little witch academia short film

Little witch academia short film

The original short film, little witch academia short film, directed by Yoshinari and written by Masahiko Otsuka, was released in theaters in March as part of the Young Animator Training Project 's Anime Mirai project, and was later streamed with English subtitles on YouTube from April An anime television series aired in Japan between January and Junewith the first 13 episodes available on Netflix worldwide beginning in June The remaining 12 episodes of its first season was labeled little witch academia short film the show's second season and was made available on the platform in August

Inspired by a magician named Shiny Chariot, the lively Akko Kagari enters the Little Witch Academy with the dream of one day becoming as cool and great as her idol. Akko : I don't care about ancient history, I didn't come here to become one of those moldy old witches. It's no fun at all. I wanna be a cool witch like Shiny Chariot. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Little witch academia short film

It's the sequel of the first special Little Witch Academia and tells the challenge of Atsuko Kagari to produce a parade with the help of her friends from the Luna Nova Magical Academy. The movie was funded by a Kickstarter campaign. Akko Kagari enters a European, traditional, witch-training, prestigious school called Luna Nova Magical Academy based on the charming magic of the witch Shiny Chariot 's show she saw when she was young. However, not being able to ride on a broom at all and doing mischievous things in class causes her trouble. Akko's friends, caretaker Lotte and cynic Sucy are allowed to participate in a parade that reproduces the history of witch-hunting as punishment! If they do not produce the parade successfully together with three other troublemaking students — Amanda O'Neill, Constanze Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger, and Jasminka Antonenko — they will be expelled. However, they would like to make it as happy as a show by Shiny Chariot! Akko's magical happy parade, involving the whole city taking off. The film begins with Sucy intending to use an ominous-looking mushroom for the class' fusion magic experiment but is objected by Akko who suggests using what seems to be a brownie though the former questioned whether the creature on her hand indeed one due to its goblin-like features. Lotte tries to break up her roommates' arguments, but the two are too occupied that they wind mixing both together by mistake, resulting in the three friends alongside the mushroom, the small creature, and their boiling fusion potion into a Matango -like monster that poisons everyone in the lab. Subsequently, Finnelan, the acting teacher at that time, and Diana casted Luna Lana to undo the mess they caused. At the Student Counseling Room, it's revealed that this is the fifth time the red team got into trouble; two of previous for being attempting to test a love potion on a potion teacher and having animated mummies to take over their supposed cleaning duties. In the light of their latest shenanigan, Finnelan assigned the girls to participate in the academy's upcoming witch parade at the town. To Akko's dismay, their would-be part in the parade is going to be a re-enactment of Witch Hunts in the Middle Ages in addition to an appeasement ceremony at the town's Sealing Stones. Finnelan further explained that another trio of troublemakers will join them also; the thief Amanda O'Neill , the magic-mechanic savvy Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger , and the gluttonous Jasminka Antonenko , and sternly concludes with an ultimatum: Should they failed to make the parade a successful one, they must flunk the school year.

Trigger Ultra Super Pictures.

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Atsuko Kagari enrolls into Luna Nova Magical Academy , a school for young witches, after being inspired at a young age by a witch named Shiny Chariot. She often spends her days hanging with her classmates, Lotte Jansson and Sucy Manbavaran. However, she has trouble paying attention in class, doesn't know how to ride her broom, and is often looked down upon for admiring Chariot. Many believe she gives the wrong impression about witches. One day, as a teacher instructs the class to explore a dungeon and retrieve rare treasures, Akko finds the Shiny Rod that belonged to Chariot. Meanwhile, the top student, Diana Cavendish , inadvertently breaks a seal on a dragon that grows more powerful by absorbing magic. Noticing the Shiny Rod still has power after all these years, the teacher sends Akko and her friends to reach the Sorcerer's Stone , the source of the academy's power before the dragon can devour it and become invincible. Arriving at the stone, the Shiny Rod absorbs some of its power, allowing Akko to fight against the dragon. Put into a desperate situation, Akko hears Chariot's words coming from somewhere, that a believing heart is a magic, and with renewed conviction, she uses the full power of the Shiny Rod to destroy the dragon.

Little witch academia short film

Inspired by a magician named Shiny Chariot, the lively Akko Kagari enters the Little Witch Academy with the dream of one day becoming as cool and great as her idol. Akko : I don't care about ancient history, I didn't come here to become one of those moldy old witches. It's no fun at all. I wanna be a cool witch like Shiny Chariot. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

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Current Wiki. Shueisha Ribon Original Margaret. The heartwarming reconciliation between three friends move Amanda, Constanze, and Jasminka, though such moment doesn't last long as Titan eventually pulls itself free from its prison, assimilating nearby inorganic matter from surrounding objects to restore its decomposing flesh. Marin M. Lotte reasoned to Akko that this can be avoided had she not slept in the middle of the class, but the Japanese lamented how Luna Nova's subjects was so boring and wondered how Shiny Chariot was able to stand it all. December 25, Animation Production : Trigger. Jennifer Alyx as Hannah. Unfortunately for her, this only worked so long until the beast sensed Shiny Rod's magic, prompting it to chase the red team instead. Noticing this, the history teacher summons a sprite which slams her head against the desk, waking her up and giving the brunette a bruised face.

Welcome to the Little Witch Academia Wiki , a collaborative encyclopedia about Trigger 's short film Little Witch Academia and its sequel The Enchanted Parade , along with the related manga and the Netflix anime series.

However, Croix, Chariot's former best friend, had also coveted — and was denied — the power sealed within the Grand Triskellion due to her selfish ambitions. Jullie as Lotte Yansson. December 1, Humorously, at one point, Akko nearly buries herself in a pile of books she gathered because of her slamming her hands against the desk where she placed them in her determination too hard, though she successfully frees herself from the pile and even arranges them into a castle-like formation both via. Chained Soldier Cherry Magic! Internet Streaming : Netflix Brazil. One of the main themes in the franchise is Akko trying to live up to Shiny Chariot's ideals by showing the world that magic is still a wonderful thing, while Luna Nova struggles for its continual existence because the general public regards wizardry as outdated. Even so, she praised the show's portrayal of "loyalty and craftiness" as positive character traits, and said that the series would "appeal to viewers with a soft spot for underdogs. Ursula decides to let the small yet remarkable competition be since the audience enjoy it as much as the previous event. Erica Mendez Akko English version voice. If they do not produce the parade successfully together with three other troublemaking students — Amanda O'Neill, Constanze Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger, and Jasminka Antonenko — they will be expelled. This all changes when she discovers the Shiny Rod, a powerful magic relic left behind by Chariot. I wanna be a cool witch like Shiny Chariot. Archived from the original on May 10, The day of the upcoming witch parade begins with Lotte and Sucy wake up to find envelopes containing details of Akko's improved "Happy Time Project" plan.

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