Kamen rider decade girl

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Rina Akiyama 6,0 2 oceny gry aktorskiej. Dane personalne: wiek: data urodzenia: 26 września miejsce urodzenia: Tokio, Japonia wzrost: cm. Kamen Rider Den'ō. Master of Thunder. Kamen Rider Decade.

Kamen rider decade girl

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These characters exist amongst various iterations of reality within the series referred to as an A. The various backdrops located in the studio allow it to transport its occupants to a multitude of parallel worlds. Its interior and exterior automatically transform to blend into the surroundings when moving across dimensions. But the fact that Tsukasa's photo never develop well hint him to be from another world while unaware of the effect as prelude of a convergence of the alternate dimensions known as A. Worlds that threaten the main universe. But Tsukasa soon understands what Narutaki meant upon learning that he was originally the Great Leader of the Dai-Shocker organization which sought to take all dimensions and that his true mission is to destroy the other A.

Kamen rider decade girl

After acquiring the NeoDecadriver, the capabilities of this form improved exponentially in all categories. GeizRevive or without; overpower a similarly enhanced Kamen Rider Diend. Even when half of its power at its disposal, this form proved to be fully capable of competing against Zi-O Riders and Another Riders alike. Kamen Rider Decade consists of the following parts: [4] [3]. This includes the Blast , Slash , Illusion and Invisible cards. When a Decade Final AttackRide is activated, the Decadriver reproduces Decade's Final AttackRide card as human scaled holographic constructs which acts as portals through which Decade's attacks travel along. These portals track their targets at high-speed and with incredible accuracy, adjusting to their evasive movements by reshuffling and stacking upon each other like a wave. These holographic cards can also stun the certain targets caught between them. Kamen Rider Decade's ending theme is " Ride the Wind ". Kamen Rider Evol.

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Decade , as its title suggests, is the tenth of the Heisei Rider special anniversary Series, having begun with Kamen Rider Kuuga , it was also the final installment of the Heisei era's first phase. Kamen Rider Zi-O , the last Heisei era series of , acts as a spiritual sequel, where both Decade and Diend play prominent roles as re-occurring side characters who are directly involved in that series plotline.

Nadchodzące 0. Ten przedmiot został dodany do twoich ulubionych. She is finding herself getting used in more and more of my projects just for how well she poses and catches the light nicely. Szukaj na tej stronie. Szczegóły produktu Pochodzenie. Recenzje klientów, w tym oceny produktu w postaci gwiazdek, pomagają klientom dowiedzieć się więcej o produkcie i zdecydować, czy jest dla nich odpowiedni. Dowiedz się więcej o naszych zasadach dotyczących zwrotów. Survivors: Survivors , Nick. Po premierze Opis Dyskusje 0 Komentarze 4 Lista zmian. Zobacz pełną filmografię. Wstępny podział płatności. Możesz być pierwszy!

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