kaieteur news

Kaieteur news

The decision by Kaieteur News to publish this letter reflects kaieteur news shocking lack of editorial oversight and a blatant disregard for the principles of responsible journalism. This act is also dangerous, fueling misinformation and potentially inciting unwarranted public alarm and international condemnation, kaieteur news.

Mar 15, 0. Mar 14, 0. Mar 13, 0. Mar 12, 0. Mar 16, 0.

Kaieteur news


De Stairway to Success Full ah Traps. Furthermore, the newspaper must commit to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity, ensuring that all content published is thoroughly vetted for accuracy and fairness. Mar 16, kaieteur news, 0.


It was stated that during the wee hours of Tuesday, the taxi driver had just dropped off a passenger at the West Vybz Bar, which is located at Tuschen. While there, he was approached by the two suspects who asked if he was workingtaxiandhetoldthem yes. According to the police, thesuspectsrequestedthatthe taxi driver take them to the Demerara Harbour Bridge. However, upon reaching the. According to the victim, when he arrived at Nismes Village, one of the suspects exited the vehicle and the otherchokedhimfrombehind and dealt him several cuffs to hisfaceandhead. It was also stated that the suspects then relieved him of his cellular phones and cash beforeescapinginhisvehicle. Kaieteur News had reported that at least two cars are stolen every month in Guyana. Earlier in the year, members of the GPF were able to put a major dent into a carjacking ring after seven stolen cars were found completely dismantled in b u s h e s a l o n g t h e. In fact, it is well over two years since the Ali government has been in office and the public is none the wiser about the oil giant's true performance on hiring and training locals as well as the use of indigenous products and services for the periodto

Kaieteur news

GRA which functions as the government's advisor on these matters, gave its noobjection. The tax authority subsequently issued a notice to the Ministry of Natural ResourcesonAugust8, instructing that the audit be closed and Exxon be informed of the final disputed sums. The ministry disclosed thatthiswasanunauthorized movebyGossaiwhoissetto face disciplinary action. In theinterim,Fordehasissued a r e q u e s t t o t h e C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Information for Gossai's employment contract.

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Mar 07, 0. The Government of Guyana remains committed to upholding the highest standards of governance and international compliance, and it is disingenuous to suggest otherwise. Public servants are still de best! It is deeply concerning that the editor of Kaieteur News chose to publish a letter riddled with inaccuracies and devoid of any semblance of factual integrity. Words are getting in de way! Wake tun up nowadays! Drilling company used by Exxon will fight to defend disputed costs in In light of these circumstances, it is imperative that Kaieteur News take immediate steps to rectify this grave error. Freedom of speech is our core value at Kaieteur News. Mystery monies…Govt. De Stairway to Success Full ah Traps. ExxonMobil makes another oil discovery but keeps Mar 14, 0. Mar 13, 0.

Feb 26, Editorial. It should have been a day of great national pride.

As explained previously by the GPL publicly, the procurement of Heavy Fuel Oil HFO by GPL has been conducted through a transparent process of national competitive bidding, adhering to all international standards and regulations. Jagdeo deliberately misleading on forest giveaway. Nailing the lies of Indian right-wing. Sand Mining applications. First and foremost, the insinuation that GPL has engaged in illegal activities by purchasing oil from a sanctioned state is categorically false and baseless. Because we care. Dec 28, Comments Off on Mystery monies…Govt. The introduction new crops will help Guyana to Billboards and Bharrat. Wake tun up nowadays! Mar 14, 0.

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