meta builds gw2

Meta builds gw2

By hatebreeder. Meta builds gw2 philosophy for GW2 is this: if you have a suboptimal build or a build that is not considered to be meta, but you have been enjoying it the most, then it's much numberblock 6 than playing meta builds you dislike. Since I'm playing with a build that I find enjoyable, I invest way more hours to get good at it, meta builds gw2, and just because of skill and experience I produce better results overall. I remember the discussion about the problem of balancing in GW2 that during an open world metaevent the best players would have ten times the damage output compared to an average player.

This is a list with the most popular meta builds for PvP as well as some fun or off-meta builds. All of these builds will be categorized into class, strength, and role. There are four main PvP roles that a build can fill:. For a more detailed guide on each of these, check the Roles and Rotations Guide. DPS are aggressive and pressure the enemy team to get kills in team fights, Supports are defensive and keep their team alive in team fights, Duelists are efficient at defending or fighting for capture points alone, and Roamers are aggressive and mobile to control the map by moving quickly. Builds that are meta may be good in certain situations but not so good in others.

Meta builds gw2

This is a list with a good variety of viable roaming builds for WvW. While roaming you may experience a variety of situations all within a short span of time because of how diverse WvW can be. So there are three main things you want on a roaming build:. Even though you can roam with a support it is slow and generally only good in situations where the fights are even or favored for you. If you are in a vastly outnumbered situation the only option may be to retreat. Mobility can allow you to survive until you can reach the safety of your territory or allies. Also having the ability to chase down an enemy who is running away is important to having kill potential. You gain a lot more control over situations the more mobility you have. Due to this opportunistic nature of WvW roaming it is only natural that roamers want to get in when situations favor them and get out quickly before they become too dangerous. Burst damage is useful for getting the kill unnoticed and then retreating back to safe positioning before the enemy can punish you for it. Power builds often have better burst damage but lack sustain, while Condition builds have more sustained damage over time but lack instant impact.

Sign In Now. Trust me, I used to think that nomad core thief was the most epic build ever

Ordering within each tier is random and is not set in stone due to the nature of how Tier Lists work. The rankings should be indicative of what the best builds of a core profession and its elite specializations are generally capable of. Success with them may vary based on personal skill, experience, ratings, and team comps. Even some specs seen as lower tier could be capable of pushing high ratings in the right hands. Condi and Power builds form two distinct groups in fractals, so ratings must be taken in the context of the group type you're playing with. Only viability in CMs are considered as regular T4 fractals have too many variables to consider, and frankly for most groups, anything works.

This is a list with the most popular meta builds for PvP as well as some fun or off-meta builds. All of these builds will be categorized into class, strength, and role. There are four main PvP roles that a build can fill:. For a more detailed guide on each of these, check the Roles and Rotations Guide. DPS are aggressive and pressure the enemy team to get kills in team fights, Supports are defensive and keep their team alive in team fights, Duelists are efficient at defending or fighting for capture points alone, and Roamers are aggressive and mobile to control the map by moving quickly.

Meta builds gw2

New Player Guide. Power Damage Builds. Power Alac Chronomancer. Power Alac Renegade. Power Bladesworn. Power Daredevil. Power Dragonhunter. Power Holosmith.

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Heal builds are kinda ill-suited for solo play as you'll take an eternity killing stuff and in many fights, damage pressure can become more than your self-sustain. With a high skill floor and normal skill ceiling. Sign in here. If you're unfamiliar with this subcategory of WvW gameplay then be sure to check out our beginner's guide to WvW roaming. These are some of the most common builds for Zerging in WvW. Edited November 9, by Padrion. I mean, you're in a 1v3 one minute, the next you're 1v1 against a new player or 1v1 against Vallun roaming on stream. Troll builds often are designed specifically for that reason. There are four main PvP roles that a build can fill:. At the end of the day, for the whole group's enjoyement, it might be better to have everyone take complementary builds instead of the specific build that they enjoy playing. Posted November 9, My enjoyment comes from making a certain class fantasy come to life that I have in my mind. As power DPS, Berserker , Catalyst , Weaver and Soulbeast combine burst with sustained damage that can match or even exceed condi builds. Id say quite the opposite is true. I'm not saying that there isn't suboptimal builds that complement each other well, but you'd have to find the very specific players that know, play and enjoy them which isn't going to be an easy task.

With its infamous roster, Discretize has established a high-end fractal guild that serves as a beacon for the Guild Wars 2 fractal community. Since we have shared knowledge to inspire and elucidate the game for players to grow and discover new depths of fractal gameplay.

It kinda depends on the amount of synergy that's required in the setup, the weaknesses of the build and your ways to adapt to these issues and the reliability of your performance output. Sign In Sign Up. Reaper Weaver Catalyst Herald. List is for 15v Not a lot of players have the build-craft ability to make really good and meta builds. Many players have often "invested" hundreds of hours into playing their custom open world build before entering instanced content. Do not impose your 'just for fun' build on a group asking for specific roles or builds. I'm not saying that there isn't suboptimal builds that complement each other well, but you'd have to find the very specific players that know, play and enjoy them which isn't going to be an easy task. I still play offmeta, but now I have a slightly better understanding of the game to help me with it healthief dream never dies and my SA specter can finally do All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This tier list factors in a class's versatility and usefulness in General Open World play, which includes both Exploration and Squad Farming. I mean, you're in a 1v3 one minute, the next you're 1v1 against a new player or 1v1 against Vallun roaming on stream. Edited November 7, by ArchonWing. If you're going to inevitably run firebrand for quickness and aegis regardless you may as well keep them as a healer and then be open to all the good DPS alac builds.

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