martha wayne joker comic

Martha wayne joker comic

The Joker of the Flashpoint timeline was a criminal alias adopted by Martha Wayne.

DC Comics has brought back a fan-favorite version of The Joker as a surprising big bad in a major event storyline. The series in question is Flashpoint Beyond , the limited series that is running alongside DC's other big event series, Dark Crisis. After his apparent death at Darkseid's hands or eyes rather , Thomas Wayne has woken up in a restored Flashpoint timeline that has some key differences from the doomed one he first came from. Wayne to surgically remove. As Thomas obsesses with solving the mystery of the "Clockwork Killer" his crony Oswald Cobblepot is in a panic because the dead Harvey Dent's son and possible witness to the Clockwork Killer snuck out of Batman's protection and care and headed for the one place he wants to be more than anywhere else: by his mother's side in Arkham Asylum.

Martha wayne joker comic

In an altered timeline , Martha Wayne became the Joker , fighting her husband Batman. Martha Wayne was so traumatized by the event and the loss of her son that she wasn't responding properly to therapy even after several months. However, before doing do so, Thomas had talked to Martha, telling her that it was time to move on and that he missed her smile. While seemly despondent to Thomas telling her to move on, Martha took notice to the latter part of his statement. When Thomas returned and informs her that Chill was dead, she turned to her husband to reveal that she cut open her cheeks to create a faux smile, telling him that she was finally smiling. Thomas then had her institutionalized, realizing her mental breakdown. Martha soon escapes and turns to a life of crime, working with her own version of Harley Quinn called Yo-Yo and becoming the archenemy of her husband, Batman. Her actions as Joker would cause further tragedy for Thomas as his vigilante partner Catwoman , to whom he had become a father-figure, was shot through the gut and paralyzed from the waist-down. Martha later kidnaps the twin children of Judge Dent , and tricks Chief Gordon into shooting Dent's daughter by giving her the appearance of the Joker- complete with a tape with a smile on it and guns tied to her hands. After Gordon realizes what he has done, Martha ambushes him and slashes the chief's throat. Batman turns up to face his estranged wife. Martha, however, is shocked that her son will grow up to become her greatest enemy and commits suicide off a cliff near Wayne Manor.

Many years later, the detective hired by the Kanes presents to Commissioner Gordon a dossier describing Martha as a helpless, frail woman hooked on drugs by an abusive husband, who frequently indulged in orgies and extramarital affairs, taking Alfred Pennyworth as her lover.

When the Flash went back in time to save his mother's life in Flashpoint , the act came at a greater cost than he could ever have imagined. The ripple effect changed so many of the DCU's historical events that the new timeline was thrown into complete chaos. But it dealt a far worse blow to the Wayne family , altering things so that young Bruce Wayne was the one killed by Joe Chill. This had an adverse effect on his parents. Thomas became a lethal version of Batman , but Martha suffered an even worse fate. The trauma of losing her only child turned her into this world's Joker , and as twisted as she became her story was still rooted in tragedy.

Joe Chill murders Bruce Wayne, rather than the boy's parents. Martha Wayne was so traumatized by the event she becomes the Joker. Her husband Thomas wished to gain revenge for his son's murder and becomes this reality's version of Batman. She is working with her own version of Harley Quinn called Yo-Yo. She becomes the archenemy of her husband, Batman. She kidnaps Judge Harvey Dent and holds him hostage in one of her funhouses. When Flash corrects the time stream, this version of Martha ceased to exist. Batman Villain s This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman , or the Batman Family as a whole.

Martha wayne joker comic

Batman Dr. Thomas Wayne , dubbed Flashpoint Batman to separate him from the mainline version, his son is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. His character returned to the main DC Universe in DC Rebirth as a revived amalgamation of his original self that was killed by Joe Chill and the Flashpoint version of Batman that was killed in " The Button ", a storyline revolving around the "Smiley-face" button from Watchmen.

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Retrieved September 25, In this new Flashpoint reality, Gilda Dent ended up being Two-Face, but when her son Dylan comes to see her, they are confronted by the true mastermind behind the Clockwork Killings — just as Thomas Wayne comes to that same horrible realization, miles away in his mansion, when he realizes Wayne Manor's infamous grandfather clock has the final gear in the Clockwork Killer's puzzle. Martha Kane Flashpoint Timeline. The Joker began a criminal career at some point after her husband became its incarnation of Batman. After Gordon realizes what he has done, Martha ambushes him and slashes the chief's throat. Read Edit View history. Her actions as Joker would cause further tragedy for Thomas as his vigilante partner Catwoman , to whom he had become a father-figure, was shot through the gut and paralyzed from the waist-down. DC Comics. The Court of Owls offers to take a child who is possibly Thomas Jr. Batman turns up to face his estranged wife. When the Flash went back in time to save his mother's life in Flashpoint , the act came at a greater cost than he could ever have imagined.

Martha Wayne was the mother of Batman Bruce Wayne.

In an alternate universe ruled by the tyrannical ' Planetary ' organization, Martha and her husband were part of a makeshift 'League of Justice', an underground cell trying to revolt. Martha is depicted here as a beautiful woman whose face is marred by a bleeding bullet wound, suggesting that Bruce remembers her this way because he has become 'focused' on her death rather than her life, the wound vanishing after she forces him to acknowledge that issue. Main article: DC Animated Universe. Bruce Wayne Harley Quinn Joker. The twins were saved by Batman, who managed to reach out to Martha. Fictional character, mother of Bruce Wayne Batman. Dick Grayson. As she and Thomas depart, they assure Bruce that just because the passing of time has lessened his grief does not mean that he no longer cares for them, and, as a result, Bruce is able to accept that he is Batman because he chooses to be, not because he has to be. This wasn't the end of her relationship with Thomas though. After DC Comics' history-altering Zero Hour series, this interpretation was abandoned in favor of the Waynes' deaths being a random street crime. Retrieved

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