lacey ellen fletcher photos

Lacey ellen fletcher photos

Lacey Fletcher's emaciated body was discovered partially naked, sitting upright and partly submerged lacey ellen fletcher photos a hole in a couch in her parents' home January 3. Harrowing evidence photos revealed the full excruciating horror of Lacey Fletcher's personal hell before she died on her parents' couch caked in her own excrement in January. The year-old autistic woman had not moved from the sofa in the otherwise neat home of parents Clay and Sheila Fletcher, bargain balloons 64, in the small town of Slaughter, Louisianafor 12 years.

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Lacey ellen fletcher photos

HORROR photos show the feces-covered couch where a year-old's body was found in a case of alleged neglect that could lead to murder charges for her parents. New details have emerged about Lacey Ellen Fletcher's medical condition as the coroner estimated that she sat on the couch for 12 years, eventually becoming fused to it. Cops came across a strong stench when they entered the house. They found Lacey sitting in a hole worn into the couch's upholstery and foam padding. He said that Lacey was partially naked and covered "from head to toe" in urine, feces, and insect bites. It was initially reported that Lacey may have suffered from a rare neurological disorder called Locked-in Syndrome. Bickham later confirmed that Lacey had severe autism and was also diagnosed with social anxiety. The coroner said it appeared that Lacey had not seen a physician in 20 years. She had bed sores that went all the way down to her bone and severe ulcers were found on her underside, Bickham said. Her parents, Sheila and Clay Fletcher, have not been formally charged with a crime , nor have they been arrested. A grand jury will hear the case on May 2 and decide whether the parents should face charges, which could include manslaughter, negligent homicide, or second-degree murder. The second-degree murder charge has a possible penalty of life in prison, according to prosecutors. John Potts, who worked with Lacey's father Clay Fletcher for six years, said he was stunned by the news of Lacey's death. Lacey was home-schooled since high school when she began to experience severe social anxiety, her parents said in an interview with detectives on January

But in Lacey's case it was a posture of a bid to survive. View all.


Dozens of pictures shown as evidence reveal the horrifying state that a year-old autistic woman was in before she died fused in a sofa surrounded by her own excrement. The pictures helped convince the jury to bring second-degree murder charges against her mother and father, Sheila and Clay Fletcher. Lacey, emaciated and caked in feces, appeared buried in a hole in the sofa with cleaning wipes, nasal spray, talcum powder and lotion bottles strewn around her, according to the Daily Mail , which viewed the photos late last week. Lacey was sunken into the sofa up to her shoulders, slumped on her left side with her right arm across her bony body by her neck. She was partially naked and a blue patterned T-shirt over her chest did not cover her breasts. Her body had big red blotches. Her excrement was over most of her body including her hair and even in her ears. Some jurors were gasping in horror. Some were staring in disbelief. A few feet away from the sofa was a low table cluttered with items that suggest the Fletchers had supplies to clean Lacey.

Lacey ellen fletcher photos

On January 3, , year-old Sheila Fletcher called , and reported that she and her husband, Clay Fletcher, had found her year-old daughter Lacey Ellen Fletcher dead on their couch. It was revealed that for at least 12 years, Lacey Fletcher had been neglected by her parents after becoming unable to leave her house due to mental health issues. It was discovered that after this mental decline, Sheila and Clay had left their daughter on their couch to suffer in her own excrement and allowed bugs to eat at her body, failing to attempt to get her medical care. The killing gained significant media coverage due to the gruesome nature of the crime. Sheila and Clay Fletcher were charged with murder for Lacey's death.

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Louis Ste. Comments Share what you think. British grandmother Lindsay Sandiford who has been on death row in Bali for more than 10 years for drug Back to top Home News Royals U. A photo of the two-story home located on Tom Drive in Slaughter where Lacey lived with her parents. From Margot Robbie to the Princess of Wales, we reveal their secrets Elizabeth Hurley, 58, flashes her legs in a thigh-split metallic gown as she joins lookalike son Damian, 21, at the Vanity Fair Oscars party And the award goes to Like us on Facebook at www. The year-old autistic woman had not moved from the sofa in the otherwise neat home of parents Clay and Sheila Fletcher, both 64, in the small town of Slaughter, Louisiana , for 12 years. Revealed: The vet 'fat cats' making millions Why scandal at 'horror movie' funeral home may NOT be an isolated incident: Undertakers' questionable

The parents of an East Feliciana Parish woman who died after sitting fused to a waste-covered couch for 12 years were indicted Monday on second degree murder, accused of killing their daughter through what officials called "acute medical neglect. District Attorney Sam D'Aquilla said a grand jury meeting in Clinton handed up the indictment against Clay and Sheila Fletcher, blaming them for the death of their daughter Lacey Fletcher.

He would not release them for publication, however. Most read in The US Sun. Close-ups show the flesh on her buttocks appears to be literally worn or eaten away from the 12 years that she hadn't moved from the couch. Simon Thomas reveals he 'sunk a litre of vodka every night' to 'numb the pain' following the death of wife My Account. Argentina Buenos Aires. Here's why Experts warn cancer-stricken King 'won't have energy' to intervene Squid Game star, 79, is convicted of sexual harassment after forcefully kissing and groping a theatre colleague GMB's Laura Tobin, 42, is refined in a tailored camel coat and red hat as she wraps up warm for the final day of Cheltenham Festival Could Holly Valance run to be a Reform UK MP at the next election? And to the front, only a few feet away, is a cluttered low black table. An undated photo of Clay, 65 and Sheila, 64, Fletcher standing in front of their Christmas tree.

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