

The functional domain of the human cerebellum has expanded beyond motor control to also include cognitive and affective functions, moberget.

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Although cerebellar involvement across a wide range of cognitive and neuropsychiatric phenotypes is increasingly being recognized, previous large-scale studies in schizophrenia SZ have primarily focused on supratentorial structures. Hence, the across-sample reproducibility, regional distribution, associations with cerebrocortical morphology and effect sizes of cerebellar relative to cerebral morphological differences in SZ are unknown. We addressed these questions in patients with SZ spectrum disorders and healthy controls HCs from 14 international samples, using state-of-the-art image analysis pipelines optimized for both the cerebellum and the cerebrum. Effect sizes for cerebellar volumes were similar to the most consistently reported cerebral structural changes in SZ e. Within groups, we further observed positive correlations between cerebellar volume and cerebral cortical thickness in frontotemporal regions i. This cerebellocerebral structural covariance was strongest in SZ, suggesting common underlying disease processes jointly affecting the cerebellum and the cerebrum. Finally, cerebellar volume reduction in SZ was highly consistent across the included age span years and present already in the youngest patients, a finding that is more consistent with neurodevelopmental than neurodegenerative etiology. Taken together, these novel findings establish the cerebellum as a key node in the distributed brain networks underlying SZ. Abstract Although cerebellar involvement across a wide range of cognitive and neuropsychiatric phenotypes is increasingly being recognized, previous large-scale studies in schizophrenia SZ have primarily focused on supratentorial structures. Gov't Research Support, U. Gov't, Non-P.

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The past 25 years have seen the functional domain of the cerebellum extend beyond the realm of motor control, with considerable discussion of how this subcortical structure contributes to cognitive domains including attention, memory, and language. Drawing on evidence from neuroanatomy, physiology, neuropsychology, and computational work, sophisticated models have been developed to describe cerebellar function in sensorimotor control and learning. In contrast, mechanistic accounts of how the cerebellum contributes to cognition have remained elusive. Inspired by the homogeneous cerebellar microanatomy and a desire for parsimony, many researchers have sought to extend mechanistic ideas from motor control to cognition. One influential hypothesis centers on the idea that the cerebellum implements internal models, representations of the context-specific dynamics of an agent's interactions with the environment, enabling predictive control.

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Long-term potentiation LTP is one of the most extensively studied forms of neuroplasticity and is considered the strongest candidate mechanism for memory and learning. The use of event-related potentials and sensory stimulation paradigms has allowed for the translation from animal studies to non-invasive studies of LTP-like synaptic plasticity in humans. Accumulating evidence suggests that synaptic plasticity as measured by stimulus-specific response modulation is reduced in neuropsychiatric disorders such as major depressive disorder MDD , bipolar disorders and schizophrenia, suggesting that impaired synaptic plasticity plays a part in the underlying pathophysiology of these disorders.

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Abstract Although cerebellar involvement across a wide range of cognitive and neuropsychiatric phenotypes is increasingly being recognized, previous large-scale studies in schizophrenia SZ have primarily focused on supratentorial structures. Obstetrics and Gynecology Nye artikler av denne forfatteren. Neuroimage 52 4 , , Min profil Mitt bibliotek Metrics Varsler. Although cerebellar involvement across a wide range of cognitive and neuropsychiatric phenotypes is increasingly being recognized, previous large-scale studies in schizophrenia SZ have primarily focused on supratentorial structures. Within groups, we further observed positive correlations between cerebellar volume and cerebral cortical thickness in frontotemporal regions i. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology The funding bodies had no role in the analysis or interpretation of the data; the preparation, review or approval of the manuscript; nor in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders SCZspect and bipolar disorders BD show impaired function in the primary visual cortex V1 , indicated by altered visual evoked potential VEP.

Intensive Care and Critical Care Medicine Scientific reports 7 1 , , Abstract The past 25 years have seen the functional domain of the cerebellum extend beyond the realm of motor control, with considerable discussion of how this subcortical structure contributes to cognitive domains including attention, memory, and language. Hematology Legg til medforfattere Medforfattere. Abstract Although cerebellar involvement across a wide range of cognitive and neuropsychiatric phenotypes is increasingly being recognized, previous large-scale studies in schizophrenia SZ have primarily focused on supratentorial structures. Legg til medforfattere Medforfattere. JAMA psychiatry 77 4 , , Ophthalmology Subject Area Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. Artikler 1—20 Vis mer. Cardiovascular Medicine Message Subject Your Name has forwarded a page to you from medRxiv.

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