ken barlows wife

Ken barlows wife

We have more newsletters. Of all the Coronation Street characters Ken Barlow has arguably had the most chequered love life. He married Valerie Tatlock inwho was killed by an electric shock at home, ken barlows wife, Janet Reid in and Deirdre Hunt in and again in

He was created by Tony Warren as one of Coronation Street ' s original characters and December marked Ken's 60th anniversary onscreen. He debuted in the soap's first episode on 9 December Roache stated in that he had no plans to leave the role and would remain in Coronation Street for as long as the producers would have him. Ken Barlow was introduced as the educated son of a working-class family. In being portrayed as both arrogant, moralistic and a political activist, he differed from the other characters in the soap opera, predominantly working class like himself. The character developed a reputation as a ladies' man; plots saw Ken using underhanded tactics to boost his prospects in an election, dating numerous women, marrying four times to three women Valerie Tatlock in , Janet Reid in , Deirdre Hunt in and again in , fathering four children with three women Lawrence Cunningham in from Ken's affair with Susan Cunningham — though he never knew about Lawrence until — twins Susan Barlow and Peter Barlow in from Ken's marriage to Valerie Tatlock, and in Daniel Osbourne from Ken's affair with Denise Osbourne , as well as later adopting Deirdre's daughter Tracy Barlow.

Ken barlows wife

Kenneth "Ken" Barlow is Coronation Street 's longest-standing resident. Born there in , throughout most of his time on the cobbles he has lived at No. Ken was the eldest son of postman Frank and kitchen cleaner Ida. In his youth, he aspired to escape his working class roots. He was the first street resident to attend university , graduating with a degree in History and English, and began his professional life as an English teacher at Bessie Street School , deciding to remain at his father's side in Weatherfield after Ida's death in a road accident in In , he married hairdresser Valerie Tatlock and the pair went on to have twin children, Susan and Peter. When Val was electrocuted while using a faulty electrical outlet, Ken sent the twins to live with her parents in Glasgow as he couldn't cope, intending to send for them when he remarried. He finally did so in , but his second wife Janet wasn't interested in being a mother and left Ken for not being ambitious enough, later committing suicide in The s saw Ken leave teaching and try other jobs, including executive at the Mark Brittain Warehouse , taxi driver, and Community Development Officer. In , he moved in with Val's uncle Albert Tatlock , remaining in the street to care for the ageing pensioner.

Val told Ken she would leave him if he ever smoked again. Ken is an educated man but he has not made as a great a success of his life as he hoped, which is ken barlows wife source of constant frustration for him.

From the age of 11 she attended Penrhos College , a boarding school in North Wales , when her father was posted abroad as a foreign correspondent for The Daily Telegraph : she visited her parents occasionally in India , Tehran and Beirut in the school holidays. Her character was very popular with the show's fans; as such, Valerie's marriage to Ken Barlow can be seen as an early example of a soap supercouple. Valerie was the mother of the twins Susan and Peter. Reid joined the cast, initially for two months, starting in August and leaving in October. She returned to the programme to marry Ken on 1 August , in a wedding watched by In , Val and Ken had twins, and Granada Television received numerous congratulation gifts addressed to the couple.

Kenneth "Ken" Barlow is Coronation Street 's longest-standing resident. Born there in , throughout most of his time on the cobbles he has lived at No. Ken was the eldest son of postman Frank and kitchen cleaner Ida. In his youth, he aspired to escape his working class roots. He was the first street resident to attend university , graduating with a degree in History and English, and began his professional life as an English teacher at Bessie Street School , deciding to remain at his father's side in Weatherfield after Ida's death in a road accident in In , he married hairdresser Valerie Tatlock and the pair went on to have twin children, Susan and Peter. When Val was electrocuted while using a faulty electrical outlet, Ken sent the twins to live with her parents in Glasgow as he couldn't cope, intending to send for them when he remarried. He finally did so in , but his second wife Janet wasn't interested in being a mother and left Ken for not being ambitious enough, later committing suicide in The s saw Ken leave teaching and try other jobs, including executive at the Mark Brittain Warehouse , taxi driver, and Community Development Officer.

Ken barlows wife

Valerie moved to Coronation Street in to live with her uncle Albert Tatlock when her parents moved to Glasgow. It was then that she started dating Ken and, despite their different educational backgrounds and outlooks on life, they fell in love and got married in Peter and Susan were born three years later. Valerie was a trained hairdresser and before the twins were born, she ran a salon in No. She gave up work to be a full-time mother and housewife, but once the twins were a little older, took jobs at the Corner Shop and Alan Howard 's salon , where she was head hairdresser. Her marriage to Ken was mostly close and loving, but whenever Ken was caught up in his intellectual interests, he would often ignore Val and the children. In , the Barlows decided to emigrate to Jamaica as Ken had accepted a teaching job there. On the night before they left, Valerie died from an electric shock when using a faulty electrical outlet in her home. By her late teens, she was a qualified hairdresser and running her own salon called Maison Valerie , stumping up half of the money to set it up herself with her father loaning her the rest. Ken and Valerie marry,

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Valerie tried to support Ken as he lost out on the promotion, but it wasn't enough for Ken, who thought she didn't understand him. After moving in, they were introduced to Charles Moore , the chairman of the residents' committee, and Ken also discovered his old friend Norris living at Stillwaters. Present; regular. But the former teacher and newspaper editor strayed again in with Martha Fraser played by Stephanie Beacham, who lived on a canal barge. Ken and Danny argued about the situation at Mike's funeral. He recalls some discussion of re-introducing her to the series in ; however, this did not come to fruition. Ken nearly left Valerie for Jackie until he realized what a good thing he had in a wife who was willing to assume all the domestic responsibilities and wait on him hand and foot. Being married to the Barlow brothers gave them a sort of kinship, even though they weren't very alike. Denise doesn't mean to cause so much pain. For the New Zealand skier, see Anne Reid skier. Her parents, Alfred and Edith Tatlock , did not visit Weatherfield often even though Alfred used to live there with his brother Albert.

At the time, he had no idea how much his life would change after that moment. His mother told him later.

When neighbour Elsie Tanner saw Ken and Jackie kiss, Ken didn't stop her from telling Valerie, deciding he was serious about Jackie, but when they arranged a trip together with Ken telling Valerie he was going to a conference, Ken started having doubts about committing to a less stable relationship and decided to finish with Jackie. He went to night school classes to study before starting at the new job. Denise was reintroduced for several months in , over a decade after she had last appeared. The couple's first marriage eventually disintegrated in the early s, this time when Ken had an affair with colleague Wendy Crozier, a dalliance which ended in divorce for the Barlows. Further, Ken enjoyed meeting his old student and teaching friends for dinner, but Valerie didn't enjoy it as she was always excluded from conversations as they talked about things she didn't know anything about. Ken and Val's planned exit was to involve them immigrating to Australia. This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. And once again, they find themselves competing for the same woman when Alma Sedgewick is dumped by Mike for Jackie Ingram and starts a relationship with Ken. Soon afterwards he met up with the now single Rita who was on the rebound from Len Fairclough and they spent the night together. It was very old-fashioned in many ways, but he could never see it that way and it was often left to the women he had relationships with to remind him of that trait in his character.

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