kral torro

Kral torro

March 27, William Cooper Reviews 1 Comment kral torro. Riatevski decided to create his own cigar after being disappointed with many cigars on the market. His goal was to create a cigar that maintained Cuban tradition, but add his own twist on things. In order to accomplish this, he realized he was going to have to find someone who would allow him a part of the actual blending process, kral torro.

Now even after 3 blends with 3 different cigar bands, it has been nothing but pleasurable smoke. I used to only smoke Cuban cigars, now any of the JSK is my safe smoke. Today over America, is being born the new son of liberty. Only mofo I know in the industry to throw one hell of an event! Ristefari was off the chain.

Kral torro

The wrapper is light brown and has quite a bit of toothiness to it and the foot is covered with folded over wrapper leaf. There are a few slightly raised veins present while the seams are easily visible due to the texture of the wrapper. The head is covered with a single cap that is finished with a tightly wound pigtail. The band is the traditional design for the company in black and gold with a red shield. The aroma from the wrapper and covered foot is a distinct hay along with a mild white pepper. The pre-light draw brings a bit of a black tea note along with some wood and a mild spiciness to my lips. The cigar begins with some aged wood and a medium level baking spice. At a quarter inch in, a mild cream joins the profile which smooths the baking spice out a bit. At an inch in, a toasted bread note joins the wood and slight cream as the baking spice is now very faint. The retrohale still has a big dose of the baking spice to go along with some toasted bread and wood. At an inch and a half, the cream increases which pairs well with the toasted bread and wood. The strength in this third was slightly above medium. As the second third begins, the wood is leading the profile with the toasted wood and cream slightly behind and a very faint baking spice still remaining.

Tight, light grey, ash sits atop a thin char line.


March 27, William Cooper Reviews 1 Comment 3. Riatevski decided to create his own cigar after being disappointed with many cigars on the market. His goal was to create a cigar that maintained Cuban tradition, but add his own twist on things. In order to accomplish this, he realized he was going to have to find someone who would allow him a part of the actual blending process. He would eventually hook up with Noel Rojas, known not only for his work at Guayacan Cigars, but as the owner of boutique factory who has produced cigars for companies such as Nomad, Ezra Zion, and United Cigar.

Kral torro

A light brown wrapper with some darker areas down near the foot. Some fine veins are visible criss-crossing the wrapper and the seams are pretty easily seen but smooth. There are three very well applied caps and the foot is covered with excess wrapper that is folded over. The standard JSK band is present, but in this presentation it is white with the gold lettering and artwork.

Romulo melkor mancin

Ash falls after an inch and half. Upon closer examination there is a slight darker marbling effect that can be seen on the surface. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Toward the middle of the first third, a natural tobacco flavor surfaced and joined the mixed fruit notes in the forefront. Recent Posts. Available in: 5x5 Robusto. This blend is equally delicious across each of four total formats. An obvious nod to the CBD flower in name, the Nuggs is also short in both stature and smoke time minutes for this 4. We do not distribute or sell your email contact information to third parties. Passionate, yet chill. The strength in this third bumped up to medium-full. Strength is medium to full half way. The cap has a spiral pig-tail affixed to it while the footer of the cigar is covered. It is still a well balanced blend of flavor and strength.

March 5, William Cooper Reviews 1 Comment 3. The company was founded by cigar enthusiast, Riste Riatevski.

Preparation for the Cigar Experience. This was a true exploration of the power of a wrapper leaf, and demonstrated well the beauty of the core blend, in that it created two such distinct yet equally rewarding blends. Overall, the Jas Sum Kral Zlatno Sonce is a magnificent cigar that offered a complex flavor profile delivered through creamy and full strength smoke. Sweetness develops. The remainder of the band contains mostly gold and black adornments. The intensity continued to build up in the second half, but the cigar remained in the medium to full range. Aroma shifts to more of a spicy cocoa. By the second third of the Jas Sum Kral Red Knight, I found the wood notes re-joined the natural tobacco in the forefront. Burn The burn was a bit wavy at times but never needed any attention. As for construction, the cigar has a pigtail cap and closed foot combo and is very veiny yet smooth to the touch.

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