kings indian defense

Kings indian defense

The King's Indian Defense is a hypermodern aggressive opening for Black as a response for 1. Following hypermodern principles, Black allows White to build a strong pawn center to later counter-attack it. A sharp opening, the King's Indian is not kings indian defense the best choice for beginners.

Black gives up central control and allows White to expand control while Black develops minor pieces. Nf6 is a great move to play against the common d4, and the reason is that this usually allows Black to be more active in the opening. This is also one of the most solid defenses where Black builds a strong defense around his King and chooses to counter-attack according to the best opportunity at hand. Black usually strikes back after White has gained space and central control and has overexerted the White pawns. The most common options for White on the third move are — 3. Nc3, 3.

Kings indian defense

The King's Indian Defence is a hypermodern chess opening. It appears on the board after the following moves:. And as a result, Black trades his central control for a solid defensive position that is hard to break up. In this variation, White advances the d-pawn in order to stop Black from developing the Knight to the c6 square. Black wants to stop this Queenside advance from White and break through on the Kingside. He will try to castle queenside in order to attack on the kingside by advancing his pawns. Black almost always castles Kingside and wants to undermine White centre. This variation remains a popular variation in today's top events. With the move 5. On the other hand, Black has better development. If Black can open the position, White may find himself overextended.

Be3 Nc6 7.

Black assures himself of being able to castle early and prepares to put the dark bishop on the long diagonal. White castles early, and when black attempts to strike back on the center with pressure against the d-pawn, white pushes forward with d5 to claim a permanent space advantage. With the center locked up, play often shifts to the flanks. If white wants to avoid the double-edged scenario described above, then white may choose to pass on the opportunity to close the center and grab more space. This line The Exchange Variation is one such option which can pick. At first it looks like white is winning a pawn, but this is an illusion.

The 17th edition of the Indian Premier League is almost here and fans are boarding the hype train as we get closer to the new season. And yes, MS Dhoni is back for another season, leading the Chennai Super Kings after having confirmed last year that his comeback would be a return gift to the fans who have backed him over the years. While there have been plenty of changes across most other teams, the Super Kings are once again relying on their consistent core as they bid to become the most successful IPL team. Leading their title defence is the year-old Dhoni, who seems to have overcome his knee injury issue after having undergone surgery last year. The World Cup-winning former India captain seems to have gone back to his vintage long hair , sparking speculation about whether IPL would be his last in the T20 league. Well, there's a mega auction in and only MS Dhoni would know more about his future.

Kings indian defense

The King's Indian Defense is a hypermodern aggressive opening for Black as a response for 1. Following hypermodern principles, Black allows White to build a strong pawn center to later counter-attack it. A sharp opening, the King's Indian is not be the best choice for beginners. However, a number of strong grandmasters like Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov consistently employed this opening when fighting for a win with the black pieces. The King's Indian Defense arises after the moves 1. Like in other hypermodern openings, Black doesn't try to control the center with pawns. Instead, the idea is to let White build a strong pawn center and then counter-attack it using pieces and pawns. The King's Indian leads to unbalanced positions where Black tries to fight for an advantage instead of equality. For this reason, it's also a risky opening which usually leads to White having an edge when playing accurately. However, it's also more difficult for White to play for a draw, which tends to lead to more decisive games.

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This variation can transpose into the Modern Benoni if the following moves are played:. The starting position of the King's Indian Defense. Nf3 Nxf3 By playing this move, he wants to prevent the b2-b4 break and put pressure on the e4-pawn by moving the the Knight onto c5. However, a number of strong grandmasters like Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov consistently employed this opening when fighting for a win with the black pieces. For this reason, it's also a risky opening which usually leads to White having an edge when playing accurately. Rae1 Bf5 Download as PDF Printable version. The advance can be crucial. You now know what the King's Indian Defense is, how to reach it, its main ideas, and how to play against it. The King's Indian leads to unbalanced positions where Black tries to fight for an advantage instead of equality. Ne4 Qa6

The main idea for black is to let white gain initial space in the center while black develops minor pieces to attack the center later. Traditionally, any opening where black starts with 1…Nf6 is considered a variation of the Indian Openings.

If Black responds to this by playing c5 on the 6th move, it leads to the main variation, while if Black plays Na6, it leads to the Modern Variation. Qh6 Nh5 White wants to stop this plan. However, the current theory states that White's immense pawn center is slightly flimsy and can be a liability. If you study the main line of the King's Indian for White, you're likely to enjoy considerable success against it. Bh6 Rd8 Further Black plans to gain central control by playing e5. Nxf4 Rxf4 If White resolves the central pawn tension with d5, then Black follows with either The black plan is pretty transparent — black has spent their past two moves preparing to play …b5! The Classical Variation further branches out into the following variations:. With 5. Four Pawns Attack. One continuation is 5… 6.

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