malachor star wars

Malachor star wars

Featuring an iconic world familiar malachor star wars fans, developed heroes and villains who have a lot of fan investment, and multiple incredibly significant lightsaber duels, Star Wars Rebels takes the cake with its journey to the planet Malachor.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Malachor was a rocky, hellish wasteland planet located in the Chorlian sector of the galaxy 's Outer Rim Territories region. It was a planet shrouded in mystery, and the location of an event known as the Great Scourge of Malachor , which took place thousands of years before the rise of the Empire. The Great Scourge was an ancient battle at Malachor's Sith temple between the Sith and the Jedi Order , which saw a superweapon activated, killing and petrifying all the participants of the battle, remaining for years after. Together, they killed three Inquisitors, but Maul blinded Jarrus and escaped, consumed by revenge against the Jedi as well as his Sith Master , Darth Sidious. In the chaos, the Malachor superweapon was nearly re-activated before being destroyed, and while Bridger and Jarrus also fled Malachor, Tano narrowly survived her duel with Vader; years later, Bridger reached through the fabric of space-time to save Tano from Vader's clutches during the duel.

Malachor star wars

Space Combat : PvE. Ground Combat : PvE. The Malachor system consists of the Malachor star and hundreds of asteroids that are fragments of what was once the system's only temperate world, Malachor V. The system itself has rarely been utilized and has a past that remains largely a mystery. Archeological records predating Malachor V's destruction suggest that it was used as a fortress world by ancient Sith who established a training facility for assassins, the Trayus Academy. The reason for their abandonment of the system is unclear, but it is likely the result of growing instability within their empire. The system was left alone for hundreds of years until the Mandalorian Wars when it served as the location for the final battle. When a sufficient number were in range, the weapon was activated and drew many of both fleets crashing to the planet, effectively ending the Mandalorian threat. After the Mandalorian defeat, the system fell out of use and was forgotten. However, rumors persist of Malachor V's use by Revan as a training facility for assassins during his war against the Republic, and later as the headquarters for the Sith Triumvirate, which was supposedly behind the near elimination of the Jedi Order. Rumors also persist about the destruction, most centering around the belief that upon the Triumvirate's defeat, the Mass Shadow Generator was once again activated, finally wrecking the desolate planet. Year Day Time 06 : 32 :

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Malachor was a wasteland planet that once was affiliated with the Sith. Due to this, a Sith Temple was located on the planet. Long ago, a temple was built on the planet by a female Sith Lord. It doubled as a place of worship, and a super-weapon powered by a giant Kyber crystal. Jedi Knights, having heard of the weapon, advanced to the planet and attacked it. It malfunctioned and turned the combatants to stone, making them frozen in time for thousands of years.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! It transformed the planet Malachor V into a "graveyard world" after Meetra Surik sacrificed a significant portion of her own forces to obliterate the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. In utter secrecy, he had prepared a superweapon , known as the " Mass Shadow Generator ," which had been designed by the Zabrak engineer Bao-Dur. The weapon was the centerpiece of a trap with which he hoped to bring about a conclusive end to the destructive conflict. Commanding the fleet and overseeing the device's use was a capable and jaded Jedi General , Meetra Surik later known as the Jedi Exile who had taken part in the recent bloody campaign on Dxun. Revan lured the Mandalorians to Malachor V and a massive fleet battle ensued in orbit. Revan himself was delayed outside the system by a Mandalorian scouting party.

Malachor star wars

However, despite the status of the Death Star and Starkiller Base, there was another Sith weapon that was much more terrifying than either of them. Darth Sidious used fear as a way to grow his power and control. Even it fuels the engine of my Empire. The weak must be trained to fear the consequences of betrayal. Sidious was not the first Sith to use a superweapon to gain power, however. Darth Tanis was an ancient Sith who constructed a superweapon and housed it within a Sith temple on the Outer Rim world of Malachor. It, like the Death Stars , was powered by a giant kyber crystal. During the Battle of Malachor, the Sith superweapon was infamously used in battle. While the details of the battle are still vague in canon, a Sith witch -- perhaps Tanis herself -- was said to have activated the weapon with a Holocron in defense of the Temple.

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This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. In the chaos, the Malachor superweapon was nearly re-activated before being destroyed, and while Bridger and Jarrus also fled Malachor, Tano narrowly survived her duel with Vader; years later, Bridger reached through the fabric of space-time to save Tano from Vader's clutches during the duel. He encountered a female voice who revealed that the temple was an ancient Sith superweapon capable of destroying all life. It's hard to know for sure because, well, it was a secret. Space Combat : PvE. Feature Final Fantasy 7 was a different kind of blockbuster. Malachor may have been more lively before its Scourge, but that is controversial. A place like the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. Day Ashoka called out to Vader and the two spoke of Anakin Skywalker. At the top, Ezra activated the holocron and quickly realized that he was tricked into turning on the weapon.

Over the years, the Star Wars franchise has highlighted more than a few wars that happen to take place among the stars.

A place of tombs and darkness, secrets and treasure. Working together, the two retrieved a Sith holocron from the temple. These ashes empowered those who consumed it—increasing their might, but at the cost of morality. A place like the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. This event became known as "The Scourge of Malachor. Wookieepedia Explore. Malachor was a known planet from the beloved Old Republic games, and the arc had characters fans loved, cared about, and were invested in the classic ones being Ahsoka, Vader, and Maul. Day Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Along Malachor's central latitude was a large crater ringed by narrow spires.

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