mercedes benz annual report 2018

Mercedes benz annual report 2018

Cover photo The EQC combined electricity consumption: With its seamless, clear design and brand-typical color accents, it is the pioneer of avant- garde electro-aesthetics.

The sharp decrease resulted from a substantial cash outflow in connection with legal proceedings relating to diesel vehicles. Also, a continued high level of expenses for new products and technologies had a negative effect. Above all, material adjustments affected our financial results last year. The future of the Daimler Group lies in CO2-neutral mobility as well as in consistent digitization, leveraging its full potential in our products and our processes. To achieve that, we have substantially ramped up our investments into new technologies. We are determined to materialize our technological leadership and at the same time to significantly improve profitability.

Mercedes benz annual report 2018

Over recent years, mobility, in its widest sense, has revolutionised the environment in which the automotive industry works. Private vehicles as individual possessions now form part of an ecosystem in which on-demand mobility is hugely important, where the way in which we travel depends on our needs and circumstances at the time. Mobility is a right for the public - it is their right to move when, how and where they want. But the definition of this does not depend solely on governments, vehicle manufacturers or providers of technological applications. This definition is the responsibility of all of us, as a society. We have to define the type of mobility that is most appropriate for Spain, and under what conditions. Here at ANFAC, we believe mobility has to be smart, emission free, accessible and affordable, with a common model applicable to the whole of Spain in a consistent and orderly way. The world is changing, and we are changing with it. For our part, manufacturers are fully committed to this change. We are already adapting our offering to the changing demands of the public for more efficient technologies that reduce emissions and increase connectivity, safety and comfort. In this new environment, the concept of linear production design, manufacture and selling of vehicles is disappearing, and being replaced by an ecosystem of different suppliers and services, in which new components and technologies play a leading role. This opens up a range of challenges, but also offers new business possibilities in which vehicle manufacturers have to be involved. Spain is one of the leading manufacturers of vehicles in Europe and the world. We are Spain's biggest export industry. This has fostered the creation and growth of a substantial supporting industry for components, the closeness of which is very positive for our competitiveness.

We are Spain's biggest export industry.


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Mercedes benz annual report 2018

February 21, — Today we have published the Annual Report On this page you will find all relevant information, documents and the recording of the conference. Daimler faces the challenges posed by the transformation of the automotive industry with a sustainable business strategy. Demand for individual mobility and the worldwide transport of goods and people will continue to grow and will continue to form the basis for the core business as a vehicle manufacturer. The premium market for passenger cars will continue to grow sustainably and faster than the volume market in the future. The resulting costs require comprehensive measures to increase efficiency, streamline the company and increase the free cash flow. Reduction of material and administrative costs and personnel costs.

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This Daimler Group company aims to partner with cities and transportation operators to simplify mobility and offer customers access to the right mobility options. In connection with the export structured portfolio analysis and portfolio monitoring. Daimler Financial Services provides financing, leasing, fleet management, investment products, brokerage of insurance and credit cards, as well as innovative mobility services. With the new Actros and mobility. A total volume of 1, million shares were traded in Germany in million. Unit sales by Daimler Trucks in were significantly higher B. Forward-looking technologies for electric mobility, connectivity, and automated and autonomous driving are also New strategy for brands and patents: everything under becoming more important. As the next step, the measures decided upon than return on sales is used to evaluate profitability. The Brazilian car market continued to recover in the year Passenger car sales in the whole of Europe were at about the under review. In the segment for and distribution of bus chassis. They generally have an external rating of A or better. Those additional financial resources include a pool of indices. The significant decrease in value B.


Furthermore, the Supervisory Board looked ahead to the main topics for the financial year. Cycli- 1 Closing prices cal stocks and not least shares in the automotive and supplier industries were especially impacted by these developments. The Board of Management informed is in the implementation phase. A total of With this new model, we are offering an effective solution for improving air quality in cities. The resulting costs require comprehensive measures to increase efficiency, streamline the company and increase the free cash flow. Items not yet included are possible expenses related to governmental and legal proceedings. Daimler is on the right track and we are rapidly progressing towards the future. Marie Wieck, General A. We develop digital solutions at the digital units of our management systems. Business at Daimler Financial Services continued to develop Unit sales of , vehicles surpassed the prior-year figure positively in the year under review. Most of the major commercial-vehicle markets were on the upturn in — Daimler Trucks made good use of that. We aim to fully meet their dynamic requirements. Business development was very favorable under review.

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