereotypical dragon. It has four legs, a hunched back, and rounded belly. Previously, the Nightmare only had one set of wings, but a second set was added to further distinguish it from the 'classic' dragon.

The Monstrous Nightmare is a Stoker Class dragon that is one of the most featured dragons. They also seem to have a nasty habit of setting themselves on fire. If you want to train them, a gentle hand on the snout for respect. If that doesn't work, slam their horns on the ground! A Nightmare is usually purple or scarlet and possesses a long, snakelike neck and tail. Unlike some other breeds of dragon, it has no forelegs, and its ground-based locomotion is similar to that of pterosaurs; it can use its claw-tipped wings to "crawl" along the floor. Despite their name, Monstrous Nightmares are known to have a softer side.

Monstrous nightmare

Hookfang is a Monstrous Nightmare. In the movie , he is 61 feet long with a foot wingspan. According to Snotlout Jorgenson , Hookfang weighs around 5, pounds but this might be a lie used to impress Heather. Hookfang is a perfect example of a typical Monstrous Nightmare.

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Though this might mean that some of the same species of Monstrous Nightmares could age quite differently than others. The duo appeared in several other episodes and are the leader of the Auxiliary Team. The power of CGI had given them a chance to stretch the limits of film making, and Dean described that they wanted to move away from the usual propane-based fire, which is used in live-action films as it is easier to extinguish. Monstrous Nightmares exhale an organic Kerosene Gel, which possesses a higher temperature and greater potency compared to a typical flame. The Monstrous Nightmare attacks its foes with powerful streams of fire. These creatures are usually either purple or scarlet in color with snake-like features. Monstrous Nightmare can also store and heat fish by sticking them to its spines. Hookfang, a notable Monstrous Nightmare, has exhibited the impressive strength of this species by being capable of propelling a Night Fury using its mouth, despite experiencing dental discomfort. Sly and sneaky, Monstrous Nightmares also use their claw-tipped wings to crawl along the ground. In the beginning of the film, Hiccup narrates about the Nightmare just when a Nightmare comes snapping up a watch tower, coated with flames, but was promptly defeated by Stoick. However, after he is thrown off his saddle, the Monstrous Nightmares and all the other dragons return to their island. Furthermore, the following content is a derivative work that falls under, and the use of which is protected by, the Fair Use designation of US Copyright and Trademark Law. Nightmares also have snake-like attributes in their behavior. Though it is quite possible that a larger arrow such as one from Dagur's Crossbow might be powerful enough to get through the skin of Nightmare as Hiccup learned Dagur killed a wild Nightmare.

The Monstrous Nightmare is one of the most aggressive, powerful, and stubborn breeds of dragon known to Vikings. Until the Red Death was discovered, it was considered the most formidable dragon species.

They helped in fighting the Dragon Hunters and Dragon Flyers. It also said that Fire Jacket ability also make the Monstrous Nightmare while running downhill makes it appear like flaming river possible spreading the fire on the tall grass. Start a Wiki. This gigantic dragon has a long, snake-like neck and tail, and is covered in scales - most often red - and long sharp spines. Additionally, it has been reported that when utilizing the Fire Jacket ability while descending a slope, the Monstrous Nightmare exhibits a visually striking resemblance to a flowing river of flames, effectively spreading the fire onto the adjacent ground. Monstrous Nightmares are among the most physically powerful dragons as they can send heavy Vikings far distance by using their tail and can send a Gronckle flying full speed with an extra heavy weight Viking riding on them by hitting with their wings. According to Fishlegs they can lose their Fire Burst from old age, exhaustion or injuries. Ryker had backed off just in the nick of time, claiming that dragons weren't smarter than him. Helping Monstrous Nightmare with a toothache problem will show their softer side as they grow aggressively as Gobber helped Hookfang and Hiccup helped Whip-Slash who had a hook. They quickly head to the Edge and trap themselves in the dome. Nightmare gel isn't water-soluble, as evidenced in " Dire Straits " when Fishlegs and the Twins experiment with what might eat through dragon proof metal chains underwater, and Nightmare gel was not a good option, as it dissolves in water instead of staying intact. Consequently, it requires a period of recuperation before it can resume flying. The Monstrous Nightmare is a Stoker Class dragon that is one of the most featured dragons.

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