Marvel comics man thing

El Hombre Cosa Dr. Wilma Calvin, que incluye a la Dra.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Man-Thing real name Dr. Theodore "Ted" Sallis is a fictional superhero in the Marvel Comics and Universe, and is a formerly human creature that is only partially sentient and is responsible for the Nexus of All Realities. A scientist working on a way to recreate the super soldier serum that created Captain America, seemingly died when his lab in the swamp was destroyed by a terrorist bombing, only to reemerge from the swamp having been turned into a strange creature after exposure to the flawed super soldier serum. Legend says that an ancient creator entity from before the dawn of time created beings known as Fallen Stars, created from its own thoughts.

Marvel comics man thing

A contributor to our project has added information directly copied from another location, possibly without permission. Man-Thing on Marvel. If you are a contributing author of this page, please redo the work eliminating the violation, or contact the original author to obtain permission to use their work in this article, citing sources appropriately. Ted Sallis was transformed into the Man-Thing after he injected himself with the SO-2 Serum and crashed his car into a mystical swamp. The project was dedicated on allowing soldiers to withstand bio-chemical warfare, and Sallis developed the SO-2 Serum to grant immunity to all known toxic biochemicals. However, it became unusable upon a discovered side-effect of turning users into monsters. While unable to afford to hire Curt once they returned stateside, Ted still aided him in his cell regeneration research, which soon led Connors towards using lizard DNA. After their honeymoon, they visited the fortune teller Madam Swabada , who foretold a catastrophic change. Due to his own research needing to be moved somewhere more secluded, he discussed with Ellen the idea of moving to the Everglades so as to be closer to Curt. The subversive organization AIM wanted the serum and conspired with a bitter Ellen, whom Ted had long neglected since their honeymoon. While fleeing, he injected the only existing sample of the serum into himself just before his car crashed into the swamp. He should have died, but the magical energies of the swamp , combined with the serum as well as some of Curt Connors regeneration serum, [16] transformed him into the hideous creature later known as the Man-Thing.

Shortly thereafter, the Man-Thing was one of the Daydreamers joining Franklin Richards on a surreal journey to accept Onslaught 's seeming destruction of Franklin's parents marvel comics man thing uncleswho had actually survived in the Counter-Earth of a pocket realm created by Franklin; however, Ashema the Listenera Celestial who helped Franklin retrieve Onslaught's victims and establish Counter-Earth as a real planet orbiting opposite Earth, obliterated the Man-Thing in order to stop him from blocking access to the pocket realm, marvel comics man thing. Man-Thing vol.

The Man-Thing Dr. Theodore " Ted " Sallis [3] is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writers Stan Lee , Roy Thomas , and Gerry Conway and artist Gray Morrow , the character first appeared in Savage Tales 1 May , [4] and went on to be featured in various titles and in his own series, including Adventure into Fear. Steve Gerber 's issue run on the series [5] is considered to be a cult classic. The Man-Thing is a large, slow-moving, empathic , humanoid swamp monster living in the Florida Everglades near a Seminole reservation and the fictional town of Citrusville in Cypress County also fictional , Florida.

Ted Sallis first assigned to something called project Sulfer in which he created a serum that made people immune to all toxic biochemicals but it also turned them into monsters, this serum was called SO-2 and Ted used this serum to help make the super -Soldier Serum that created Captain America as part of project Gladiator. However, he was betrayed by his lover, Ellen Brandt , and Sallis had to flee from A. He injects himself with the serum, but after crashing in a swamp and apparently drowning, he is transformed into a swamp creature through a combination of his formula and, as later explained, magical forces existing in the area. Sallis's mind was lost, although, on rare occasions, he could briefly return to consciousness within his monstrous form and even to his human form, such as when he fought Ben Grimm , who took the appropriation of his own nickname a little too personally. For the most part, Man-Thing has been left alone. However, there have always been unwary passersby who have stumbled across him, usually to their own destruction, if of course they aren't sucked into the Nexus of All Realities - or even deposited in the swamp by the nexus, as Howard the Duck was.

Marvel comics man thing

Man-Thing has a history at Marvel Comics, stretching back 50 years. How exactly did this happen? How did two remarkably similar characters appear within months of each other at different companies? It is seemingly just a case of parallel thinking, where two people had the same idea at the same time. Man-Thing was born out of a conversation between Stan Lee and then-editor at Marvel Roy Thomas; once the details were nailed down, Thomas handed the scripting duties off to Gerry Conway. When Swamp Thing received his own title a year later, Roy Thomas recalled talk of legal action, but it went nowhere. One night, Sallis brings his lover Ellen to the lab, where she betrays him to the scientific terrorist organization Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.

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Sign In Register. He then proceeded to fight off the enlarged being and defeat it using his burning touch. Connect With Us Discord Twitter. Termineus , the embodiment of finality, who had visited the young Ted Sallis over the years. The story was set soon after Sallis' transformation, yet depicted Sallis using a standard personal computer with up-to-date graphics rather than hard-copy files, an example of the floating timeline effect. The Man-Thing battled Thog and his minions while burning those who feared him, and when Thog became afraid of plunging into the moat of Therean water, Man-Thing grabbed him and began to burn him as well. Strange recruited Ellen Brandt to help Man-Thing restore it. Wilma Calvin, que incluye a la Dra. Savage Tales 1 May Schist , who wanted to build an airport on Native American land, [28] and a crashed bus. X'zelzi'ohr : When Man-Thing was granted speech again he spoke the language of X'zelzi'ohr, the universal language. Attacking the creature in a fury, he once again saw that no matter what he did, he could not harm the Man-Thing and so he stopped fighting. Durante la historia de Civil War , dos agentes de S. The Thing had initially arrived due to him feeling that Man-Thing had stolen his name. Become this truth, sweet fated child, and God is yours to keep.

The Man-Thing Dr.

Den of Geek. Sensing emotion, he will seek out its source, his pace determined by the intensity of the emotion. Toggle limited content width. Shortly thereafter, the Man-Thing was one of the Daydreamers joining Franklin Richards on a surreal journey to accept Onslaught 's seeming destruction of Franklin's parents and uncles , who had actually survived in the Counter-Earth of a pocket realm created by Franklin; however, Ashema the Listener , a Celestial who helped Franklin retrieve Onslaught's victims and establish Counter-Earth as a real planet orbiting opposite Earth, obliterated the Man-Thing in order to stop him from blocking access to the pocket realm. Stan Lee called me in; it would've been late '70 or early ' Start a Wiki. D'Spayre, trabajando para el Habitante en la Oscuridad , es quemado por Hombre Cosa cuando teme el fracaso. Sign In Register. He is able to remake his body even when believed to be near death and can form tendrils to seek out any matter with which to aid his regeneration. Harriet Brome, an agent of the self-proclaimed eco-warriors the Hordeculture, adopts the name "Harrower" and attempts to use Man-Thing to perform a mass culling of humanity, intending to purge the human race and let another species take over. ISBN Become this truth, sweet fated child, and God is yours to keep. He has been shown able to lift a 2, pound automobile.

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