mike itkis sex tape

Mike itkis sex tape

As the election season nears its conclusion, one Manhattan candidate is hoping his latest raunchy stunt will help him come out on top — or at least get his name out there. Mike Itkis is running in New Mike itkis sex tape 12th district, where he is mounting a long shot bid to unseat Rep.

A New York City congressional candidate uploaded his sex tape to PornHub earlier this year, but it made headlines last week. Mike Itkis, an independent whose campaign highlights a " sex positive approach " to domestic policy, reportedly released the tape in part to show support for sex workers. As a former sex worker who cares deeply about the rights and protections of those who work in the industry, I was curious to follow these dialogues. I hope he had fun! But I only found three people discussing politics. Most viewers were telling jokes.

Mike itkis sex tape


Mike Itkis, an independent whose campaign highlights a " sex positive approach " to domestic policy, reportedly released the tape in part to show support for sex workers. Most viewers were telling jokes.


As the election season nears its conclusion, one Manhattan candidate is hoping his latest raunchy stunt will help him come out on top — or at least get his name out there. Mike Itkis is running in New York's 12th district, where he is mounting a long shot bid to unseat Rep. Itkis, an independent, is running on a platform that includes sex positivity as one of his keystone issues, and supports legalizing sex work. To prove he's more than just talk, Itkis was willing to bare all — and no, not in an interview. The candidate filmed and released a sex tape he made with an adult film star in hopes of pumping up support and getting his name into the race. The cybersecurity specialist and major in the U. And the fact I actually did it was a huge learning experience, and it actually influenced items on my platform," he told the outlet. On his campaign website, Itkis describes himself as a "liberal independent candidate" who is "not married. No kids. Not celibate.

Mike itkis sex tape

Congressional hopeful Mike Itkis is running in New York's 12th district, where he is attempting to unseat long-term Democratic politician Rep. Jerry Nadler, the longtime Democrat. Itkis, an independent, is running on a platform that includes sex positivity as one of his keystone issues and supports legalizing sex work. The cybersecurity specialist and major in the U. Army Reserves called his video posted to a pornographic website a "conversation piece," he told US news outlets.

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Search Search. For example, sex workers who lack enough money to pay for access to licenses could be cited or arrested for promoting or performing an unlicensed trade. A pro-choice candidate, his website says he would like to "redefine abortion debate as a right to unplanned sex. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Not celibate. No kids. Rowello is working on a memoir about sex work and parenting. This article tagged under: politics Manhattan weird. Lauren Rowello Lauren Rowello is interested in sharing stories of authenticity and resistance, often writing and reporting about topics related to gender, relationships and identity. The cybersecurity specialist and major in the U. The result is typically further stigmatization. Industry professionals and human rights leaders generally call for full decriminalization without legalization. Lauren Rowello is interested in sharing stories of authenticity and resistance, often writing and reporting about topics related to gender, relationships and identity.

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. Breaking news: A man running for Congress apparently thinks the best way to show support for legalizing sex work is to release a sex tape.

Hamilton Heights 7 hours ago. At the least, politicians who claim to support sex workers should be able to honestly discuss their knowledge or lack of knowledge about the industry, list the relevant legislation or proposals they endorse, and name the activists or organizations that inform their perspectives. Voters who want to support sex workers should learn more about the legislation affecting this and other vulnerable groups — especially those living at the intersection of multiple marginalized experiences such as migrant or trans sex workers. If sex work is legalized, a system with laws and regulatory oversight will be created. As the election season nears its conclusion, one Manhattan candidate is hoping his latest raunchy stunt will help him come out on top — or at least get his name out there. In that video, his co-star makes a statement revoking her rights to the finished film. No kids. The cybersecurity specialist and major in the U. One of eight bullet points on the topic also says that "Men should not be required to support biological children without prior agreement. That means sex workers and consumers who participate in the trade outside the sanctioned system would be breaking the law. But I only found three people discussing politics. Get Tri-state area news and weather forecasts to your inbox. By reforming problematic policing practices, decriminalization reduces violence and empowers those who are wronged to self-advocate and seek justice. On social media, the response is a mix of high-fives, eye rolls, and pearl-clutching. IE 11 is not supported.

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