la yukallifullahu nafsan

La yukallifullahu nafsan

La yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha merupakan penggalan dari ayat terakhir surah Al Baqarah. Lafaz tersebut memiliki makna mendalam.

Sahih International Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us.

La yukallifullahu nafsan

Ulama berbeda pendapat mengenai perhitungannya. Menurut Ali As-Shabuni, tanpa khilaf ulama surat ini seluruhnya Madaniyah. Ia termasuk ayat yang awal mula turun. Ia berisi ayat. As-Shabuni, Ia surat pertama yang turun di Madinah. Az-Zuhayli, H. Mengutip laman keislaman NU Online , sebagian ulama mengatakan, surat ini terdiri atas kabar, perintah, dan larangan. Ulama penghitung mengatakan, surat ini terdiri atas ayat, kata, dan huruf. Ibnu Katsir, Dinamai Surat Al-Baqarah untuk mengenang peristiwa penyembelihan sapi yang diperintahkan Allah kepada Bani Israil di zaman Nabi Musa untuk menyingkap pelaku pembunuhan. Pelaku pembunuhan diketahui setelah jenazah dihidupkan kembali melalui pukulan salah satu organ tubuh sapi tersebut.

Dari ayat ini juga dipahami pula bahwa seseorang tidak akan menerima keuntungan atau kerugian disebabkan perbuatan orang lain; mereka tidak akan diazab karena dosa orang lain.

L a yukallifu All a hu nafsan ill a wusAAah a lah a m a kasabat waAAalayh a m a iktasabat rabban a l a tu a khi th n a in naseen a aw akh t an a rabban a wal a ta h mil AAalayn a i s ran kam a h amaltahu AAal a alla th eena min qablin a rabban a wal a tu h ammiln a m a l a ta qata lan a bihi wa o AAfu AAann a wa i ghfir lan a wa i r h amn a anta mawl a n a fa o n s urn a AAal a alqawmi alk a fireen a. Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that good which he has earned, and he is punished for that evil which he has earned. Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us Jews and Christians ; our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness.

Sahih International Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord!

La yukallifullahu nafsan

Allah, the Almighty, is the Supreme Being in Islam, the one and only God who is worshipped by Muslims around the world. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and everything that exists within them. Muslims believe that Allah is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-merciful. He does not burden a person with more than they can bear. This verse holds great significance for Muslims, as it reminds them that Allah is aware of their capabilities and limitations. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and does not impose upon them a burden that they cannot handle. In practical terms, this teaching encourages Muslims to strive and do their best within their means without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.

Dino martin jr

Tafsir Tahlili Lanjutan Doa yang diajarkan kepada kita bukanlah sekadar untuk dibaca dan diulang-ulang lafaznya saja, melainkan maksudnya ialah agar doa itu dibaca dengan tulus ikhlas dengan sepenuh hati dan jiwa, di samping melakukan segala perintah-Nya dan menjauhi larangan-Nya, sesuai dengan kesanggupan hamba itu sendiri. Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope. The rest of the six also recorded similar wording for this Hadith. Engkaulah pelindung kami. Ini Hukumnya. Daftar Isi. Thanks for your support. Hence, this prayer greatly strengthened the hearts of the Muslims. Dari ayat ini juga dipahami pula bahwa seseorang tidak akan menerima keuntungan atau kerugian disebabkan perbuatan orang lain; mereka tidak akan diazab karena dosa orang lain. You will not read a letter of them, but you will be granted its benefit. Simak Video Pilihan Ini:. Ibnu Katsir mengatakan, hal itu merupakan salah satu sifat lemah-lembut Allah SWT kepada makhluk-Nya dan kasih sayang-Nya serta kebaikan-Nya pada mereka.

L a yukallifu All a hu nafsan ill a wusAAah a lah a m a kasabat waAAalayh a m a iktasabat rabban a l a tu a khi th n a in naseen a aw akh t an a rabban a wal a ta h mil AAalayn a i s ran kam a h amaltahu AAal a alla th eena min qablin a rabban a wal a tu h ammiln a m a l a ta qata lan a bihi wa o AAfu AAann a wa i ghfir lan a wa i r h amn a anta mawl a n a fa o n s urn a AAal a alqawmi alk a fireen a. Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.

Wahai Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebani kami dengan beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang sebelum kami. It is impossible, however, that a map should be either rewarded for an act of goodness or punished for an act of evil in which he has had no share — neither by intent nor practical action. May it not happen that the hardships are too much for them to bear, and that their feet falter and are turned away from the path of righteousness,. Imam Jalaluddin as-Suyuthi dalam kitab Al Itqan fi 'Ulumil Qur'an memaparkan sebuah hadits yang menyebut keutamaan membaca ayat terakhir surah Al Baqarah. At the same time, the believer should always pray that God may make it easy for him to follow the path of Truth and righteousness. Our Lord, and do not over-burden us with whatever is beyond our capability. Need more info? Sebab itu orang yang berdoa belumlah dapat dikatakan berdoa, bila ia tidak mengerjakan perbuatan yang harus dikerjakan serta menjauhi larangan yang harus ditinggalkan. Dengan perkataan lain; doa itu menyempurnakan amal yang tidak sanggup dikerjakan dengan sempurna. Maafkanlah kami, yakni hapuslah dosa-dosa kami, ampunilah kami dengan menutupi aib kami dan tidak menghukum kami akibat pelanggaran, dan rahmatilah kami dengan sifat kasih dan rahmat-Mu yang luas, melebihi penghapusan dosa dan penutupan aib.

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