meb 9 sınıf ingilizce çalışma kitabı

Meb 9 sınıf ingilizce çalışma kitabı

Soru Havuzu 9. Students will be able to identify frequently used vocabulary for greetings and conversations in a simple recorded E9.

Fiil in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Henna 1 come from Germany. She 2 live with her family in a flat. In winter, it 3 get dark very early and it 4 snow a lot. Most people 5 love skiing there.

Meb 9 sınıf ingilizce çalışma kitabı


Students will be able to scan a text for specific information.


Choose the correct option. I enjoy reading it. He never talks to them. Open the window, please. I love it. She dresses differently. I prefer playing chess. He is keen on writing poems. I love action scenes. Fiil in the blanks using the correct words from the box.

Meb 9 sınıf ingilizce çalışma kitabı


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A : Hmm. Students will be able to fill in the missing parts in a dialogue about invitations and apologies on a phone call. Students will be able to ask and answer about their personal belongings. Would you …? What time do you start work? Put the lines in the correct order to make a dialogue. Students will be able to write a short message to leave at the reception desk for their parents. Students will be able to reorder the events in a short story. She is a bad singer. Students will be able to express their opinions about free time activites. Human In Nature. Students will be able to identify frequently used vocabulary for greetings and conversations in a simple recorded E9. Students will able to scan short texts describing some famous cities in the world for specific information. Students will be able to identify time expressions of daily routines. Students will be able to write a short paragraph about their future plans.


What time do you start work? Students will be able to talk about some basic cultural differences of places they have visited. Students will be able to write a series of sentences about the city that they would like to visit by indicating reasons. Children 6 learn to ski at a very young age. Students will be able to write simple invitation letters. Students will be able to introduce themselves and their family members. Match the questions with the answers. Mary is a slow runner. Students will be able to compare people, places and objects around them. Students will be able to find the supporting ideas in a text. He is a good writer. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about location of things and places. Students will be able to recognise the most frequently used expressions related to shopping in a recorded text. Can Daisy run quickly?

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